Where Are You In Attendance?
Psalms 122:1
A. Part of our work in the Lord comes through our attendance
a. The Psalmist writes about how they were glad when coming to the house of the Lord
i. We should have this same exact attitude
ii. We should be happy, glad, and even rejoicing in the fact we can come and worship God
B. It is sad and unfortunate that there are those who are willing to not come as often as one should
a. Does one not feel glad or even rejoice when it comes to gathering in the house of the Lord?
b. What are the reasons that are behind this line of thought?
i. What kind of thought or excuse can we give?
ii. What idea can we think of in trying to neglect God
1. Should we even think that we can make up excuses and neglect coming to the House of the Lord
C. Yes there are times when we are sick and even have to work at times when it will interfere or we are unable to worship God with our brethren
a. We should try and make every attempt to come and worship and give praise, glory, and honor back to God
D. That is what we do when we gather together
a. We sing songs or praise and glory to God
b. We thank God through prayer
c. We study and learn about the will of God
d. It all comes down to the attending and being part of it
E. The question is: Where are you?
F. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter
I. When is it wrong?
A. The biggest question is when is it wrong?
a. Is it 1 time maybe 10 times or what about 100 times
b. When is it wrong to miss services?
B. What are we forsaking? (Hebrews 10:25)
a. Is it the building that we are forsaking
i. What does it really mean to forsake?
1. Neglect, abandon, or even departure
b. No it isn’t the building
i. It doesn’t say assembly
ii. It says assembling
1. It means the gathering together
C. Look at the what the church truly and really is
a. It isn’t the building that is holy
b. It is a collected group of members representing Christ that is holy(Ephesians 1:22-23)
i. He gave the members all different abilities (Ephesians 4:7-16)
D. So when is it wrong to neglect or lack of attending?
a. When the saints are gathered together
b. Notice what is said next (Hebrews 10:26)
i. It is wrong when we do such things deliberately
ii. When we neglect and abandon the church not because of work or illness
1. But when it is more out of want
c. It is considered sin when we choose or give preference to neglecting the body of Christ
II. What does it mean to choose not to attend?
A. It means and demonstrates one’s contempt for spiritual things
a. It shows ones disapproval for the spiritual things
i. When we choose or prefer not to attend, is it because of spiritual reasons or worldly reasons (Romans 8:5-9)
b. When we gather together on Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings and we choose not to attend what reasons are we giving
i. Are we choosing not to attend because of preference or deliberate reasons for this neglect
1. If so it is considered sin!
B. It means choosing not to give or receive encouragement
a. It is difficult to encourage others when we see each other infrequently or even speaking to one another on the phone
i. It makes it even harder to help and give the encouragement to live a better life (Hebrews 10:23-24)
C. It means to chose and violate a direct command (Hebrews 10:25)
a. Isn’t that transgressing and going against the law of God (I John 3:4)
b. What does sin do? (Romans 6:23)
D. We allow sin to creep in at the door and let it stay and infiltrate our hearts
a. Causing more temptations of neglecting the body of Christ
i. Once it happens once then it becomes more easier to do it more often
III. What can we do?
A. Well first of all be here
a. If you can’t come because of car problems or something call one we can pick anyone up
i. We are here to try and uplift each other and show that encouragement (Hebrews 10:23-24)
b. Coming to services by choice (Psalms 122:1)
i. Being glad at the fact that we can come together
B. We also need to let others see our example (I Timothy 4:12)
a. Coming on a consistent basis at all times we meet and gather together
b. Neighbors, friends, family, co-workers all see what is important and they are curious as to why we go so often
C. Let our light shine before men (Matthew 5:13-16)
a. Let others see that we prefer to serve God and attend and show love and encouragement for the work of Christ
b. Don’t hide it or show neglect let it shine!
D. Follow the scriptures (Romans 12:1-2)
a. Understanding the work that God has for us to do
b. Let’s attend and show that we want to be here rather than showing neglect
A. Following the commandments of God our required for us to follow for the hope and promise of eternal salvation
B. Attendance is just one of these things
C. In order to become one of the body of Christ one must be submissive and willing and wanting to start in their service to God
D. Are we ready to start today?
a. There isn’t a better time than now
b. We can help you today
c. Invitation
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