Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Trust and Being Trusted Psalms 40:4

A. As a child growing up we place our trust in our older family members and teachers
a. So many times now days I see a lack of trust being shown
b. It is harder today to show and place that trust
i. You read and see it everywhere on in the media about this problem
1. It is even harder today to trust our leaders today
2. They have proven themselves that they cannot be trusted
B. A strong amount of trust is needed today
a. This is especially needed in our life with God
i. We in fact need God
1. Paul spoke about this (Philippians 4:19)
a. God can and will supply our need in life
C. The question is where do we place trust?
a. Are we willing to place our trust in God?
D. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter
I. Can we trust God?
A. God has promised many things and has always delivered out His promises he makes
a. In fact God isn’t slack when He makes a promise (II Peter 3:9)
i. We need to trust that when God makes a promise He keeps it
ii. Look at the examples:
1. Look at the Old Testament
a. Especially the conquest of Canaan
b. God delivered out on His promises
c. When one disobeyed He took control
B. We need to trust God and His Son (Hebrews 11:6)
a. Can we trust that Jesus is the Son of God?
b. Can we trust that He will reward?
i. Do we trust that we can have an eternal home?
c. We can be blessed (Psalms 84:11-12)
C. God has said that He will take vengeance (Romans 12:19)
a. However if we trust one we must trust the other
b. God will take vengeance on those who are not willing to obey God
i. If God can offer an eternal reward, God can offer eternal punishment
D. This trust is also called faith
a. If we trust God then we can and will follow by faith (Hebrews 10:38)
b. It is built through and by the word of God (Romans 10:17)
E. Look at the examples of faith (Hebrews 11):
a. Abel
b. Enoch
c. Noah
d. Abraham
e. Sarah
f. Moses
F. Just like these examples of faith in God we must trust God that he will provide and take care of us
II. Can God Trust Us?
A. We need trust God and His will
a. However, can God trust us?
B. Can God trust us enough to seek and follow Him (Acts 17:27)?
a. Do we want God?
b. If we trust God we need to give our trust back to God for that everlasting home
i. We need to seek God first and His kingdom (Matthew 6:33)
C. We will be giving account for ourselves (Romans 14:12)
a. Can God trust us enough that we will understand the importance of our account given for ourselves?
i. It is our soul that is in jeopardy (Mark 8:37)
ii. Is there anything that we will do or want to give in exchange for our soul?
1. If there is doesn’t that show a lack of trust on our behalf?
b. There are two paths that are available (Matthew 7:13-14)
i. A way of untrustworthiness
ii. Or a way of proving we can be trusted
1. Which is our path
D. Can God trust that we will prove our faith in Him?
a. Will we follow His ways?
i. Do we trust in His word as our guide (Psalms 119:97-105)
1. It is a lamp for truth in the dangers of sin and darkness
2. It gives more understanding that all the knowledge of man
3. It needs to be our understanding at all times
4. Can we be trusted to make these things possible?
E. We need to be trusted enough to be counted as worthy
a. It is an eternal home in the end that is on the line (Rev. 21:22-27)
b. Can we be trusted enough to have this as our everlasting home
A. Trust is a very big issue
a. It is something that we need and must also place in ourselves
B. We need to trust God that He is:
a. Our Rewarder
b. Our Creator
c. Our Father
d. Our Provider
C. We must also be counted as being trustworthy
a. It is our soul that is on the line
i. We will give account for actions
b. The question is can we be found trustworthy in God for the everlasting home
D. We want to help you and the time is now
a. Do you trust God?
b. Can God Trust you?
i. The only way is obeying His ways
ii. Invitation

Can I Be Lost? Hebrews 10:38

A. Can a Christian be lost?
1. Can a Christian do anything in this life for which they will face condemnation in Hell for all eternity?
B. Depending on whom you might ask, the answer to, “Can I Be Lost?” will change dramatically.
1. You may hear “Yes”; you may hear “No”; you may hear everything in between.
C. This is one of those questions that is far too important to be left unanswered.
1. It is also far too important to be left to guessing or “I think so…” reasoning.
D. Let’s consider the same evidence that Paul shared in answer to this same question.
1. Paul introduces the fact that disqualification is possible in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
2. From that context he continues to build his case by using the example of the Israelites and the Land (1 Corinthians 10:1-12)

I. The Israelites Were Accepted: (1 Corinthians 10:1-4)
A. We need to know that Israel was acceptable to God and they were in a relationship designed by God for them.
1. He was their God; they were His people:
a. When He sent Moses to free them (Exodus 3:7)
b. When He sent plagues on Egypt (Exodus 10:3)
c. When they came out of Egypt (Exodus 20:1-2)
2. God brought them into a relationship with Him through Moses.
a. As they passed through the sea with water on both sides and the cloud over them Paul says that they were baptized into Moses.
i. They were put into a relationship with God through Moses
ii. They we given an identity and a law (Exodus 20:1-17).
B. The Israelites were provided with equal opportunity to faithfully serve God.
1. God had a common care for all of them:
a. They ate the same spiritual food—manna (Exodus 16)
b. They drank the same spiritual drink—water supplied by God in the wilderness (Exodus 17:1-7)
i. God made no distinction was made between the faithful and the unfaithful as they wandered.

II. Many, However, Did Not Enter The Promised Land: (1 Corinthians 10:5-10).
A. The promise land was theirs to have, if they would do God’s will (Deuteronomy 6:1-3).
1. He would be their God and they would be acceptable to Him as long as they continued to do His will (Psalm 95:1-7)
2. But they did not continue to do God’s will (Psalm 95: 8-11).
a. They turned their hearts aside to desire evil; They broke God’s commands:
i. They went after idols
ii. They committed sexual immorality
iii. They murmured and complained.
B. Because of their actions many were not allowed to enter the land.
1. Ones from among those who were made acceptable to God were disqualified, became lost, and were not acceptable to God.

III. These Are To Be Lessons For Us Today (1 Corinthians 10:6, 11-12)
A. Did you notice some similarities as we traveled with the Israelites?
1. They were brought out of the bondage of Egypt; we have been brought out of the world and the bondage of sin (Romans 6:16-18)
2. They were baptized into Moses; we were baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3-4)
3. They were given God’s will to follow; we are also given His will for our lives (Hebrews 1:1-2; 2 Peter 1:3).
4. They were wandering, waiting for the time when they would enter the land of promise; we are also waiting for a time when we will enter or promised place (John 14:1-6)
5. They were expected to continue doing God’s will in order to enter; so are we (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
6. Many did not enter the Land; that could happen to you and me
a. We must maintain our faithful service always (Hebrews 10:35-39; 1 Peter 1:6-9).
A. If you are a Christian, have you entered a relationship that can lead you to eternal salvation—everlasting life in the glories of Heaven (Matthew 25:34)?
1. You responsibility in the matter is clear: You are expected to serve faithfully all the days of your life (Revelation 2:10).
B. You can be lost if you turn back to sin (Hebrews 10:38).
C. God has promised and provided, we need to pursue.
1. We need individual effort—and help—to reach our goal.
2. I will help you and you will help me.
D. If you are not a Christian, you need to be.
1. Yes, it is true, some who become Christians will not stay faithful and will not make it to Heaven.
2. However, only those who do become Christians will have an opportunity to be accepted (Matthew 7:21)
a. Will you join us, and help us today?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The UN-Prodigal Son

The Un-Prodigal Son
Luke 15:25-32


A. In Luke 15:11-32 we read about a man who had two sons.

1. We are first introduced to the youngest son and we are told that he wasted his inheritance on “prodigal”—wild, frivolous—living.

B. I have heard many lessons about this “prodigal son”.

1. In fact I am sure that I have used the record of this prodigal son in many of my own sermons.

C. I may be wrong. But, I do not recall ever hearing a sermon about the other son.

1. So this morning we are going to consider together the un-prodigal son or the other son.

D. Let’s open our Bibles this morning and see what we can learn from the un-prodigal son.

I. He Was UN-Willing To Rejoice! (v.25-28)

A. The first thing we learn about this other son is that he became angry at his brother’s return and would not rejoice with the others.

1. The family and the servants were rejoicing with the father over the return of his youngest son.

a. But the older son was unwilling to rejoice.

B. Does this attitude ever present itself today?

1. Have you or I ever exhibited this attitude toward a brother of sister in the Lord?

a. Have you ever been like this older son—envious of another and therefore unwilling to rejoice with them?

2. The scriptures describe envy as…

a. A work of darkness (Romans 13:12-14)
b. Carnality (1 Corinthians 3:1-3)
c. Foolishness (Titus 3:3; James 3:13-18)

3. Can you imagine going to brother or sister in the Lord with good news of their return from sin back to the pathway of duty and they resent that something good happened to you?

a. It is not supposed to be that way is it?

C. We should love one another.

1. Brotherly love is described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

a. Verse 4, “…love does not envy…”

2. Rejoice with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15).

a. When a brother or sister succeeds we succeed.

b. The other side applies as well. We weep with those who weep.

II. He Was UN-Satisfied! (v. 29).

A. As we examine the text further we soon find out that there were more problems.

1. This older son lived as part of his father’s household.

a. A place where he had all that he could ever need. In fact in verse 31 the father openly declares that all that is his was at this son’s disposal.

2. He was not satisfied with what the father had provided him he wanted more.

a. In this particular place he said that his father had never given him a young goat to eat with his friends.

B. Does this attitude ever present itself today?

1. How many today are not satisfied with God’s has given?

a. Are there not those who are constantly seeking something new, something different, something more?

2. Paul warned Timothy to be watchful of this attitude (2 Timothy 4:2-5)

C. Our Father has provided us with…

1. His Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16)

a. Through whom we have salvation (Colossians 1:12-18)

i. There is no other hope (Acts 4:12)
ii. There is no other way (John 14:6)
2. His word (Hebrew 1:1-2)

a. His word is a good and perfect gift (James 1:17-20)
b. His word can bring us to our completion (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

3. His constant care (1 Peter 5:7)

III. He Was UN-Forgiving! (v.30)

A. He was unforgiving of his brother’s transgressions.

1. How do we know this?

a. If he had forgiven his brother he would not have spoken of the things his brother had done.

B. Are we ever unforgiving?

1. We can go about it in two ways.

a. We can outright refuse to forgive one who asks for forgiveness.
b. Or we can harbor the wrongdoings to be used against the individual later.

i. Either way there is no forgiveness.

C. How important is forgiveness?

1. Perhaps I should ask this question, “Who here needs to be forgiven?” (Every one of us Romans 6:23).

a. Our willingness to forgive is a hinge on our own sins being forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15; Matthew 18:34-35).

i. We jeopardize our own forgiveness when we are unwilling to forgive and we actual commit a sin by refusing to their request (Luke 17:3-4)

D. When forgiveness is given God has declared that our sins He “will remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17). We must strive to put the “forgiven” sins, of others and our self, behind us.


A. We learn three things not to do from the UN-prodigal son.
1. Do not be unwilling but rather have an attitude of. “My brother’s success is my success”
2. Do not be unsatisfied but rather search and know the blessing of God
3. Do not be unforgiving but rather forgiving and loving.

B. He is only in seven verses but we can learn from his mistakes and do better
C. Are you willing to become a Christian, no longer satisfied with the world, do you desire the forgiveness of your sins? Let us help you today.

Attitudes that Hinder Obedience

Attitudes That Hinder Obedience
—Matthew 1:18-22


A. If you have lived very long in the life you have likely heard an excuse or two.

1. You may have made excuses yourself.

B. People tend to get an attitude of excuse when …

1. They are scared to face something.

2. When they do not know something.

3. When they just don’t want to change

4. Or when they just don’t like what you are offering.

C. One time in particular, when excuses come up, is when we try to talk about the Bible with my friends and co-workers.

1. It seems like there are as many excuses as there are people.

a. Many are very uncomfortable with the subject of God and religion.

i. When speaking to another about religion, “An uncomfortable ear is always attached to an uncertain heart.”

D. This evening we need to take a few minutes to consider some excuses that I have encountered so that all of us may be better prepared to deal with them ourselves.

1. Let’s open our Bibles and study these points.

I. The—“I’m Okay: Just The Way I Am.” Attitude.

A. There are many who think they are okay.

1. Somehow they have twisted their thinking to believe God should accept them just the way they are.

a. Even though they totally disregard His will in their lives.

2. They are wrong in thinking they are okay: Jesus clearly stated you are either for God or against God (Matthew 12:30)

B. We need to share some very basic principals with an individual with this attitude.

1. Namely, the reality of sin.

a. First, sin is real (James 1:13-15)

i. God has delivered His will to man since the creation.
a) The garden law (Genesis 2:16-17)
b) The Law of Moses or the Old Law (Hebrews 1:1)
c) New Law through Christ (Hebrews 1:2).

ii. God holds all men everywhere accountable to the New Law.

a) Acts 17:30-31 “Now commands all men everywhere to repent.”

i. “He will judge the (whole) world in righteousness”

b) John 12:48 “My word will judge them.

i. 2 Corinthians 5:10 “We must all appear before the judgment seat”

b. Because God has given us a law we are accountable when we break that law (sin).

2. Second, all have sinned (Romans 3:23).

a. That means that I have sinned and you have sinned.

b. If we take this to the next step we have died spiritually.

3. Because we have sinned we have died spiritually (James 1:14-15)

a. When we desire to do wrong and do it we sin.

b. Sin brings forth death.(spiritual death)

i. Romans 6:23a “The wages of sin is death” (spiritual death)

C. Then we need to share with them the fact that there is hope..

1. The hope we share is in Jesus Christ.

a. Romans 5:8 “While we were still sinners Christ died for us”:

b. John 3:16 “Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

I. Of course we know that “believe” means full belief and obedience.

II. The “I Am Unacceptable” Attitude

A. What a sad place to be.

1. Thinking, “I could not be accepted by God.”

2. Although, they are right to a certain extent.

a. God will not accept them in their current state.

i. Our sins have separated us from God (Isaiah 59:2; Romans 3:23)

ii. They have made us unacceptable to Him (Revelation 21:27)

3. We cannot expect God accept us with the baggage of sins that we carry.

B. The hope is in the fact that anyone can be made “acceptable” if they want to be.

1. Examples of sinners who turned to God:

a. Saul of Tarsus (Acts 26:9-12; Acts 22:16)

b. The Corinthian brethren (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

2. We are made acceptable “In Christ” (Ephesians 1:6-8).

III. The, “God’s Way Is Impossible” Attitude.

A. There are many misconceptions concerning Christianity.

1. Some think that it is too easy.

a. Some think that it is way to hard even impossible.

B. It is true that God’s way is difficult.

1. Jesus Himself said, “Difficult is the way that leads to life” (Matthew 7:13-14)

a. It is difficult not impossible.

2. God’s expectations are reasonable (Romans 12:1-2)

a. We are offer our bodies as living sacrifices.

i. This means we give our bodies over to service for God (Galatians 5:24).

b. We give up (do not do) the things of the world.

C. Difficult but doable.

1. God has given us instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

a. God’s word is doable (James 1:23-25).

b. In fact we must do His will if we want to be saved (Matthew 7:21-23).


A. The more we try to talk to others about the gospel the more we will hear attitudes and excuses.

1. Sometimes those excuses will be slamming doors.

2. Other will be doors of opportunity.

a. We need to listen carefully for the cries for help.

B. One more attitude that we all want to see is the ,“What Must I Do” Attitude

1. This is a rare but wonderful attitude to encounter..

a. It is an open door to show someone the way.

2. When a soul comes to the realization that they are lost and they are willing to do whatever God expects, show them the way of the word.

C. We need to prepare for those occasions.

1. Through study and prayer.

C. We cannot answer every attitude but we may be able to turn an attitude into a study and help someone obey the gospel.

D. If you are not a Christian today are you going to make excuses or will you obey God today.

1. You can become a Christian tonight.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Motivational Speaking Vs. Bible Teaching and Preaching

A. Paul is writing in the last part of his life to Timothy to Preach the word.
a. A lesson that still speaks to us today
B. We need to be preaching the word everyday of our lives
C. Have you noticed that within the last 10-15 years more and more people are broadcasting religious TV shows?
a. It is one that is bringing in lots of income and posted on a lot of different TV stations every week
b. Some but very few can and are doing a good work preaching and teaching according to the scriptures
c. But have you noticed these “mega churches” are going as we say “way out in left field”.
i. Doing what they may think is a great work but limiting God in the lessons they present
D. Paul gives ample warning to Timothy to be ready
a. And it is something for us to be aware of also
b. Time will come in life when one doesn’t care what they scriptures say because it isn’t itching there ears
i. It isn’t drawing their attention to God
ii. But you Timothy continue and don’t falter
c. It’s a true lesson today
E. As I look throughout the media one thing has occurred
a. They are drawing a lot of people to what they are teaching
b. This “Feel Good Religion”
i. The I’m okay your okay thought
ii. It doesn’t matter what you do the Lord will still love you
iii. Do what you want because God cares and doesn’t want you to go to the other place
iv. Say this prayer with me and we all can be saved tonight
c. All actions that are made to make one feel good on the inside when really we should be worrying about what the scriptures say
F. Society is now tending to build up one another through the feel good words that we all will have salvation
a. Jesus says in Matthew 10:34-36 that through him there will arise conflicts within the family
i. Within our own families will arise conflicts
ii. Not make us all feel good.
G. We need to be aware of this and build each one up to be stronger in faith
a. Motivational Speaking is a subject that needs to be focused on because it is a problem in the world
i. The scriptures are being eliminated and need to be brought back in
H. Let’s open our Bible’s and study on this matter
I. Ears are Itching
A. The scriptures say that people will have itching ears
a. But they will make their own teacher and turn aside to fables (II Tim 4:3-4)
i. Fables as we understand is NOT truth
ii. Man’s own opinions
iii. False knowledge
iv. False doctrine
v. Warnings made by Paul
1. And Christ (Matthew 24:11)
2. Many will falsely testify Christ but deceive many (Matthew 24:24)
B. People today have itching ears
a. It’s evident
b. When we watch the majority of these religious shows there are extreme numbers of people at each one these assemblies
c. But what is being taught?
i. Is it truth?
ii. Is it fables
1. Does it make one feel good rather than obeying to God’s will?
d. These are questions that need to asked and answered at the same time
C. Motivational speaking rides on the fact of people having itching ears
a. The thought coming from what better way to have these people start following false doctrine than to make them feel good and give false prophecies that go away from the commands of the scriptures and into one’s own opinion
b. That’s all it is an opinion.
c. Turn away from the scriptures (II Peter 2:1-3)
i. Play with people’s emotions with the I am okay attitude
1. There own desires (II Tim. 4:3)
2. I am okay just the way I am
3. It’s false Paul points it out in Ephesians 4:17-24
a. I am not okay just the way I am
b. The old man is one that leads me to death
c. The new man is one that turns and changes from the old ways
i. Turning from sin (repentance Luke 13:5)
II. Stand for Truth
A. Ears are itching
a. It’s evident people are looking fro acceptance in the religion world
b. Acknowledgement of God but not obedient
i. Turning away from the scriptures and God
B. Paul gives the warning to Timothy that this will occur
a. But also gives him positive reinforcement to stand for the truth
i. Song Stand Up for Jesus Number 397
1. As a soldier of Christ
b. Don’t let this discourage you
i. Be strong and don’t let your own desires cloud judgment on truth
C. We need to keep up the fight and finish the race and keep the faith (II Tim. 4:7)
a. Keeping the faith through the scriptures (Romans 10:17)
i. Our foundation of faith
1. Having and furthering our knowledge
2. Being the new man renewed in the Knowledge of Christ (Col 3:10)
a. Awaking to Righteousness (I Cor. 15:34)
b. Teaching rebuking encouraging doing the work of an evangelist (II Tim 4:2;5)
c. Using Scripture the Inspired work and word of God (II Tim. 3:16-17)
i. It gives TRUE:
ii. Doctrine-teaching
iii. Reproof- judging in what is right and wrong
iv. Correction-showing the error of sin in one’s life
v. Instruction-action that is needed to be made in order to follow the true doctrine
1. To have the Promise of eternal life laid up for us (Phil. 3:14)
D. All of this to stand for truth comes from the scriptures
a. Not my opinion or yours
b. Not from a creed book
c. Not given down by declaration
E. But from the scriptures
a. It’s one that can build and motivate and give us zeal as long as we use the book properly in standing for truth
b. Motivational speaking will build me up for a short amount of time
c. But truly in the end it will still leave me empty
i. Without a true promise
ii. Returning to sin and the end is worse (II Peter 2:18-22)
1. Empty words that lead to lust of the flesh which leads to sin which leads to death (James 1:14-15)
A. We have looked on the topic of motivational speaking vs. Bible teaching and Preaching
a. Motivational speaking is a good tool and a very dangerous tool
b. Using it without the scriptures leads one to deception
i. It may build us up and make us feel good but that is where it ends
c. However using it with scripture properly gives us encouragement instruction doctrine correction and leads us to the promise
B. Do you want to start applying your life to building each one of us up through the scriptures today?
a. We can help you!
C. Submitting yourself entirely to the scriptures and following the commandments of God
a. A path that leads to life (Matthew 7:14)
D. HBRCBF For the promise of the Hope of Eternal Salvation
E. Invitation

Open to Truth

A. Truth is a never changing fact
a. Truth is defined as being absolute and without question
B. How confusing is it today that people can disregard the word truth
a. Today’s standards people tend to accept the thinking of your truth on the matter is okay and mine is different but is okay also and everyone is happy.
C. When there is multiple “truths” there is a need to resolve and clarify t6eh situation.
a. We need a standard or pattern (hence the Bible is our standard of truth)
D. Our Text demonstrates this fact.
a. Everyone wants to do the will of God but in their own Fashion not according to the Standard.
b. This passage demonstrates people were very religious. They thought they were right and truthful in their conduct.
c. Jesus clearly states they weren’t following the truth.
d. According to Jesus the “truth” is “doing the Heavenly Father’s will” not your own individual thing.
E. We apparently can’t decide what is acceptable and then expect God twill adjust himself to us.
a. Shouldn’t we adjust ourselves to God’s will?
b. God created us with the desire that we should worship him and be thankful to him (Acts 17:27)
c. He also revealed his will to us the TRUE TRUTH.
i. So we would follow his will not our own. (James 1:17-22)
d. It is that which was revealed that gives us absolute truth (John 17:17)
e. The path toward true salvation (John 14:6)
f. Also the standard by which we will be judged. (John 12:48)
F. The scriptures declare that truth is specific, absolute and necessary for salvation.
G. All of us should desire salvation and therefore the absolute truth.

I. We need Open Eyes To See The Need For Truth
A. One of the hardest things to do is look at our self.
a. We need to take a reality check and look at our own condition.
b. Before one will change they must see the need to change.
c. Before one will obey God to the Truth they must realize they are lost and need to be saved. So where are we???
B. Every person once the age of accountability has been reached needs salvation through the obedience of the truth. (Rom. 3:23; 6:23)
a. Christ quote’s Isaiah’ prophecy concerning the lack of sight. (Matt. 13:14-16)
b. His final proclamation from that was “Blessed are your eyes for they see…” (V.16)
C. When we open our own eyes to the Gospel we can realize the understanding of the Truth.
a. Truth causes reactions. (Acts 2 ;8; 22:12-16)
b. One who sees the error from understanding the truth will truly understand the need for salvation.
II. We Need Ears To Hear The Truth
A. Once we realize where work isn’t over, neither is God’s help for us.
a. God has delivered the required knowledge.
b. When we see and realize we need God, He continues by giving us right direction.
c. That is when we need to open our ears and listen to the absolute truthful direction.
d. In His message we hear about salvation.
e. We learn we must be obedient to God’s will alone (Matt. 7:21)
f. We must conform our lives to the example of His Son (I. Peter 2:21-23)
g. We learn to be faithful everyday of our lives continually. (Heb. 10:35-39)
h. All these things require us to have open ears.
B. Jesus used an excellent statement at the End of one his parables “He that has ears to hear let him hear” (Matt. 13:9)
a. In other words if we have ears so… use them.
b. We must be willing to listen and have our ears open to the truth always.
i. There will be times when it is harder.
ii. But we need to Challenge ourselves.
c. (Romans 12:1-2) instructs us to be different from the world.
i. (I John 2:15-17) Instructs to deny the world and the things of the world.
d. This isn’t easy and it is very challenging for us.
e. However if we have ears to hear and we have open ears through the knowledge of the Truth we can overcome these obstacles.
III. We Need to Open Our Mouths With The Truth
A. We need to see the change we need to make in our lives.
B. We see the need to have OPEN Ears to hear the truth and fully understand and show we were seeing the changes we need to make in our lives.
C. Ethically we are now bound to share the Truth.
D. Let’s ask ourselves when was the last time you spoke the name of Jesus outside these walls?
a. To our Family, Friends, Co-Workers, Neighbors
b. Have we explained how we heard the gospel the good news for our salvation?
c. Have we explained what we did and are doing to obey that gospel?
d. Have we told other’s it’s available to them?
e. We must realize that there are souls who need this truth.
E. Once we understand the danger of sin and the hope of salvation we can’t ignore the fact that other’s need the same knowledge.
F. Our eyes should look on sinners with great concern. (Matt. 9:36)
G. We should go the next step to strive to give others the knowledge and Understanding of the need for the Truth and bring them to repentance and salvation. (II Peter 3:9)
H. By talking to others and giving them an opportunity to share the greatest gift through the gospel (Romans 5:8)
a. That we may save another soul from condemnation
A. Do you desire to hear the truth this very hour?
B. The truth is never changing in a changing world.
C. Are you looking for freedom that Christ promises?
D. Open your eyes, your ears to the truth.
a. Then open your mouth in letting others know the truth. (John 8:32)