Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Trust and Being Trusted Psalms 40:4

A. As a child growing up we place our trust in our older family members and teachers
a. So many times now days I see a lack of trust being shown
b. It is harder today to show and place that trust
i. You read and see it everywhere on in the media about this problem
1. It is even harder today to trust our leaders today
2. They have proven themselves that they cannot be trusted
B. A strong amount of trust is needed today
a. This is especially needed in our life with God
i. We in fact need God
1. Paul spoke about this (Philippians 4:19)
a. God can and will supply our need in life
C. The question is where do we place trust?
a. Are we willing to place our trust in God?
D. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter
I. Can we trust God?
A. God has promised many things and has always delivered out His promises he makes
a. In fact God isn’t slack when He makes a promise (II Peter 3:9)
i. We need to trust that when God makes a promise He keeps it
ii. Look at the examples:
1. Look at the Old Testament
a. Especially the conquest of Canaan
b. God delivered out on His promises
c. When one disobeyed He took control
B. We need to trust God and His Son (Hebrews 11:6)
a. Can we trust that Jesus is the Son of God?
b. Can we trust that He will reward?
i. Do we trust that we can have an eternal home?
c. We can be blessed (Psalms 84:11-12)
C. God has said that He will take vengeance (Romans 12:19)
a. However if we trust one we must trust the other
b. God will take vengeance on those who are not willing to obey God
i. If God can offer an eternal reward, God can offer eternal punishment
D. This trust is also called faith
a. If we trust God then we can and will follow by faith (Hebrews 10:38)
b. It is built through and by the word of God (Romans 10:17)
E. Look at the examples of faith (Hebrews 11):
a. Abel
b. Enoch
c. Noah
d. Abraham
e. Sarah
f. Moses
F. Just like these examples of faith in God we must trust God that he will provide and take care of us
II. Can God Trust Us?
A. We need trust God and His will
a. However, can God trust us?
B. Can God trust us enough to seek and follow Him (Acts 17:27)?
a. Do we want God?
b. If we trust God we need to give our trust back to God for that everlasting home
i. We need to seek God first and His kingdom (Matthew 6:33)
C. We will be giving account for ourselves (Romans 14:12)
a. Can God trust us enough that we will understand the importance of our account given for ourselves?
i. It is our soul that is in jeopardy (Mark 8:37)
ii. Is there anything that we will do or want to give in exchange for our soul?
1. If there is doesn’t that show a lack of trust on our behalf?
b. There are two paths that are available (Matthew 7:13-14)
i. A way of untrustworthiness
ii. Or a way of proving we can be trusted
1. Which is our path
D. Can God trust that we will prove our faith in Him?
a. Will we follow His ways?
i. Do we trust in His word as our guide (Psalms 119:97-105)
1. It is a lamp for truth in the dangers of sin and darkness
2. It gives more understanding that all the knowledge of man
3. It needs to be our understanding at all times
4. Can we be trusted to make these things possible?
E. We need to be trusted enough to be counted as worthy
a. It is an eternal home in the end that is on the line (Rev. 21:22-27)
b. Can we be trusted enough to have this as our everlasting home
A. Trust is a very big issue
a. It is something that we need and must also place in ourselves
B. We need to trust God that He is:
a. Our Rewarder
b. Our Creator
c. Our Father
d. Our Provider
C. We must also be counted as being trustworthy
a. It is our soul that is on the line
i. We will give account for actions
b. The question is can we be found trustworthy in God for the everlasting home
D. We want to help you and the time is now
a. Do you trust God?
b. Can God Trust you?
i. The only way is obeying His ways
ii. Invitation

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