Sunday, February 1, 2009

2009 Walk the Line

2009 Walk the Line!


A. Leading into 2009 a new year means a fresh start.

B. We all have been blessed with life and almost the start of a new year.

C. A day in which is a fresh start and forgetting about the mistakes of the year before.

D. There are things that are great about the untold future, and nothing can stop us on this course from the year before.

E. We are told to build throughout our lives especially our own lives (Acts 20:32) and to build one another in life (I Thess 5:11).

F. So let us look at things that we can build on for the new year of 2009.

I. Faith

A. Faith is the absolute foundation of our action and intention.

B. Faith as to be in every thought of our hearts in pleasing God (Hebrews 11:6).

a. Our lives cannot start with God without faith (II Peter 1:5-10). Faith is at the start of this in adding to everything.
b. Christ is our structure, which everything else must rest on.
c. Without faith virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love keeps one away from being bound to a person from being a disciple of Christ.
d. Without these we will follow the difficult way (Matthew 7:13-14)

C. Our faith needs to be strong.

a. We have to go to the source to find that strong faith.
b. Romans 10:17 tells us the source is from the Word of God.
c. This must be understood to also mean that the application of the word is a necessary action.
d. Paul demonstrated this in his letter to Timothy to “give himself entirely” (I Tim. 4:13, 15-16)

D. Faith is developed through the knowledge and understanding of Savior (Hebrews 11:6b).

a. Who He is. Genesis chapter 1 and 2 Psalm 19:1-11 Acts 17:24-27
b. What he is has done for us. John 3:16
c. What he continues to do for us. Romans 1:16
d. What he expects from us. James 1:17-22
e. Knowledge of his rewards. Hebrews 11:6
f. His daily help. I Cor. 10:13
g. His constant care. I Peter 5:7
h. His promise of everlasting life. John 14:1-6

E. Strong faith can accomplish great things. We can be better servants of God and can bring more souls to him.

II. Kindness

A. The Greek form of brotherly kindness is philos-storgio.
a. It is a “selfless care” to watch and care for others.
b. Romans 12:9-11 describes its admonitions.
c. The care in this passage talks about material things.
i. However it can also be for spiritual things also.

B. Sometimes it’s very easy to slip into “oblivion” where we think about ourselves only.
a. When we live in oblivion we fail as a follower of Christ to be what we need to be for everyone around us.

C. We are going to do a quick run through things we need to be for others.
a. Romans 12:10-16
b. Romans 13:8
c. Romans 15:5
d. Romans 15:7
e. Romans 15:14
f. Eph. 4:2
g. Eph 4:32
h. Col 3:13
i. I Thess 3:12
j. I Thess 4:9
k. I Thess 4:18
l. Hebrews 3:13
m. Hebrews 10:24
n. James 5:16
o. I Peter 1:22
p. I Peter 3:8
q. I Peter 4:8-9

D. These are 18 references to pay attention to our brethren.
a. Succeeding in these requires kindness—Selfless concern for another’s well-being.
E. With a strong measure of kindness we can accomplish great things.
a. We can be better servants of God and bring more souls to God.

III. Zeal

A. Zeal is simply excitement
a. It is a strong desire.
b. It’s interesting to see how people can accomplish great things when they are excited.
c. There are many stories of great accomplishments; all were achieved because they were excited about completing this goal.

B. 1849 is a great example of Zeal.
a. People of all different types of o ccupations became gold miners.
b. This was known as the Gold Rush.
c. So many people gave up everything to move out west because of the excitement of getting gold.
d. Zeal helped all these people get through the tough times to keep going.

C. We need Zeal in laying to the hope Jesus Promises.
a. Jesus plainly told us the way, which leads to life, it is difficult but we can make as long as we keep zeal in us at all times.
b. The descriptions of Hell should motivate us to avoid that place at all costs (Matthew 25:30,41,46).
c. The beautiful descriptions of Heaven should motivate us to make that place our home (Matthew 25: 21, 23, 34)

D. We keep our zeal strong by recognizing our role in the success of this work.
a. There is no more zealous worker than one who knows the work will never be the same without help (Eph 4:16).
b. Every member is needed.
c. We are not the complete without your abilities.
d. Once again with strong zeal we can be better servants of God and bring more souls to God.


A. There are great things about the untold future in that we have a course to follow and no one can stop us from that.
a. We have a great goal, which is Heaven.
b. We have to do things which requires us all to have faith, kindness, and zeal.
c. Let’s determine to make this the best year to help bring lost souls to Christ and to better ourselves in our service as well.
d. Are you ready for that.

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