Sunday, July 15, 2007


I am recently reminded on this blog from a preacher and fellow member of the Lord on the subject of obedience. Brother McClain said " People want to accept Jesus as their personal Savior however they don't want to obey him". Think about this for a few moments. How true is this statement? People will do whatever they want when they want as long as it makes them feel good. But if it is a contradiction to God's law and the will of God that doesn't matter. They will do whatever they want. But when it comes time they will claim Jesus as their personal Savior immediately. How can one we claim Jesus but don't do the one thing he asks from each of us and that is to do the will of the Father. (Matthew 7:21-23) Many were ready to do so many things but without knowledge or willingness to obey Jesus they were declared lawless.

The truth to be obedient will never change but the world is always changing.

The first thing to have true obedience is taking a look in the mirrow and seeing who we need to overcome. Without having the realization of we need to overcome ourselves first then we can never be obedient. Those who think they can do whatever they want when they want and still not be obedient are first of all stubborn and won't change are foolish in their thoughts and will be judged each accordingly. Romans 12:1-2 clearly states in order obedience to be functioned properly we can't let the world conform us we must be a transformer (not a machine that changes into a robot HA!!!)but through obedience changing the world. I John 2:15-17 denying the world and everything in it. The earth will pass away but the word of Christ will never pass away. Matthew talks about laying treasures in heaven where nothing can destroy it.

People will do whatever is right in their own eyes (just like Israel) and will fail to realize what it really is about and that is "doing the will of MY Father in Heaven" Matthew 7:21. Like Israel if those continue to do what they think is right they will fail in according to the Lord's Standards.

Daniel N. Sanders