Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13:24-30)

The harvest is coming. The good crop and bad crop both have a place to go. What good is crop that is bad or what good is weeds in crop. It is good for nothing. The only place for weeds are to be thrown out and burned.

Good crop is to be stored up in barns used for many things. It is to be collected and will be saved. Just as Jesus points out in this parable the wheat will be saved! The tares will be burned and consumed by fire.

We as individuals and Christians are commanded to live in the world but not of the world. What this means is to be unique. We are to be unique according to God's word. We are to be different according to what the world thinks as okay! There many contrasting things between the world and God however we are to be different and apart from sin.

Satan has come in and tried to set sin in the eharts of everyone in the world. Sin is what separates from God. In the end if we are found sinful we will be consumed by an eternal fire. A place of complete discomfort. A place that no one wants to be except for Satan. Satan wants us there with him.

As the harvest comes to an end there will be separation. The good and bad, the righteous and sinful, and the obedient and disobedient will be separated. The question is where do we stand right now. If the harvest has ended are we saved? Will we be like wheat? Or will we be like the tares? Where will be be casted? Will it be fire or will it be into the barn of our Father?

Let us make sure we are examining ourselves and preparing ourselves for the day of judgement when the harvest will end and we will be judged according to our works. Let us be ready to be gathered into the abrns and rest eternally with God! Have you obeyed God's commands yet? Why then are you waiting if you haven't?

Daniel N. Sanders

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