Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All In

All In!
II Timothy 3:16-17
A. Have we ever heard this term?
a. The though and term of being all in
b. We put all of our chips in
i. The risk of being eliminated
ii. We don’t hold anything back
B. We have a problem and involves a liberal vs. conservative battle
a. This has been an ongoing battle with the church and also
b. People will tweak the scriptures and away from truth and this is where the problem as really generated
i. They have the name of church of Christ and believe that it is still okay
ii. For example we follow the scriptures entirely but we have a kitchen
iii. I follow the scriptures almost entirely but I still like fornicate
iv. I follow the scriptures except I still like to _____________
c. One believes they are okay at percentage of following the scriptures
C. We are now coming up in our election and we have a few candidates that have different views
a. The Republican and Democratic parties
i. More or less the Conservative vs. Liberal
ii. This is a battle that has been going on with the church
iii. It also a battle in society with government
b. Conservative vs. Liberal
i. What the Bible says vs. Everything else
c. The problem with this election is that there isn’t really a true conservative left
i. This is the problem with Christians today
ii. They aren’t all in with the Bible
iii. As is the candidates left that call themselves conservatives
D. The scriptures as we read in II Timothy 3:16-17 are complete
a. They give all sustenance for what we need to follow God faithfully and entirely
b. The scriptures are complete
i. We need to be all in with the scriptures
ii. It comes with a well devotion to God and want for God
iii. Because God provides everything for us that we do need
E. Let’s open out Bibles and study more on this matter
I. All in with Faith
A. Our faith is our foundation as a Christian
a. We start with our faith and then build from there
b. Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6)
i. We can’t do any less than 100 percent
B. If we are all in with faith then we are all in with the scriptures
a. After all faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17)
b. Our faith is built in the Bible
i. The things that were written were so that we would believe
ii. Through our trust in God (Psalms 37:5)
C. It is our duty to live by faith (Romans 1:17)
a. Those that are of God and have full obedience to God are commanded to live by faith
b. This is an action that requires an all in attitude
i. Not just a half dedication
D. We walk by faith (II Cor. 5:7)
a. We walk by the scriptures and let them be our guide
b. We don’t go by the physical things but the things that are ahead
i. Things that we haven’t seen, felt, or seen before
E. Having an all in attitude of faith will give us understanding of Christ (Eph 3:17-19)
a. Unimaginable heights and depth and breadth with love
II. All in For Service
A. We are all servants of God
a. Nobody is any more special than anybody
b. The preacher is a servant just as the member
B. We all have the same goal and though in mind of heaven (Acts 2:38)
a. Having the gift of the Holy Spirit
C. In order to achieve this goal we all need to be servants of God
a. Jesus was to serve (Mark 10:45)
i. He said he was to serve
ii. After all we are to follow the example of Christ
iii. He devoted His life for service for us
iv. He asks us to do the same
D. Jesus said it clearly of who we are to serve (Luke 4:8)
E. We can’t be half way in our service
a. When we have a choice to serve God or serve man
i. We have to choose
ii. Joshua spoke of it (Joshua 24:15)
iii. Christ spoke of it (Luke 16:13)
1. Our loyalty will be affected if we are not all in for service to God
2. How are we choosing?
III. All in with God
A. How dedicated are we to God?
a. Are we allowing outside distractions hinder us?
b. The world vs. God
i. What is close and important to us
ii. Is it God?
iii. Is it our soul?
iv. It is eternal and the world is temporal
B. Have we counted the cost (Luke 14:25-33)
a. Have we looked at our life and counted the cost
b. Are we all in with God?
c. God commands obedience but entirety with it
i. Follow with all our heart (Luke 10:27)
ii. Love obedience and mind must be complete
C. Phillip said to the Eunuch to believe
a. The eunuch needed to be all in with God through obedience and belief
b. He said yes and was baptized
D. To bear the name Christian it means to be all in with God
a. God will not accept anything less
E. He even spoke to Israel about their Sacrifice wasn’t worthy a lesson that shows we need to all in with God (Malachi 1:7-8)
a. God spoke to Israel to give the best and it is required of us also
A. Are we all in with our faith?
a. Our Service
b. All in with God
B. The plan of salvation has been laid out for us
a. It requires us to be all in
b. Are we willing?
C. What better time than now to start!
D. Invitation

New, Better, Different

New, Better, Different
Romans 6:4


A. In order to follow the Bible, as we should, we run into a word and become a great obstacle to many.
1. The word is “change”.
a. Whether it is our human nature, the culture of our times, or just the thought patterns we have been taught, people don’t like to change.
2. One thing that it very clearly seen by observation is that if we just get out of our own way we can serve God as we should everyday of our life.
a. When we decide that we want something else; that is when we falter and fail.
b. We must take on the mindset presented in Galatians 2:20.
i. When we take on this way of thinking we will certainly desire God’s way and whatever changes are necessary.
3. Perhaps we are not quite there yet. We may need some more encouragement toward change and commitment.
B. In order to desire change we must be motivated to that desire.
1. This perhaps leads us to a place of questioning:
a. Why change and become a Christian?
b. What does Christ offer for all of the effort of change?
c. Why is His way better than mine?
C. These are honest questions.
1. Questions with straightforward answers.
a. Why change? If you don’t change you will die in your sins (John 8:24).
b. What does Christ offer? Everlasting life as opposed to everlasting punishment (John 4:14)
c. Why is His way better? You can’t find anyway out of death (Proverbs. 14:12) Christ provides the way to life (John14:6)
D. Perhaps we need a closer examination, we need to be inspired to change and that requires a little more work.
1. Let’s take a few moments to consider the fact that a life in Christ is New, Better, and Different.

I. New:
A. What a great feeling, when we get something new.
1. Perhaps a new home, car, appliance, anything new has a certain appeal.
a. Some thing new is not the same old thing it is new and we are excited to use whatever that new thing is.
2. One of the things that we have come to do in our country is to stop maintaining newness.
a. Do you know the difference between that new car that you are so proud to own and drive and a car that is just the same old car that we use to get from here to there?
i. The new becomes the old when we stop checking the oil at each fill-up; we stop visiting the car wash; we stop dusting the dash; we quit taking the time to apply a fresh coat of wax or polish; we start taking the new thing for granted and stop appreciating it for what it is.
3. So what does all this mean?
B. In Christ we are given a new life, what are you going to do with it?
1. Romans 6:1-4 Faithful obedience results in the newness of life.
a. Through the waters of baptism our old life is ended and then we rise and walk in the newness of life—free from our sins (Acts 2:38).
2. We have to set our minds on a continuous maintenance program in order to maintain our newness.
a. Consider Ephesians 4:17-5:5
i. We should no longer walk as the rest of the world walks (vs. 17).
ii. We should not give time or energy to the practice of sin (vs. 19)
iii. Put off the former conduct (vs. 22)
iv. Change your actions by first changing your thoughts (vs. 23)
v. Put on the new—righteousness and holiness (vs. 24)
vi. If you have sinned, sin no more, work at the good works (vs. 28)
vii. Watch yourself (vs. 29, 31, 3-4)
ix. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit (vs. 30)
x. Be an imitator of God (5:1).
b. Colossians 3:1-15
i. If you became a Christian, seek the things of Christ (vs. 1-4).
ii. Put the old ways to death (vs. 5-9)
iii. Put on the new way—the new life (vs. 9-15).
iv. Be thankful (vs. 15).
3. Never take the forgiveness and salvation for granted maintain their newness every day (2 Thessalonians 3:13).
II. Better:
A. The life that Christ offers is better.
1. We usually desire change when we become dissatisfied with the frustrations of the old way.
a. Those in the world who never find true satisfaction and direction fail to have a good life.
2. Which of these verses sounds like a better life and hope?
a. Galatians 5:19-21 “Those who practice such things will not go to Heaven”
b. Galatians 5:22-25 “The fruit of the Spirit”
B. In Christ we are offered true fulfillment and the life that He offers is better.
1. He offers us purpose (Acts 17:24-27)
2. He offers us direction toward freedom (John 8:31-32)
3. He offers us a life of honesty, integrity, and wellbeing (Romans 12:16-21).
4. He offers us the comfort of knowing God cares (Romans 8:31-39; 1 Peter 5:7).
5. He offers us a relationship with both Himself and the Father (2 John 9).

III. Different:
A. In Christ we are offered true fulfillment and the life that He offers is better if we truly commit.
1. This is usually the greatest weakness in our approach.
a. We want to have a good life; we desire to be made new; but the real challenge is the follow through.
b. The life that Christ offers is different and we must be willing to be different in order to have that life and receive its benefits.
B. Jesus Himself said that we cannot be happy when we are torn between two masters (Matthew 6:24).
1. Those who try to hold on to the world and God will loose, “you cannot serve God and mammon.”
2. We cannot grow the fruit of the Spirit while we are cultivating the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:24-25).
3. We cannot play games with God (1 John 2:15-17).
a. We are given a life that is better than what the world offers we will realize that fact when we fully commit to walking in that life.

A. Out of all of God’s vast creation.
1. We stand out as the only part to whom God has offered the opportunity of forgiveness and salvation (1 Peter 1:10-12)
2. Are we going to rejoice in that fact and take the hope into our lives?
a. Or, are we going to treat that hope like just any other thing?
B. If you are a Christian you should be rejoicing in a new, better, and different life in Christ.
1. If you have not found that joy, perhaps you have never fully committed.
a. It is time to change. It is time to put away the world and its lusts, it is time to put away the sins and it is time to fully commit to God’s divine will.
C. If you are not a Christian, you are given a wonderful opportunity, right now.
1. You can have a new, better, and different, life… right now.

Why Do Bad Things Happen

Why Do Bad Things Happen?
1 Thess. 5:17


A. How often is your life visited with a bad day or bad news?

1. How often do we suffer in this world?

B. One specific area that I know visits every family at one time or another is sickness.

1. Yes, ailments come and sometimes they bring an end to a loved one’s life.

a. Some find themselves asking if it was God’s will that this individual would stay sick or even die.

C. Many of us whether we fully admit it or not fall prey to the mindset that says, “What have I done to deserve this?”

1. We immediately turn to God with questions as to “Why?” or “What have I done?”

D. This evening we need to look deeper into this reality to see if God has given us any indications in His word to help us understand.

1. Things we consider to be bad things especially when they happen to “love ones”

2. Let’s take the time tonight to look at ending some of the improper assumptions.

I. We Do Not Suffer Because of Some Hidden Sin.

A. It is remarkable, just how many people think that illness is punishment for wrong-doing.

1. This is what Job’s “friends” thought.

2. They witnessed what he was going through and assumed it was because of sin in his life.

a. Eliphaz (Job 4:8,9)
b. Bildad (Job 8:6)
c. Zophar (Job 11:5,6)

B. I know that this thought is still common.

1. I hope that no one here thinks this way.

a. I was told that my Dad’s great-grandmother died of cancer.
i. His grand-mother would not tell anyone that fact. She was ashamed and embarrassed, afraid her mother had committed some horrible sin that caused the cancer.

C. Job’s friends were wrong and my great-grandmother was wrong.

1. Consider what God had to say concerning Job (Job 1:22; 2:10 “in all this Job did not sin”)

a. God states that Job’s friends had not spoken right (Job 42:7-9)

D. Sometimes sinful choices cause illness (STD’s; IV drug users) it is not punishment for the sin as it is merely the results of their actions.

1. If it were punishment for sin no innocent people would have AIDS today.

a. Sin is not punished by physical disease—the wages of sin is death (separation from God) Isaiah 59:1-2; Romans 6:23

II. We Do Not Suffer Because God Lacks The Power To Help.

A. For someone to come to this conclusion they must not know God at all.

1. Some, however, do come to this conclusion.

a. We know better, don’t we?
B. God is not limited by any mortal illness.

1. God was able to extend Hezekiah’s life (Isa. 38:1-5).
2. Jesus Christ worked great wonders and healings.
a. Mark 1:38-42 Healed a leper
b. Mark 5:25-34 Healed an long-term illness
c. John 11:39-45 He raised Lazarus from the dead.
C. God created us (Acts 17:26) and His power is limitless within His will.
1. People are just looking for someone to blame.

III. We Do Not Suffer Because God Just Doesn’t Care.

A. Again, to come to this conclusion one must not know God at all.

1. We are commended to cast every care on God because in fact He does care for us” (1 Peter 5:7)

a. We must trust in and rely on God (Matthew 6:25-33; Hebrews 11:6).

B. The Bible makes us aware of the fact that Jesus was the full expression of the His Father (Col 2:9; John 14:8-9).

1. He acted in the same manner as the Father would.

a. And we know that Jesus was moved by compassion.

i. Matthew 9:36, 14:14; 15:32; 20:34; John 11:35


A. Ailments are simply part of mortality.

1. We must understand, however, that we are human and the fact is that we will know illness and death.

a. Both are part of being in this mortal body.

B. Is it God’s will that any one would become sick or die?

1. In a manner of speaking, I suppose. God created us with mortal flesh; sickness and death are ways of life as we know it.

2. We need to be reminded that we are not here forever.

C. There is an even more important illness that we all need to take care of.

1. We have an immortal soul housed in this flesh that needs to be freed from the bondage of sin.

a. Invitation.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pressing Toward Our Goals

Pressing Toward Our Goals
Phil. 3:12-16

A. Our text talks about moving toward our goals.
a. We as people have many goals that we make through life.

B. It may be in our jobs, family, school etc.

C. What about our spiritual lives?

a. Are you making goals thinking in a spiritual mind?
b. It is a priority to make goals for our spiritual lives.
i. (II Tim. 4:7) Here Paul talks about how he has pushed toward his goals in his spiritual life to follow Christ.
D. Today let us look at three things that we goals we should push towards spiritually.

I. Home in Heaven

A. First thing we should think about is a home in Heaven.

i. Song Here I Labor and Toil.
ii. We must work as the song says and we will be rewarded for our work through Christ.

B. (Matthew 6:19-21) our treasure should be a home in heaven not earthly things.
a. If we put our goals toward heaven they can’t be destroyed compared to earthly goals.

C. (Matthew 7:13-14) The narrow way is the way we need to choose.
a. It is hard to choose this path because people seem to choose earthly things first.
b. We need to have our goals toward a home in Heaven and keep with that thought and we can achieve that goal.

D. (Matthew 19:16-22) We read here of a passage of a man who was looking for a goal of heaven.
a. However we can’t be like him and keep our earthly treasures.
b. Our goal needs to be heaven not earth!
c. This example is what we don’t do.

II. Being Baptized.

A. Obtaining that goal of Heaven we need to have another goal of being baptized.
B. Part of obtaining the goal of being Baptized is hearing the Word.
i. It is an Inspired by God (II Tim 3:16-17)
ii. (Heb. 4:12) The word that is inspired by God can separate body from spirit.
iii. We need to obtain spiritual goals so reading the Bible can help since it splits the body from spirit.

C. (Mark 16:15-16) The Bible tells us that if we hear the word and act upon we read we can be baptized.
i. It is an act upon belief.
ii. (Acts 2:38) We read of people who heard the gospel preached from the word and acted upon the belief and was baptized.

D. (Acts 8:32-40) Scripture talks about another example of a person hearing the word.
i. He needed help to understand what he was reading.
ii. Once he understood he acted upon what he heard and was baptized.
iii. This person understood his goals and wanted the home in Heaven and he obtained it by pressing toward another goal and that is Baptism.
III. Living in Christ through Life Faithfully

A. After pressing a goal of being baptized toward another goal of heaven our goal to still obtain it is continuing to live on Faithfully.
B. (II Tim 4:2) Our goal of living through Christ Faithfully means being ready and preaching the gospel of Christ.
i. Constantly doing what we can to personally evangelize.
ii. Not only pressing our goals but showing other people what goals they need to prioritize first in life.

C. (Romans 12:1) Part of pressing this goal means to being a living sacrifice.
i. (James 4:14) We don’t know how long we have so we must do everything we can to press the goal of heaven.
ii. That means to being this living sacrifice through Christ (I Cor. 11:1)

D. (Matt. 10:37-39) Pressing the goal of heaven we need to a mind of having Christ first.
i. (Lk. 9:59-62) Family, work, school, friends, funerals, etc. need to be second.
ii. We need to show everyone that our goals need to be focused first on Heaven.

A. Where are your goals focused on?
a. Are you pressing the goal of heaven?

B. Do you need help of pressing toward that goal?
C. We are here to help and encourage everyone.
D. The gospel is for all
E. If you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God
F. Repenting of your sins
G. Confessing his name
H. Then you can be baptized today.
a. Or if you are a Christian and have sin on your life then you need to repent right now and get the prayers of the church right now.
I. Whatever the case may be please come while together we stand and sing.

Giving More

Giving More
Text: II Thess. 2:13-14

Usually when you think of a sermon on giving you think of the subject of the contribution.

Today is not one of those sermons.

I want you to think of things that we all can give more to better our spiritual lives.

(Matthew 22:37) Giving more is for the satisfying of the soul by devoting your self to Christ.

We need to look forward to the home of Heaven (Phil. 3:14).

The reason being because Christ gave his life for us (Galatians 1:3-4)
So today let’s take a closer look at three things we can give more of.

I. Giving more Prayer
A. It never hurts anybody to pray more for everyone (I Thess. 5:17)

B. Prayer comes from the heart (Matthew 6:5-9)

1. Christ gives us an example of what we should pray for (Matthew 6:9-13)
2. Prayer is the way we talk to God (Matthew 6:6)

C. However prayer should be for spiritual treasures (Matthew 6:19-21).

D. Today in our world we use pray during our worship service.

a. One thing that comes to mind of our prayers is when one confesses (James 5:16).
b. (Romans 12:15) Our prayers can show different attitudes as well.

E. So giving more prayer is never a bad thing it is more of an encouragement to others throughout our lives.

II Giving more Faith
A. Giving more faith?
a. What do I mean by giving more faith?

B. (Hebrews 11:1-3) Gives us a definition of faith.
a. We do things through faith by not seeing what we believe in.

C. Where does our faith come from?
a. (Romans 10:17) We get our faith through the belief in the Word of God.
b. (John 1:1) Here we find that the Word was God. Our faith is through God.
c. (II Timothy 3:16-17) Also the word comes inspired by God.

D. Giving more Faith comes through our conduct (Romans 12:1).

E. Part of this means attitude.

a. (I Tim. 4:12) Presentation of ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually.

III. Giving More Time

A. (I Cor. 11:1) Giving more time means we should be like Christ
a. (Matthew 16:24-27) Giving more time means risking your life through Christ from being persecuted by others.
B. (II Tim. 4:2) Giving more time to preach the word.
a. Personal evangelism from preaching the word and constantly being ready to share the gospel of Christ.

C. (I Tim. 1:18-20) Giving more time means to fight the fight for Christ.
a. (Eph. 6:11-17) We are given an armor to help fight that good fight.

D. Giving more time to preach Christ means to preach the Baptism of Jesus Christ (Mark16:15-16).

A. Are you giving more time in life to follow Christ?
a. Are doing as much as we can?
B. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God?
a. Repenting of your sins (Luke13:3).
b. Confessing his name, as the Son of God (Romans 10:9-10)
c. Then you can be baptized for the remission of your sins (Acts 2:38)
d. Then continually through life following Christ.
C. If you are Christian and have sin in your life you must repent and do it right now (Acts 8:22).
a. Whatever we can do to help you get on the path of following Christ, then please come while together we stand and sing.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Where are YOU in Attendance?

Where Are You In Attendance?
Psalms 122:1
A. Part of our work in the Lord comes through our attendance
a. The Psalmist writes about how they were glad when coming to the house of the Lord
i. We should have this same exact attitude
ii. We should be happy, glad, and even rejoicing in the fact we can come and worship God
B. It is sad and unfortunate that there are those who are willing to not come as often as one should
a. Does one not feel glad or even rejoice when it comes to gathering in the house of the Lord?
b. What are the reasons that are behind this line of thought?
i. What kind of thought or excuse can we give?
ii. What idea can we think of in trying to neglect God
1. Should we even think that we can make up excuses and neglect coming to the House of the Lord
C. Yes there are times when we are sick and even have to work at times when it will interfere or we are unable to worship God with our brethren
a. We should try and make every attempt to come and worship and give praise, glory, and honor back to God
D. That is what we do when we gather together
a. We sing songs or praise and glory to God
b. We thank God through prayer
c. We study and learn about the will of God
d. It all comes down to the attending and being part of it
E. The question is: Where are you?
F. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter
I. When is it wrong?
A. The biggest question is when is it wrong?
a. Is it 1 time maybe 10 times or what about 100 times
b. When is it wrong to miss services?
B. What are we forsaking? (Hebrews 10:25)
a. Is it the building that we are forsaking
i. What does it really mean to forsake?
1. Neglect, abandon, or even departure
b. No it isn’t the building
i. It doesn’t say assembly
ii. It says assembling
1. It means the gathering together
C. Look at the what the church truly and really is
a. It isn’t the building that is holy
b. It is a collected group of members representing Christ that is holy(Ephesians 1:22-23)
i. He gave the members all different abilities (Ephesians 4:7-16)
D. So when is it wrong to neglect or lack of attending?
a. When the saints are gathered together
b. Notice what is said next (Hebrews 10:26)
i. It is wrong when we do such things deliberately
ii. When we neglect and abandon the church not because of work or illness
1. But when it is more out of want
c. It is considered sin when we choose or give preference to neglecting the body of Christ
II. What does it mean to choose not to attend?
A. It means and demonstrates one’s contempt for spiritual things
a. It shows ones disapproval for the spiritual things
i. When we choose or prefer not to attend, is it because of spiritual reasons or worldly reasons (Romans 8:5-9)
b. When we gather together on Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings and we choose not to attend what reasons are we giving
i. Are we choosing not to attend because of preference or deliberate reasons for this neglect
1. If so it is considered sin!
B. It means choosing not to give or receive encouragement
a. It is difficult to encourage others when we see each other infrequently or even speaking to one another on the phone
i. It makes it even harder to help and give the encouragement to live a better life (Hebrews 10:23-24)
C. It means to chose and violate a direct command (Hebrews 10:25)
a. Isn’t that transgressing and going against the law of God (I John 3:4)
b. What does sin do? (Romans 6:23)
D. We allow sin to creep in at the door and let it stay and infiltrate our hearts
a. Causing more temptations of neglecting the body of Christ
i. Once it happens once then it becomes more easier to do it more often
III. What can we do?
A. Well first of all be here
a. If you can’t come because of car problems or something call one we can pick anyone up
i. We are here to try and uplift each other and show that encouragement (Hebrews 10:23-24)
b. Coming to services by choice (Psalms 122:1)
i. Being glad at the fact that we can come together
B. We also need to let others see our example (I Timothy 4:12)
a. Coming on a consistent basis at all times we meet and gather together
b. Neighbors, friends, family, co-workers all see what is important and they are curious as to why we go so often
C. Let our light shine before men (Matthew 5:13-16)
a. Let others see that we prefer to serve God and attend and show love and encouragement for the work of Christ
b. Don’t hide it or show neglect let it shine!
D. Follow the scriptures (Romans 12:1-2)
a. Understanding the work that God has for us to do
b. Let’s attend and show that we want to be here rather than showing neglect
A. Following the commandments of God our required for us to follow for the hope and promise of eternal salvation
B. Attendance is just one of these things
C. In order to become one of the body of Christ one must be submissive and willing and wanting to start in their service to God
D. Are we ready to start today?
a. There isn’t a better time than now
b. We can help you today
c. Invitation

Doing Some Listening

Doing Some Listening
Matthew 11:15 “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

A. How significant is listening?
1. Listening is the fullness of hearing: It is possible to hear someone talk and not listen.
a. In order to listen, one must be a paying of attention.
B. My wife becomes very annoyed with me when she speaks and I do not listen.
1. Perhaps I am distracted by some other noise or voice or whatever I am currently involved with; I can hear her talking, but I do not listen.
2. The lesson I learn from all of that is my wife is like most everyone else she does not like to repeat her self after she has said it once.
a. I should give her my attention and listen.
C. Jesus would often end His teachings with the statement, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
1. We need to open our ears, and pay attention.
2. We need to listen to some important things in this life.
D. Many opportunities for “listening” come once in a life time.
1. It is regretfully too late when we find ourselves saying, “I should have listened…”
E. Let’s consider some of those things and why we need to open our ears to hear them.
I. We Need To Listen To God:
A. Our God is a communicator.
1. He has seen fit to reveal His will to mankind in the form of words (James 1:17-25).
a. We have His words preserved for us, even today—the Bible is the word of God.
b. According to those “words” the section known as the New Testament is our source of God’s teachings for today.
2. We need to listen to the word of God as we have it here in this volume, He will not send it again—He will not repeat Himself).
a. Jude 3 tells us, the faith was once delivered…
b. Hebrews 1:1-2 “God has spoken in these last days through His Son.
i.. The words for these last days—the words of Jesus Christ are exclusive to the New Testament.
i. John 8:31-32; John 12:48-50; John 14:23-26.
B. Why listen to God?
1. The will of God (His word) is about you.
a. The preparation and the possibility of your salvation is plotted from Genesis 1:1 throughout the Old Testament and comes to life in the New Testament’s examples, instructions, warnings and promises.
i. The salvation of mankind is the theme of the Bible, from its beginning to its end.
a) You, being part of mankind, are the focus of the Bible.
2. You cannot succeed without God (Proverbs 14:12; Jeremiah 10:23),
a. So God has given you what you need to succeed (Psalm 19:7-11; James 1:21-25).
i. True success in this life is searching for and finding your Creator (Acts 17:25-31).
ii. True success in this life is the salvation of your soul (Matthew 16:26)
iii. True success in this life is preparing for eternal life in Heaven (John 14:1-6; 1 Peter 1:6-9).
C. God has spoken; He has delivered His will to you for your life, your salvation, and your eternal life in Heaven.
a. Are you listening?

II. We Need To Listen to Our Brethren:
A. We are not looking for further instructions from our brethren.
1. We are listening for something else.
2. We are listening for their requests of help, comfort, or direction.
3. We have already spoken of God’s willingness to supply our needs.
a. Among those needs is companionship or togetherness on the road of faith.
i. God designed a church (Ephesians 1:4)
ii. The church was built by Christ (Matthew 16:18)
iii. The church is populated by the power of the gospel (Romans 1:16-17)
iv. The church is made up of brothers and sisters of like precious faith (2 Peter 1:1-2).
4. The church is a family:
1. Brothers and sisters working together for the cause of Christ (Philippians 1:27).
a. We are to be unified (Romans 15:1-6; 1 Corinthians 12:20-27)
B. Why do we need to listen to our brethren?
1. To be aware of their needs (Hebrews 10:24-25)
a. Often, we offer suggestions of need without openly saying we need.
b. We need to consider one another (pay close attention, listen carefully).
2. To come to the right conclusions.
a. We can hear and not listen completely at the same time.
b. We are to guard ourselves from “conclusion jumping” (Evil suspicions) (1 Corinthians 13:5; 1Timothy 6:4).
i. Listen carefully so as to not come to the wrong conclusions about your brethren.
ii. Give them the benefit of any doubt and ask them personally to explain themselves if you did not understand them.
3. To develop our relationship one with another (Romans 12:9-15)
C. Your brethren need you to listen, so that together we can withstand the world and successfully inherit eternal life.
a. Are you listening?
III. We Need To Listen To Others:
A. Again, with others, we are not looking for further instructions beyond, or differing from, God’s revealed word.
1. Whether they are aware or not, the world will stand in judgment for all that they have said and all that they have done (2 Corinthians 5:10-11).
a. They are accountable to their Creator if they are able minded and old enough to understand the difference between right and wrong as well as the significance of those choices.
2. The world is filled with souls:
a. Souls who desperately need God, and the plan of salvation made available through His Son.
B. Why listen to others?
1. We have to listen for their cries for help.

a. The world is lost and dying in their own sins, following their own hearts (Romans 3:23; 1 Timothy 6:9).
b. We have what they need—the hope salvation and life everlasting—the gift of God (Romans 6:23).
2. The world is in need of a Savior and there is only One (Acts 4:12).
a. We must carry His message out to the world (Matthew 28:18-20).
b. We must hear those who are asking for help, we must listen to them and give them what they need (Romans 1:16).
C. The world is in need. Those who recognize their need are asking for help; you have the source of help.
1. Are you listening?

A. We have some listening to do:
1. We must listen to God in order to be pleasing to God.
2. We need to listen to our brethren, helping one another be pleasing to God.
3. We need to listen to others, to hear their cries for help and bring them to place in which they too will be pleasing to God.
B. Are you listening?
1. To God, to your brethren, to others?
C. Perhaps you are not a Christian today.
1. I want to listen to me very carefully so that you may know today, how to become a pleasing to God by becoming a Christian.
D. Invitation

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Abraham: The Faithful Traveler

Abraham: The Faithful Traveler
Hebrews 11:8-10
A. Hebrews 11 speaks of faith
a. Examples that we can see and associate ourselves with
B. Can you imagine for a moment traveling to a place we have never been before
a. A place we may have heard of before
b. A place where our children or descendants would enjoy
i. Our future children and generations would have
c. We don’t know where it is or the direction or anything
C. Would we go on this journey?
a. No true directions or knowledge of how to get there
b. Would we go?
D. Abraham was in this position (Our text)
a. He did so with a great faith
i. IN GOD!!!!!
E. How many of us would do such a thing?
a. Probably not many at all
b. But faith is critical and important in our service to God
i. It is impossible to please Him without faith (Hebrews 11:6)
ii. After all he is the author of our eternal salvation (Hebrews 5:9)
c. We do these things without the physical evidence
i. No physical contact with our senses
F. Just like Abraham here
G. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter
I. By faith He went to a place not knowing where he was going
A. Abraham was a nab that had an incredible amount of faith
a. Especially with his faith in God
B. He was a blessed man already (Genesis 11:31)
a. He was taken with his family out to Ur
C. Notice what God said to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3)
a. He told him that he would be blessed
b. He also told him he would receive an inheritance
c. A Place for his descendants to dwell
d. He would have a great nation from him
i. God will bless Him
1. How comforting is that for Abraham
2. Having God with Him
D. What did he do? (Genesis 12:4-6)
a. He obeyed God
i. He understood and went like God told him (Hebrews 11:8)
b. He went and took all of his possessions and those with him and they left from Ur
c. Where was he going?
i. He did not know!
d. He got to Canaan to a certain point
i. He Then received more comfort from God (Genesis 12:7-9)
E. By faith Abraham left for a country with no direction of where he was going
a. Through faith and trust in God it was all made possible
b. God knew where Abraham was going and that was all that mattered
c. He followed and listened to the Lord as his Guide
F. Abraham had a faith that showed itself because God chose him and his seed for the promised land
a. He had faith and this is just one of the examples of faith he had in God
II. The land was for him and His descendants
A. In verse 9 of Hebrews 11 we read about this land that he did not know where he was going was going to be for his children and all of the future generations that were here on the earth
a. Thus it was for Isaac and Jacob
B. This blessing was passed from Abraham to Isaac (Hebrews 11:18)
C. The blessing was passed onto to Jacob through Isaac (Genesis 27:22-29)
a. Jacob posed as being Esau and brought food to his father
b. The blessing that was passed from God through Abraham now comes to Jacob also
c. He blesses him through the blessings of God
i. He was preparing Jacob for the inheritance that God promised Abraham for his descendants
D. The children of Israel represented through the children of Jacob went for through the conquest for the promised land.
a. They encountered many things (Deut. 1:1-8)
i. They had more to do and go through and God still had the land ready for those of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
E. It was passed on to Joshua to lead them into the land (Josh. 1:1-9)
a. It was then fulfilled (Josh 13:1-7; -chapter 22)
b. The land was divided to each nation
III. The inheritance has been passed down to us today
A. Abraham knew there would be a land given to his seed
a. Though he did not see it with his own eyes
B. The inheritance was given to those of Israel and the land was divided
a. However because of their disobedience to God and not following and abiding in God they did what was right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6)
b. Thus leading to separation from God because of their neglect
C. The promise that was given to the seed of Abraham was now given to common man or the “Gentile” (Acts 10:45)
D. Have we ever been to heaven?
a. We should want this and grope for this
b. A place we haven’t seen felt smelled before (Hebrews 11:1)
E. That inheritance is a heavenly city (Hebrews 11:13-16)
a. It is one that God built for those of the promise given to them
i. For those that will obey to His commandments
b. Jesus spoke of this way also (John 14:1-6)
i. Through Christ the heavenly hope and promise is ours
F. Abraham may not have known the way to the promised land but he followed through and by faith
a. We are to do the same also (II Cor. 5:7)
b. We are given what we need to know the way to the eternal inheritance
i. The scriptures
ii. We follow them and apply them through our faith
G. We have trust and are willing to obey by faith we will be blessed (Psalms 2:10-12)
a. We can be like faithful Abraham following by faith to place he didn’t know where he was going to
A. Are willing to trust the God as our Guide starting today?
a. What better time than now!
B. Abraham followed by faith and let God be his guide
a. He trusted and obeyed!
C. He did for the inheritance God promised
a. God has promised us a land also (Rev. 21:22-27)
D. Do we want this land?
a. The Bible gives us the instruction to follow faithfully!
b. For those that are willing to obey God
c. Invitation

Your Caught!

You’re Caught!
I John 3:20
A. How many times have we been caught?
a. The time we had our hand caught in the cookie jar
B. I am reminded so many times hearing about people getting caught for their actions
a. Examples:
i. Robbery
ii. Murder
iii. Cheating
1. Test or spouse
iv. Having our hand caught in the cookie jar or potato chip bag
C. But ask a question
a. Are they truly sorry
b. They tend to show it after they get caught
i. Sorry for robbing
ii. Sorry for murdering
iii. Sorry for cheating on a spouse
iv. They show the “sincere” regret for doing these things
D. Truly more than half will do it again
a. They show sincerity when they get caught and then that is it
E. This goes along with our soul also
a. We put our souls in jeopardy
b. We do things that are against the Law of God
i. We don’t care until we get caught
ii. By someone
F. However if we don’t get caught by a person we usually would continue
G. What if I told you that you are already caught!!! (Eccl. 12:14)
a. Not by a human being
b. But by God!
i. After all He is all knowing (I John 3:20)
ii. He knows are thoughts (I Cor. 3:20)
1. Thus he knows our actions
H. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter

I. Caught in Sin
A. Sin has brought the destruction and doom for man
a. It has hidden them from God (Isaiah 59:2)
i. This is sad and pathetic!
ii. Because of sin one does not know God
B. Man has the foolishness of thinking that they will be okay just for who they are
a. Or they can continue what they are doing
b. They fail to realize that they are caught
i. In sin (Romans 3:23)
1. Jews and Greeks also (Romans 3:9)
a. Nobody can escape this!
2. Everyone has committed it
3. Everyone is caught in sin
4. One must realize the danger of sin (Romans 6:23)
a. Eternal death
C. We have sinned when one is drawn by their own desires through temptation (James 1:14)
a. Temptation has been here since the beginning of time
i. It started with Adam and Eve to their demise of being kicked out of the Garden
ii. To Jesus shedding his blood for sinners everywhere
iii. To us today in understanding all this in God’s word
D. It continues to dwell and build up and leads to sin and sin leads to eternal death (James 1:15)
E. The sad point of all of this is that everyone has been given warnings about us all being caught by God
a. But how many have responded?
b. We all will be judged (II Cor. 5:10)
i. Whether we have been caught in sin or we have turned away from sin
II. The Remedy for this Problem
A. There is remedy to fix and relieve this situation
a. First of all is admittance
b. Admitting to the fact that we are in sin
B. Admitting and realizing that sin is there and we have been caught is the only way of this realization
C. We need to catch ourselves
D. In the words of Solomon (Eccl. 12:13)
a. Our whole duty is to fear God
b. Keep God’s commandments
i. Keeping God’s Law
ii. This is the knowledge of knowing God
iii. Knowing God is all knowing and powerful
iv. Every action we take will be made account of
1. Why?
2. Because God knows!!!
E. The remedy for this problem is admitting and then not turning back to it
a. Realizing we have been caught but not going back to this problem of being caught (Eph 4:22-23)
b. True and genuine repentance
F. It means to make a change
a. Jesus says repentance (Luke 13:5)
b. Or we perish
i. Lay aside the weight of sin (Heb. 12:1)
c. It means to have endurance and continue
G. The blood of Christ is the only thing that will cleanse us from sin (I John 1:7)
a. It requires a pure heart and true obedience
A. Are we ready and willing to let the blood of Christ cleanse us from being caught in sin?
a. It is through baptism that we come in contact with that cleansing blood
B. We read through the scriptures that it takes
a. Hearing and believing (Romans 10:17/John 12:46)
b. Repenting (Luke 13:5)
c. Confessing (John 20:28)
i. Our own mouth (Romans 10:9-10)
d. Baptism (Acts 2:38/22:16)
e. Continuing Faithfully until death (I Cor. 4:2)
C. Are you ready?
D. What better time than now!
E. We all have been caught in sin and now we need to act now!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Is My Name Written There

Is My Name Written There?
Luke 10:17-20
A. There is a record kept in Heaven of those who belong to God.
a. Those as we understand that are obedient, faithful, doing everything in the name of the Lord. (Col. 3:17)
B. We have a song that poses the same question.
C. I am thankful for many reasons of not being able to say whether one has their name there or not.
a. Not having to play God.
b. All that I can say is that from what I have seen in my live so and so was faithful to God and obedient.
c. Then on the other hand I can say “well it is in God’s hands”
D. What I do understand is that those who follow the word and obey and are faithful are ones who will be able to enter.
a. There name is written there.
E. As we encounter many in life entertain themselves that there name is written there based on incoherent reasons.
a. They may think that well it doesn’t matter what I do I will be accepted.
b. Or I have suffered enough in my life and now I will be saved.
F. What does the Bible say on these matters?
G. So let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter.
I. Why some think their names are written?
A. Based on morality alone
a. Well I have been a good person.
i. I didn’t cheat, steal, or lie
ii. I was a good spouse, friend parent, child, brother or sister, co-worker
b. Morality is important
i. We must have good morals in order to have our name written there
c. But one still needs salvation
i. Look at Cornelius
ii. Devout man who gave alms (Acts 10:2)
iii. Still needed to be baptized for remission of sins to be able to have his name written there (Acts 10:3-8; 47-48)
B. Some think it is based on doctrines of men
a. This is described as vain (Matt 15:7-9)
b. Of no effect (Col. 2:20-22)
i. Can only be a doctrine of God (Acts 5:33-39)
C. Based on conscience (Acts 23:1)
a. Many think well he had the right thought attitude is okay
b. As long as we seem good in our mind it is okay
D. Based on sincerity (Matt 7:21-23)
a. We have done many great things and everything isn’t that worthy enough?
b. It doesn’t matter whether or not I am obedient to doing the will as long as I am doing things for God it’s okay attitude
i. Well I have opened up schools for the Church Kitchens for the Church and Libraries for the Church
ii. They are all great things but did we obey?
1. Are we doing the will of God instead of all these nice things that we may think are necessary
E. Based on deception
a. Salvation by faith only
i. Well as long as I do believe that Jesus is the Son of God I will have my name written there
b. Infant baptism
i. How many times have we run into this one?
ii. Well if an infant isn’t baptized they can’t have their name written there
1. Problem?
2. Well I will do it all for them. (Ezekiel 18:20)
3. Confession come from one’s own mouth
c. Inherited salvation
i. Well there are only select few who get this and they have already been selected.
ii. Predestination
iii. I already know because everyone has already been selected
II. Reasons to have name written
A. In order for us to have the hope of eternal salvation our name must be written there (Rev 21:27)
a. We must not have sin in our lives
i. Leads to Death (Rom. 6:23)
ii. Spiritual death (James 1:15)
b. Sin causes separation from God
i. Abhor it (hate it) (Rom 12:9)
B. The only alternative to having our name there is the lake of fire (Rev 20:11-15)
a. Eternal punishment, darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth.
b. Discomfort, pain, sorrow, water to cool the tongue from the tormented flame
C. Which would we rather be?
III. Requirements to have name written
A. The Lord knows who are Hs (II Tim 2:19)
a. It’s who are found doing his will
b. He knows all intents of the heart whether good or bad
B. His seal is on them (II Cor. 1:21-22)
C. They are His own special people (I Peter 2:9)
a. Not predestined
b. Not by faith only but doers of the word also
c. Not following traditions of men
d. Not based on good moral and conscience people
e. But to those who follow and heed His words (hence the Bible, not doctrines of men)
D. Called out of Darkness (II Thess. 2:14)
E. Obedience to the gospel is necessary (II Thess. 1:8)
a. If obedience is not there then there is no hope of eternal salvation.
b. Instead it is eternal condemnation
F. Live faithfully (Rev 3:4-5)
a. To overcome sin and walk in newness of life.
A. Those whose names are written in heaven are those who are saved.
B. Is your name written there? (Mark 16:16)
C. Invitation
I am indebted to my Dad (Terry Sanders) on this lesson he has been a big part in my life in developing me into the person who I am today. In teaching in being an example and most of all a Christian. I just want to say thank you.

Problems of the World

Problems of the World
I John 2:15-17
A. The world has many issues
a. We are told in fact to not love the things that are of the world or the things in the world
b. The world provides many opportunities to turn from God and the truth
i. We must constantly work at being the best servants of God we can possibly be
B. The things of the world since the beginning of time has caused man to sin
a. It has started with deception by Satan and has since then come to the point of just neglecting God and His ways (Deuteronomy 8:6)
b. To the point of practicing works of flesh which are condemned by God (Galatians 5:19-21)
C. However there are problems with the world that have caused one to stray from the truth
a. These problems must be addressed as soon as we realize these problems
b. The more we know the better prepared we are to address these problems of the world
D. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter
I. Problem #1 Lack of Knowledge
A. We all need knowledge
a. We need it in our jobs
b. In school
c. Even in our life in service to God
B. Today in the world we see that people have a lack of knowledge of God and the will of God
a. This problem was going on also in the Old Testament (Hosea 4:6)
i. This should give us a reminder that this isn’t something new
b. If we forget about God and His ways He will forget about us also
i. A lack of knowledge is serious and we need to know what we can do to alleviate this problem
ii. So Satan will not get an advantage on us (II Corinthians 2:11)
C. Give Attention (I Timothy 4:13;15-16)
a. To reading ,exhortation, and doctrine
b. This means to gain more knowledge!
c. How though?
i. Through doctrine and reading the scriptures
ii. Building upon our faith in God (Romans 10:17)
1. Fear God (meaning obedience) and keeping His commandments (doctrine through knowledge) (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
2. It is our whole duty
D. The more we know the more we can follow God and His ways in being pleasing to Him (II Corinthians 5:9)
a. Make it our aim and goal to Know God
b. Never stop studying
i. If we say or think we know enough we are then at our weakest moment
II. Problem #2 Lack of Standing for God
A. It is sad to see even at times that one who has the knowledge and obeys to the will of God is not willing to stand for God
a. We may back away when one may have a question (aka cowardly)
i. The doom of the cowardly (Revelation 21:8)
b. We may need more knowledge
c. We even allow peer pressure to cause us to not stand for truth (I Corinthians 15:33)
d. Or we may even just choose to not follow God entirely
B. We are commanded to stand and defend the truth (I Peter 3:15-17)
C. This means to:
a. Be ready
b. Answer questions
i. Never turn one away
ii. Search and find or let someone else also help
c. Choose God over the world
i. It is well worth it in the end to choose God than do evil
D. We must stand for God and Choose God and share with others the reason for our obedience
III. Problem #3 Compromise
A. I am afraid that the biggest problem that we face in the world today is compromise
a. When two people have a disagreement and one says Yes and the other says No instead of finding out the truth on the matter they meet in the middle
B. The Bible is a book that should never be compromised on!
a. In fact we should never take away or add to the scriptures (Revelation 22:18-19)
b. The Bible is complete and entirely inspired by God (II Timothy 3:16-17)
i. Thus we should never compromise on the scriptures if we do then we are directly violating the commandments of God
c. Before man was created there was God’s Word (John 1:1)
C. If we compromise when it comes to the scriptures we are PERVERTING THE GOSPEL
a. What is the doom of those who try and do such things? (Galatians 1:6-10)
i. If we or even an angel try and do such things we are considered accursed!
b. Do we need to persuade God with man’s own compromised truth or do we persuade men with God’s truth?
c. Do we seek the glory and praise of men or do we seek to be in the end in the glory of God with God?
D. Do we seek to rightly divide the word of truth or do we choose to compromise (I Timothy 2:15)
a. We must choose to rightly divide the word of truth that is inspired by God
A. The world that we face have many problems
a. We must however seek to try and fix these problems with the best of our abilities
B. We need to:
a. Gain Knowledge
b. Stand for God
c. Never Compromise when it comes to God
C. The knowledge we gain can and will lead us to God and to stand for God and never compromise the scriptures
D. The question we want to ask is:
a. Are you ready to start seeking that knowledge today?
b. We can help!
c. Invitation

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Trust and Being Trusted Psalms 40:4

A. As a child growing up we place our trust in our older family members and teachers
a. So many times now days I see a lack of trust being shown
b. It is harder today to show and place that trust
i. You read and see it everywhere on in the media about this problem
1. It is even harder today to trust our leaders today
2. They have proven themselves that they cannot be trusted
B. A strong amount of trust is needed today
a. This is especially needed in our life with God
i. We in fact need God
1. Paul spoke about this (Philippians 4:19)
a. God can and will supply our need in life
C. The question is where do we place trust?
a. Are we willing to place our trust in God?
D. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter
I. Can we trust God?
A. God has promised many things and has always delivered out His promises he makes
a. In fact God isn’t slack when He makes a promise (II Peter 3:9)
i. We need to trust that when God makes a promise He keeps it
ii. Look at the examples:
1. Look at the Old Testament
a. Especially the conquest of Canaan
b. God delivered out on His promises
c. When one disobeyed He took control
B. We need to trust God and His Son (Hebrews 11:6)
a. Can we trust that Jesus is the Son of God?
b. Can we trust that He will reward?
i. Do we trust that we can have an eternal home?
c. We can be blessed (Psalms 84:11-12)
C. God has said that He will take vengeance (Romans 12:19)
a. However if we trust one we must trust the other
b. God will take vengeance on those who are not willing to obey God
i. If God can offer an eternal reward, God can offer eternal punishment
D. This trust is also called faith
a. If we trust God then we can and will follow by faith (Hebrews 10:38)
b. It is built through and by the word of God (Romans 10:17)
E. Look at the examples of faith (Hebrews 11):
a. Abel
b. Enoch
c. Noah
d. Abraham
e. Sarah
f. Moses
F. Just like these examples of faith in God we must trust God that he will provide and take care of us
II. Can God Trust Us?
A. We need trust God and His will
a. However, can God trust us?
B. Can God trust us enough to seek and follow Him (Acts 17:27)?
a. Do we want God?
b. If we trust God we need to give our trust back to God for that everlasting home
i. We need to seek God first and His kingdom (Matthew 6:33)
C. We will be giving account for ourselves (Romans 14:12)
a. Can God trust us enough that we will understand the importance of our account given for ourselves?
i. It is our soul that is in jeopardy (Mark 8:37)
ii. Is there anything that we will do or want to give in exchange for our soul?
1. If there is doesn’t that show a lack of trust on our behalf?
b. There are two paths that are available (Matthew 7:13-14)
i. A way of untrustworthiness
ii. Or a way of proving we can be trusted
1. Which is our path
D. Can God trust that we will prove our faith in Him?
a. Will we follow His ways?
i. Do we trust in His word as our guide (Psalms 119:97-105)
1. It is a lamp for truth in the dangers of sin and darkness
2. It gives more understanding that all the knowledge of man
3. It needs to be our understanding at all times
4. Can we be trusted to make these things possible?
E. We need to be trusted enough to be counted as worthy
a. It is an eternal home in the end that is on the line (Rev. 21:22-27)
b. Can we be trusted enough to have this as our everlasting home
A. Trust is a very big issue
a. It is something that we need and must also place in ourselves
B. We need to trust God that He is:
a. Our Rewarder
b. Our Creator
c. Our Father
d. Our Provider
C. We must also be counted as being trustworthy
a. It is our soul that is on the line
i. We will give account for actions
b. The question is can we be found trustworthy in God for the everlasting home
D. We want to help you and the time is now
a. Do you trust God?
b. Can God Trust you?
i. The only way is obeying His ways
ii. Invitation

Can I Be Lost? Hebrews 10:38

A. Can a Christian be lost?
1. Can a Christian do anything in this life for which they will face condemnation in Hell for all eternity?
B. Depending on whom you might ask, the answer to, “Can I Be Lost?” will change dramatically.
1. You may hear “Yes”; you may hear “No”; you may hear everything in between.
C. This is one of those questions that is far too important to be left unanswered.
1. It is also far too important to be left to guessing or “I think so…” reasoning.
D. Let’s consider the same evidence that Paul shared in answer to this same question.
1. Paul introduces the fact that disqualification is possible in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
2. From that context he continues to build his case by using the example of the Israelites and the Land (1 Corinthians 10:1-12)

I. The Israelites Were Accepted: (1 Corinthians 10:1-4)
A. We need to know that Israel was acceptable to God and they were in a relationship designed by God for them.
1. He was their God; they were His people:
a. When He sent Moses to free them (Exodus 3:7)
b. When He sent plagues on Egypt (Exodus 10:3)
c. When they came out of Egypt (Exodus 20:1-2)
2. God brought them into a relationship with Him through Moses.
a. As they passed through the sea with water on both sides and the cloud over them Paul says that they were baptized into Moses.
i. They were put into a relationship with God through Moses
ii. They we given an identity and a law (Exodus 20:1-17).
B. The Israelites were provided with equal opportunity to faithfully serve God.
1. God had a common care for all of them:
a. They ate the same spiritual food—manna (Exodus 16)
b. They drank the same spiritual drink—water supplied by God in the wilderness (Exodus 17:1-7)
i. God made no distinction was made between the faithful and the unfaithful as they wandered.

II. Many, However, Did Not Enter The Promised Land: (1 Corinthians 10:5-10).
A. The promise land was theirs to have, if they would do God’s will (Deuteronomy 6:1-3).
1. He would be their God and they would be acceptable to Him as long as they continued to do His will (Psalm 95:1-7)
2. But they did not continue to do God’s will (Psalm 95: 8-11).
a. They turned their hearts aside to desire evil; They broke God’s commands:
i. They went after idols
ii. They committed sexual immorality
iii. They murmured and complained.
B. Because of their actions many were not allowed to enter the land.
1. Ones from among those who were made acceptable to God were disqualified, became lost, and were not acceptable to God.

III. These Are To Be Lessons For Us Today (1 Corinthians 10:6, 11-12)
A. Did you notice some similarities as we traveled with the Israelites?
1. They were brought out of the bondage of Egypt; we have been brought out of the world and the bondage of sin (Romans 6:16-18)
2. They were baptized into Moses; we were baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3-4)
3. They were given God’s will to follow; we are also given His will for our lives (Hebrews 1:1-2; 2 Peter 1:3).
4. They were wandering, waiting for the time when they would enter the land of promise; we are also waiting for a time when we will enter or promised place (John 14:1-6)
5. They were expected to continue doing God’s will in order to enter; so are we (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
6. Many did not enter the Land; that could happen to you and me
a. We must maintain our faithful service always (Hebrews 10:35-39; 1 Peter 1:6-9).
A. If you are a Christian, have you entered a relationship that can lead you to eternal salvation—everlasting life in the glories of Heaven (Matthew 25:34)?
1. You responsibility in the matter is clear: You are expected to serve faithfully all the days of your life (Revelation 2:10).
B. You can be lost if you turn back to sin (Hebrews 10:38).
C. God has promised and provided, we need to pursue.
1. We need individual effort—and help—to reach our goal.
2. I will help you and you will help me.
D. If you are not a Christian, you need to be.
1. Yes, it is true, some who become Christians will not stay faithful and will not make it to Heaven.
2. However, only those who do become Christians will have an opportunity to be accepted (Matthew 7:21)
a. Will you join us, and help us today?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The UN-Prodigal Son

The Un-Prodigal Son
Luke 15:25-32


A. In Luke 15:11-32 we read about a man who had two sons.

1. We are first introduced to the youngest son and we are told that he wasted his inheritance on “prodigal”—wild, frivolous—living.

B. I have heard many lessons about this “prodigal son”.

1. In fact I am sure that I have used the record of this prodigal son in many of my own sermons.

C. I may be wrong. But, I do not recall ever hearing a sermon about the other son.

1. So this morning we are going to consider together the un-prodigal son or the other son.

D. Let’s open our Bibles this morning and see what we can learn from the un-prodigal son.

I. He Was UN-Willing To Rejoice! (v.25-28)

A. The first thing we learn about this other son is that he became angry at his brother’s return and would not rejoice with the others.

1. The family and the servants were rejoicing with the father over the return of his youngest son.

a. But the older son was unwilling to rejoice.

B. Does this attitude ever present itself today?

1. Have you or I ever exhibited this attitude toward a brother of sister in the Lord?

a. Have you ever been like this older son—envious of another and therefore unwilling to rejoice with them?

2. The scriptures describe envy as…

a. A work of darkness (Romans 13:12-14)
b. Carnality (1 Corinthians 3:1-3)
c. Foolishness (Titus 3:3; James 3:13-18)

3. Can you imagine going to brother or sister in the Lord with good news of their return from sin back to the pathway of duty and they resent that something good happened to you?

a. It is not supposed to be that way is it?

C. We should love one another.

1. Brotherly love is described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

a. Verse 4, “…love does not envy…”

2. Rejoice with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15).

a. When a brother or sister succeeds we succeed.

b. The other side applies as well. We weep with those who weep.

II. He Was UN-Satisfied! (v. 29).

A. As we examine the text further we soon find out that there were more problems.

1. This older son lived as part of his father’s household.

a. A place where he had all that he could ever need. In fact in verse 31 the father openly declares that all that is his was at this son’s disposal.

2. He was not satisfied with what the father had provided him he wanted more.

a. In this particular place he said that his father had never given him a young goat to eat with his friends.

B. Does this attitude ever present itself today?

1. How many today are not satisfied with God’s has given?

a. Are there not those who are constantly seeking something new, something different, something more?

2. Paul warned Timothy to be watchful of this attitude (2 Timothy 4:2-5)

C. Our Father has provided us with…

1. His Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16)

a. Through whom we have salvation (Colossians 1:12-18)

i. There is no other hope (Acts 4:12)
ii. There is no other way (John 14:6)
2. His word (Hebrew 1:1-2)

a. His word is a good and perfect gift (James 1:17-20)
b. His word can bring us to our completion (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

3. His constant care (1 Peter 5:7)

III. He Was UN-Forgiving! (v.30)

A. He was unforgiving of his brother’s transgressions.

1. How do we know this?

a. If he had forgiven his brother he would not have spoken of the things his brother had done.

B. Are we ever unforgiving?

1. We can go about it in two ways.

a. We can outright refuse to forgive one who asks for forgiveness.
b. Or we can harbor the wrongdoings to be used against the individual later.

i. Either way there is no forgiveness.

C. How important is forgiveness?

1. Perhaps I should ask this question, “Who here needs to be forgiven?” (Every one of us Romans 6:23).

a. Our willingness to forgive is a hinge on our own sins being forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15; Matthew 18:34-35).

i. We jeopardize our own forgiveness when we are unwilling to forgive and we actual commit a sin by refusing to their request (Luke 17:3-4)

D. When forgiveness is given God has declared that our sins He “will remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17). We must strive to put the “forgiven” sins, of others and our self, behind us.


A. We learn three things not to do from the UN-prodigal son.
1. Do not be unwilling but rather have an attitude of. “My brother’s success is my success”
2. Do not be unsatisfied but rather search and know the blessing of God
3. Do not be unforgiving but rather forgiving and loving.

B. He is only in seven verses but we can learn from his mistakes and do better
C. Are you willing to become a Christian, no longer satisfied with the world, do you desire the forgiveness of your sins? Let us help you today.

Attitudes that Hinder Obedience

Attitudes That Hinder Obedience
—Matthew 1:18-22


A. If you have lived very long in the life you have likely heard an excuse or two.

1. You may have made excuses yourself.

B. People tend to get an attitude of excuse when …

1. They are scared to face something.

2. When they do not know something.

3. When they just don’t want to change

4. Or when they just don’t like what you are offering.

C. One time in particular, when excuses come up, is when we try to talk about the Bible with my friends and co-workers.

1. It seems like there are as many excuses as there are people.

a. Many are very uncomfortable with the subject of God and religion.

i. When speaking to another about religion, “An uncomfortable ear is always attached to an uncertain heart.”

D. This evening we need to take a few minutes to consider some excuses that I have encountered so that all of us may be better prepared to deal with them ourselves.

1. Let’s open our Bibles and study these points.

I. The—“I’m Okay: Just The Way I Am.” Attitude.

A. There are many who think they are okay.

1. Somehow they have twisted their thinking to believe God should accept them just the way they are.

a. Even though they totally disregard His will in their lives.

2. They are wrong in thinking they are okay: Jesus clearly stated you are either for God or against God (Matthew 12:30)

B. We need to share some very basic principals with an individual with this attitude.

1. Namely, the reality of sin.

a. First, sin is real (James 1:13-15)

i. God has delivered His will to man since the creation.
a) The garden law (Genesis 2:16-17)
b) The Law of Moses or the Old Law (Hebrews 1:1)
c) New Law through Christ (Hebrews 1:2).

ii. God holds all men everywhere accountable to the New Law.

a) Acts 17:30-31 “Now commands all men everywhere to repent.”

i. “He will judge the (whole) world in righteousness”

b) John 12:48 “My word will judge them.

i. 2 Corinthians 5:10 “We must all appear before the judgment seat”

b. Because God has given us a law we are accountable when we break that law (sin).

2. Second, all have sinned (Romans 3:23).

a. That means that I have sinned and you have sinned.

b. If we take this to the next step we have died spiritually.

3. Because we have sinned we have died spiritually (James 1:14-15)

a. When we desire to do wrong and do it we sin.

b. Sin brings forth death.(spiritual death)

i. Romans 6:23a “The wages of sin is death” (spiritual death)

C. Then we need to share with them the fact that there is hope..

1. The hope we share is in Jesus Christ.

a. Romans 5:8 “While we were still sinners Christ died for us”:

b. John 3:16 “Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

I. Of course we know that “believe” means full belief and obedience.

II. The “I Am Unacceptable” Attitude

A. What a sad place to be.

1. Thinking, “I could not be accepted by God.”

2. Although, they are right to a certain extent.

a. God will not accept them in their current state.

i. Our sins have separated us from God (Isaiah 59:2; Romans 3:23)

ii. They have made us unacceptable to Him (Revelation 21:27)

3. We cannot expect God accept us with the baggage of sins that we carry.

B. The hope is in the fact that anyone can be made “acceptable” if they want to be.

1. Examples of sinners who turned to God:

a. Saul of Tarsus (Acts 26:9-12; Acts 22:16)

b. The Corinthian brethren (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

2. We are made acceptable “In Christ” (Ephesians 1:6-8).

III. The, “God’s Way Is Impossible” Attitude.

A. There are many misconceptions concerning Christianity.

1. Some think that it is too easy.

a. Some think that it is way to hard even impossible.

B. It is true that God’s way is difficult.

1. Jesus Himself said, “Difficult is the way that leads to life” (Matthew 7:13-14)

a. It is difficult not impossible.

2. God’s expectations are reasonable (Romans 12:1-2)

a. We are offer our bodies as living sacrifices.

i. This means we give our bodies over to service for God (Galatians 5:24).

b. We give up (do not do) the things of the world.

C. Difficult but doable.

1. God has given us instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

a. God’s word is doable (James 1:23-25).

b. In fact we must do His will if we want to be saved (Matthew 7:21-23).


A. The more we try to talk to others about the gospel the more we will hear attitudes and excuses.

1. Sometimes those excuses will be slamming doors.

2. Other will be doors of opportunity.

a. We need to listen carefully for the cries for help.

B. One more attitude that we all want to see is the ,“What Must I Do” Attitude

1. This is a rare but wonderful attitude to encounter..

a. It is an open door to show someone the way.

2. When a soul comes to the realization that they are lost and they are willing to do whatever God expects, show them the way of the word.

C. We need to prepare for those occasions.

1. Through study and prayer.

C. We cannot answer every attitude but we may be able to turn an attitude into a study and help someone obey the gospel.

D. If you are not a Christian today are you going to make excuses or will you obey God today.

1. You can become a Christian tonight.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Motivational Speaking Vs. Bible Teaching and Preaching

A. Paul is writing in the last part of his life to Timothy to Preach the word.
a. A lesson that still speaks to us today
B. We need to be preaching the word everyday of our lives
C. Have you noticed that within the last 10-15 years more and more people are broadcasting religious TV shows?
a. It is one that is bringing in lots of income and posted on a lot of different TV stations every week
b. Some but very few can and are doing a good work preaching and teaching according to the scriptures
c. But have you noticed these “mega churches” are going as we say “way out in left field”.
i. Doing what they may think is a great work but limiting God in the lessons they present
D. Paul gives ample warning to Timothy to be ready
a. And it is something for us to be aware of also
b. Time will come in life when one doesn’t care what they scriptures say because it isn’t itching there ears
i. It isn’t drawing their attention to God
ii. But you Timothy continue and don’t falter
c. It’s a true lesson today
E. As I look throughout the media one thing has occurred
a. They are drawing a lot of people to what they are teaching
b. This “Feel Good Religion”
i. The I’m okay your okay thought
ii. It doesn’t matter what you do the Lord will still love you
iii. Do what you want because God cares and doesn’t want you to go to the other place
iv. Say this prayer with me and we all can be saved tonight
c. All actions that are made to make one feel good on the inside when really we should be worrying about what the scriptures say
F. Society is now tending to build up one another through the feel good words that we all will have salvation
a. Jesus says in Matthew 10:34-36 that through him there will arise conflicts within the family
i. Within our own families will arise conflicts
ii. Not make us all feel good.
G. We need to be aware of this and build each one up to be stronger in faith
a. Motivational Speaking is a subject that needs to be focused on because it is a problem in the world
i. The scriptures are being eliminated and need to be brought back in
H. Let’s open our Bible’s and study on this matter
I. Ears are Itching
A. The scriptures say that people will have itching ears
a. But they will make their own teacher and turn aside to fables (II Tim 4:3-4)
i. Fables as we understand is NOT truth
ii. Man’s own opinions
iii. False knowledge
iv. False doctrine
v. Warnings made by Paul
1. And Christ (Matthew 24:11)
2. Many will falsely testify Christ but deceive many (Matthew 24:24)
B. People today have itching ears
a. It’s evident
b. When we watch the majority of these religious shows there are extreme numbers of people at each one these assemblies
c. But what is being taught?
i. Is it truth?
ii. Is it fables
1. Does it make one feel good rather than obeying to God’s will?
d. These are questions that need to asked and answered at the same time
C. Motivational speaking rides on the fact of people having itching ears
a. The thought coming from what better way to have these people start following false doctrine than to make them feel good and give false prophecies that go away from the commands of the scriptures and into one’s own opinion
b. That’s all it is an opinion.
c. Turn away from the scriptures (II Peter 2:1-3)
i. Play with people’s emotions with the I am okay attitude
1. There own desires (II Tim. 4:3)
2. I am okay just the way I am
3. It’s false Paul points it out in Ephesians 4:17-24
a. I am not okay just the way I am
b. The old man is one that leads me to death
c. The new man is one that turns and changes from the old ways
i. Turning from sin (repentance Luke 13:5)
II. Stand for Truth
A. Ears are itching
a. It’s evident people are looking fro acceptance in the religion world
b. Acknowledgement of God but not obedient
i. Turning away from the scriptures and God
B. Paul gives the warning to Timothy that this will occur
a. But also gives him positive reinforcement to stand for the truth
i. Song Stand Up for Jesus Number 397
1. As a soldier of Christ
b. Don’t let this discourage you
i. Be strong and don’t let your own desires cloud judgment on truth
C. We need to keep up the fight and finish the race and keep the faith (II Tim. 4:7)
a. Keeping the faith through the scriptures (Romans 10:17)
i. Our foundation of faith
1. Having and furthering our knowledge
2. Being the new man renewed in the Knowledge of Christ (Col 3:10)
a. Awaking to Righteousness (I Cor. 15:34)
b. Teaching rebuking encouraging doing the work of an evangelist (II Tim 4:2;5)
c. Using Scripture the Inspired work and word of God (II Tim. 3:16-17)
i. It gives TRUE:
ii. Doctrine-teaching
iii. Reproof- judging in what is right and wrong
iv. Correction-showing the error of sin in one’s life
v. Instruction-action that is needed to be made in order to follow the true doctrine
1. To have the Promise of eternal life laid up for us (Phil. 3:14)
D. All of this to stand for truth comes from the scriptures
a. Not my opinion or yours
b. Not from a creed book
c. Not given down by declaration
E. But from the scriptures
a. It’s one that can build and motivate and give us zeal as long as we use the book properly in standing for truth
b. Motivational speaking will build me up for a short amount of time
c. But truly in the end it will still leave me empty
i. Without a true promise
ii. Returning to sin and the end is worse (II Peter 2:18-22)
1. Empty words that lead to lust of the flesh which leads to sin which leads to death (James 1:14-15)
A. We have looked on the topic of motivational speaking vs. Bible teaching and Preaching
a. Motivational speaking is a good tool and a very dangerous tool
b. Using it without the scriptures leads one to deception
i. It may build us up and make us feel good but that is where it ends
c. However using it with scripture properly gives us encouragement instruction doctrine correction and leads us to the promise
B. Do you want to start applying your life to building each one of us up through the scriptures today?
a. We can help you!
C. Submitting yourself entirely to the scriptures and following the commandments of God
a. A path that leads to life (Matthew 7:14)
D. HBRCBF For the promise of the Hope of Eternal Salvation
E. Invitation