Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Discipline Matthew 18:15-17

If a brother is sinning this is how to help correct the issue. Jesus points out first of all that if it is one that is in sin. How is it we recognize sin? We go to the Bible for the answers of this life (II Timothy 3:16-17). Sin is transgression of the law of God!

There are certain guidelines to handle this issue. First of all try to handle it one on one! Try to show love and care by trying to help correct the one in sin.

If this doesn't work get witnesses involved. If you get witnesses involved they will try to help and correct the issue. Again showing this time that more are showing love and care for the one in sin. We are to be helping one another get to heaven.

If this doesn't work then the whole congregation must be involved. Now when we mean the whole congregation it means everyone must know. It isn't just a small portion of a congregation it is the whole congregation. We cannot be selective and decide we do not need to do that. If one will still not correct the sin in their life then we must withdraw from them. They have an unwilling attitude to correct their own life.

We done the best we can in trying. This can be a very touchy situation to handle when a congregation does not have elders. Mainly because sometimes this could affect their own families. However this is a work that cannot be overlooked and must be done! It will make the church stronger because we are to be working toward heaven (Philippians 3:12-16). It is a place for those who do not practice sin (Rev. 21:27).

Again we must do this properly! We cannot decide that if a witness or two cannot help that is it. We must follow through the way the Bible instructs! We must follow through with this in every way. It is the way God intends and wants us to work. It is hard to do but it must be done!
