Monday, June 28, 2010

Why Read the Bible?

Growing up as children into adults we all needed to learn. How do we though? We gain understanding through our reading. I was trained in HVAC in high school; did I know everything before I started? How did I know how to work on different heating and air conditioning units? Are they all the same? I learned just like everyone else and that was through reading the manuals!

The Bible is the same way! How do we know exactly where we have come from? On the other hand, even what our purpose is? How can we answer these great questions of life? We must turn to the Bible. We know that in the beginning God created all things Genesis 1-3. We know that our duty is to fear god and keep his commandments is our duty in this life (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Consider with me the example of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26-40. This man was not a Christian. However, he was doing something that is needed. He was reading from the prophet Isaiah and it was here that Phillip found this man reading. However reading it, he still needed guidance and this is where Phillip began preaching Jesus to him. This all started with the Ethiopian Eunuch reading. After this point Phillip had opportunity to preach more concerning the new way of life.

The Ethiopian Eunuch after reading and Phillip giving time teaching him gave him a clear direction on what he needed to do. Can we see there is a need and important for us to read. How could the Ethiopian Eunuch know about Jesus and how could Phillip teach and preach Jesus without reading and knowing about Jesus. Think about for ourselves. How can we know more about Jesus and what God’s will is if we do not read? Is it going to come to us miraculously? Of Course not!

Think about what Paul was giving to Timothy as instruction not only as a preacher but also as a Christian in I Timothy 4:12-16. Paul was pointing out that reading was important. How could Timothy know more about the doctrine if he did not read? He needed to give attention to reading the scriptures that he had! He needed to focus and give all attention and meditation to these things for him to continue being a Christian. If he did give the necessary attention notice verse 16, again, he would be able to save those who would hear and believe but Timothy must first give attention to reading.

Reading is also important to give proof to knowing truth. Think about those of Berea in Acts 17:10-11. How would they know whether they received the truth? How do we know if we have received the truth? We have to search the scriptures and check whether these things are so. It is not going to magically enter our brains and we will know truth. We must apply to our lives and that comes through reading the scriptures.

There is a need for us to read the Bible. How do we know how to live our life? What does God’s Word do for us? In Psalms 119:97-105 God’s word is a lamp and light for us. God’s word gives more understanding than the wisdom of man. God’s word should be our focus and it is the only knowledge and way that we can follow to have eternal life. The question is are you giving attention to reading? Are taking opportunity to know more about God’s will? Do you understand what you are reading? Do you need a helping hand? Brethren are eager to help if you do not know. Are taking opportunity to follow and read God’s Word? Are you giving necessary application? Will you take time for your soul and eternity to open and read God’s Word?

Daniel N. Sanders

Thursday, June 3, 2010


We all need guidance. As children growing up, they seek and need that guidance from their parents. As we continue to get older and begin preparing for our careers, we seek instruction from those that are in the same, profession and teachers to help us be prepared for our job in life.

As a Christian, we need that same light to brighten our path. The light that God shows and gives as a guide in our life will help us be better servants of God and prepare us for the way that God expects from us. His inspired Word (II Timothy 3:16-17) that he has given to all humanity is a lamp to our feet and light to our path (Psalms 119:105).

All people everywhere have sinned (Romans 3:23) and fallen short of the glory of God. Sin has darkened our way separating and alienating ourselves from God (Ephesians 4:18). When we desire sin, we are seeking a dark life a way that keeps us from God and being in His Light. It is our ultimate doom (Romans 6:23).

God has given us the Bible to be a guiding light for us to make ourselves acceptable to His ways and it should be our desire (Romans 12:1-2). Again, as we have pointed out sin has darkened our way with God and has separated us from God.

The word of God is a lamp and a light. It is profitable in many ways for us (II Timothy 3:16-17). It is profitable for doctrine or the teaching that we need that is inspired by God. It is all profitable for reproof or the judgment that we need to judge ourselves by. It is our standard and way of life. The Bible is also profitable correction in how we judge and how we make ourselves right with God. Lastly, the Bible is profitable for instruction in righteousness. It is our duty to please God and be righteous in the eyes of the Lord. It is a guiding light for our path in everyday life. The Bible is perfect completes us as individuals to be servants of God.

It is up to us as individuals to accept the guiding light that God provides and to understand, follow, and obey the things, which God has given to us in this book. We need to leave the darkness of the world (sin) and enter into the Light (newness of light made by God). How do we do this?

Notice what Paul says over in Ephesians 4:17-24. We need to no longer to walk in a sinful way that has darkened our path and separated ourselves from God. We need to realize the dangers of sin and do whatever it takes to enter into the light of God. We need to make a change. It is a word that many do not like to hear. Many do not like to change because many are comfortable and complacent or fine with where they are. This is dangerous because God will not transform us into His light unless we first willingly choose to obey God and His guiding Light that we find through His inspired word (Psalms 119:105; II Timothy 3:16-17). We must leave our old ways that corrupt us as individuals and become transformed in the light of God. It means we need to follow and obey the word of God.

God’s guiding light is everlasting. We can become children of light (Ephesians 5:8). We all at one point were in darkness but God and His light can make us children of light. We can walk a new life that in the end as eternal benefits. The place that God has prepared for those who walk in the light will know the light of God. This place will have no night (Revelation 21:22-27). It is a new place that God has prepared for the children of light. It is an eternal place for those who have obeyed God and followed His guiding light through His inspired word. It is for the faithful and exclusively for those that have their names written in the Book of Life.

We need to ask ourselves how we are taking the guiding light that God has given and provided for us. Are we using the guidance that God has given us and making the change to become a child of light? If the answer is yes we can be a select and chosen one of God. We can be a royal and chosen generation of God. We are called out of the darkness of sin and into the marvelous light of God that has made us new and righteous. If the answer is no we need to ask “why are we waiting?” We need to act now before it is too late (Acts 22:16). We need to be baptized for the remission of our sins (Acts 2:37-38) and become a new being a child of light that can reap the eternal rewards when this life is over. Are you using God’s Guiding Light to make our way pleasing and acceptable to God?

~Daniel Sanders~


We are all students of the Bible. We can never learn enough about God’s word. As we recently pointed out it is imperative to keep our Bibles open. However, through our constant studying we need to be asking questions also. Questions are good things! They help give us understanding to learn more about God. We do not know everything about the Bible however there may be others that surround us that may know a little more and we can always ask questions to further our understanding.

There is no such thing as a dumb question. If we have questions they need answers. This proves that we are trying to give the necessary attention to God and His inspired word. We are wanting to know more that we can better our lives to please God. Is this our goal in life? We should never feel embarrassed to ask questions regarding the Bible. This shows the true growth and willingness to learn to apply the Bible to our life.

Again we want to stress that we are students! As students we learn. The minute that we say we know enough and do not need to give more attention to God’s word is the moment that Satan can catch us with temptation and we fail. Satan is like a roaring lion (I Peter 5:8) trying to catch us in a moment of weakness to tempt us and cause to sin and separate ourselves from God. That old saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is completely false! We can always learn. I reminded of a well-known gospel preacher who was holding a meeting and hearing the story of how he was teaching the class and he had preaching for several years a during the class as they were studying someone pointed out something form a verse they were studying. The man after hearing this said “after so many years of studying this I never recognized that” proving that no matter how old we are we can learn.

Notice the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26-39. The Ethiopian eunuch was as we can understand a religious man because he was on his way to Jerusalem to worship. However as he was reading from the prophet Isaiah, Philip was sent to him and heard him reading. It was at this point that Philip asked him a question of his understanding and he needed help. He needed help and asked Philip to help him because he didn’t know what he was reading. Philip at this point began speaking Jesus to him. Through the eunuch’s willingness to learn he was baptized and continued on his way rejoicing. He knew the truth and the power of the gospel through asking questions and Philip helped guide him to know more.

When we ask questions we show concern for our soul and life as a Christian. The Bible cannot be forced into our heads, we must be willing to learn and if we don’t know we need to ask questions so we can improve our lives. The more we want to learn the better off we will be.

God’s wisdom has unimaginable heights, depths, and widths (Romans 11:33-36). His knowledge is a plethora of knowledge. Our cup can and will run over if we give attention and when we do not know something ask and we can receive the answer(Matthew 7:7-8). Are we asking questions to constantly add to our faith and improve our life (II Peter 1:5-11)?


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Was Peter a Pope?

And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). In reading this verse, many will claim that this is the verse that establishes Peter as the pope of the church. There are many in the sect that has claimed Peter as being the first pope. However, let us examine this and consider the question if Peter was the first pope.

Who is the head?

According to many, the Pope is the head of the church. I have yet to discover any verses that say the pope is the head of the church. I have searched the scriptures even to the point of seeing if Peter is the head of the church. Nothing has pinpointed this at all. However, what we do know is that all authority has been given to Jesus on heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18-20). This leaves no authority for anyone else if all authority has been given to Jesus. We read in Ephesians 4:15 that Christ is the head of the church. It goes on to say in Ephesians 1:22 that Jesus is to be head over the church. The body is represented by the members (you and me). How then can authority be given to the pope or even Peter (as the first pope)? Consider this in thinking about the head of the church. Who is to be the head? Is it Christ or man?

Qualifications for pope

According to man the pope is not to be married have children or anything like this. Priests, cardinals, bishops etc. all fall under this same category and circumstance about being married or having children. Again considering Peter and if he was the first pope think about this: how can he then already be married (Mark 1:29-31). Jesus came and healed Peter’s mother-in-law. How does one have a mother-in-law? I am not trying to sound as if I do not understand but what I do know is that in order for one to have for instance a mother-in-law is that one must be married. Thus if Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law then Peter must have been married.

Paul goes on to talk about apostles taking their wives along with them throughout their traveling in preaching and spreading the gospel. As we read in I Corinthians 9:5 Paul mentions, Peter (also known as Cephas) as being one whom then took his wife on his journeys in preaching the gospel.

Paul also mentions in I Timothy 3 about the qualifications of elders (or bishops) and deacons. Notice what is mentioned in both: A deacon has to be married and also have children. The qualification of an elder is one who is married and has faithful children. This is a direct contradiction of qualifications for a priest, bishop, cardinal, or pope. These individuals according to Catholicism cannot be married nor have children. Wouldn’t this disqualify Peter as being a pope? Wouldn’t this make man changing the law? If Peter had this great authority then they were already pointing out the flaws of Peter. Thus, he couldn’t be a pope according to Catholic doctrine.

Considering the Authority

Again, Jesus states that all authority has been given to him on heaven and earth leaving no authority for man in the religious world. However, man has decided to say that he does have authority. Again looking at Matthew 16:18-19 Jesus states that on this rock I will build my church. Notice it is not churches. Then he goes on to say that, Peter is given the keys. This did not mean that Peter was given the authority over the church. As we just discussed Christ is still the head of the church (Ephesians 1:22).

When Christ gave Peter the keys, he was given the power to continue on with the work that Jesus came in this world to do. He came in to establish the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15) which he did in giving his life on the cross. The apostles still had work to do in establishing the physical kingdom that we see today. They taught the doctrine of Christ and told others to do what Jesus commanded while He was here in this world. He told them to believe, repent, confess, and be baptized for the remission of sins. This is what Peter and the apostles had to do and set up this physical kingdom but it was all done under Christ’s authority. How can Peter then be the one in authority and control?

Was Peter the first pope? According to the scriptures, we cannot see how this is possible at all. Who is in control? It is Christ as we see throughout the Bible and not Peter! The Bible is to be our guide and I hope as we looked in this discussion that Christ is in authority and not the pope. The pope is one that is not in authority nor has it been authorized in the Bible. The qualifications are not possible but the Bible states that a bishop and preacher can be married and the authority is all with Christ!

He who has an ear to hear let him hear! (Rev. 3:6)

Daniel Sanders