Monday, October 6, 2008

Problems of the World

Problems of the World
I John 2:15-17
A. The world has many issues
a. We are told in fact to not love the things that are of the world or the things in the world
b. The world provides many opportunities to turn from God and the truth
i. We must constantly work at being the best servants of God we can possibly be
B. The things of the world since the beginning of time has caused man to sin
a. It has started with deception by Satan and has since then come to the point of just neglecting God and His ways (Deuteronomy 8:6)
b. To the point of practicing works of flesh which are condemned by God (Galatians 5:19-21)
C. However there are problems with the world that have caused one to stray from the truth
a. These problems must be addressed as soon as we realize these problems
b. The more we know the better prepared we are to address these problems of the world
D. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter
I. Problem #1 Lack of Knowledge
A. We all need knowledge
a. We need it in our jobs
b. In school
c. Even in our life in service to God
B. Today in the world we see that people have a lack of knowledge of God and the will of God
a. This problem was going on also in the Old Testament (Hosea 4:6)
i. This should give us a reminder that this isn’t something new
b. If we forget about God and His ways He will forget about us also
i. A lack of knowledge is serious and we need to know what we can do to alleviate this problem
ii. So Satan will not get an advantage on us (II Corinthians 2:11)
C. Give Attention (I Timothy 4:13;15-16)
a. To reading ,exhortation, and doctrine
b. This means to gain more knowledge!
c. How though?
i. Through doctrine and reading the scriptures
ii. Building upon our faith in God (Romans 10:17)
1. Fear God (meaning obedience) and keeping His commandments (doctrine through knowledge) (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
2. It is our whole duty
D. The more we know the more we can follow God and His ways in being pleasing to Him (II Corinthians 5:9)
a. Make it our aim and goal to Know God
b. Never stop studying
i. If we say or think we know enough we are then at our weakest moment
II. Problem #2 Lack of Standing for God
A. It is sad to see even at times that one who has the knowledge and obeys to the will of God is not willing to stand for God
a. We may back away when one may have a question (aka cowardly)
i. The doom of the cowardly (Revelation 21:8)
b. We may need more knowledge
c. We even allow peer pressure to cause us to not stand for truth (I Corinthians 15:33)
d. Or we may even just choose to not follow God entirely
B. We are commanded to stand and defend the truth (I Peter 3:15-17)
C. This means to:
a. Be ready
b. Answer questions
i. Never turn one away
ii. Search and find or let someone else also help
c. Choose God over the world
i. It is well worth it in the end to choose God than do evil
D. We must stand for God and Choose God and share with others the reason for our obedience
III. Problem #3 Compromise
A. I am afraid that the biggest problem that we face in the world today is compromise
a. When two people have a disagreement and one says Yes and the other says No instead of finding out the truth on the matter they meet in the middle
B. The Bible is a book that should never be compromised on!
a. In fact we should never take away or add to the scriptures (Revelation 22:18-19)
b. The Bible is complete and entirely inspired by God (II Timothy 3:16-17)
i. Thus we should never compromise on the scriptures if we do then we are directly violating the commandments of God
c. Before man was created there was God’s Word (John 1:1)
C. If we compromise when it comes to the scriptures we are PERVERTING THE GOSPEL
a. What is the doom of those who try and do such things? (Galatians 1:6-10)
i. If we or even an angel try and do such things we are considered accursed!
b. Do we need to persuade God with man’s own compromised truth or do we persuade men with God’s truth?
c. Do we seek the glory and praise of men or do we seek to be in the end in the glory of God with God?
D. Do we seek to rightly divide the word of truth or do we choose to compromise (I Timothy 2:15)
a. We must choose to rightly divide the word of truth that is inspired by God
A. The world that we face have many problems
a. We must however seek to try and fix these problems with the best of our abilities
B. We need to:
a. Gain Knowledge
b. Stand for God
c. Never Compromise when it comes to God
C. The knowledge we gain can and will lead us to God and to stand for God and never compromise the scriptures
D. The question we want to ask is:
a. Are you ready to start seeking that knowledge today?
b. We can help!
c. Invitation

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