Saturday, December 11, 2010

Until I come Give Attention

As a young man, Timothy needed guidance and instruction. This was a work that Paul gave two letters to Timothy that we have record. He as we might say took Timothy under his wing. In his first letter, he gives Timothy some pointers and instructions on what he really needs to focus upon.

When we look at these simple instructions for us today, we need to take the same notes. We need knowledge. Growing up I have had two different trades in life. I took Heating and Air Conditioning in high school and Business in college. When I began these courses did I know how to do everything? Of course not! It was important for me to give attention to reading and studying for me to know these things. The more I knew the better grasp I had on such trades.

The Bible is no different on this matter! How many of us know the Bible inside out? Paul could not stress the importance of reading and giving attention to doctrine. Not one of us knows the Bible entirely. We need to constantly give attention to reading and doctrine on a consistent basis. Meditate on the word of God. The young and the old both need to give attention. There is no required age group to start or end of giving attention to our Bibles. It is all of our responsibility to give the attention that is needed.

Let the words of God be our guide through life (Psalms 119:97-105). The Word of God is wiser than what any man has. It is a lamp and constant guide in life. The words that God gives to us are the sweetest words that can touch our lives. It gives instructions on how we can reach heaven. Is that everyone’s eternal goal in life is to have an everlasting home with God? If we answer yes then it is of the utmost importance to follow God and give our attention to the things that God has explained through His Word (The Bible).

Our Bible needs to be open. We need to be like those of Berea (Acts 17:11). We need to open our Bibles and find the answers. As individuals, we should never rely on someone else. The answers are for us to find. It is okay to have that extra push or guidance to help in the situations. However, we need to open our Bibles to know God’s truth on the matter. Seek the answers for ourselves in all matters. God’s word is complete and needs to be our focus (II Timothy 3:16-17). Wherever we may be, we need our Bibles open to shed truth on the matter.

This was the instruction and stressing factor Paul was trying to give to Timothy. Give your constant attention to God’s Word. We cannot stress how important it is to give attention to doctrine and teaching. In fact, Jesus has said that His way is the only way that leads to life (John 14:1-6). It is imperative to know the way that leads to eternal life. Our soul is on the line and the question we need to ask is “Do we care where our eternal home is?”

If we answer yes to this question then we will do whatever it takes to obey God and his way of life. The answers are clear and evident for us to follow. They are neither impossible nor burdensome (I John 5:3). We can follow God but we need to have an open Bible and an open understanding and willingness to follow.

It needs to be stressed of how important it is to have a willing attitude to give attention to God. If we are not willing to open our Bible and give attention to God through His inspired word, then how will we know God? How will we know the way of life that Christ ahs laid out for us? What is the purpose in life then? If we neglect and decide not to be willing in giving attention, we will be like those tossed in the wind (Eph. 4:14). We will go with whatever we want.

This is a problem that we face today. The problem is that we, instead of opening our Bible like we should and what it is intended for use it as a prop or an heirloom. We neglect and let our Bible continually collect dust and thus, we do not know the way of life. We do not have our Bible open and not giving attention to the teaching and reading that is required of us.

Our duty in life is to fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). How will we know God and His commandments if we do not study and give attention to His doctrine through reading? The importance of reading and studying are not stressed enough. The more we know the better off we will be. We will be better servants of God. We will be better lights in the world (Matthew 5:14-16). We will be better prepared for eternal life. Are we giving attention?

In doing so those that are willing to hear you will also know the way of life (I Timothy 4:16)!

Daniel Sanders

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