A. Paul is writing in the last part of his life to Timothy to Preach the word.
a. A lesson that still speaks to us today
B. We need to be preaching the word everyday of our lives
C. Have you noticed that within the last 10-15 years more and more people are broadcasting religious TV shows?
a. It is one that is bringing in lots of income and posted on a lot of different TV stations every week
b. Some but very few can and are doing a good work preaching and teaching according to the scriptures
c. But have you noticed these “mega churches” are going as we say “way out in left field”.
i. Doing what they may think is a great work but limiting God in the lessons they present
D. Paul gives ample warning to Timothy to be ready
a. And it is something for us to be aware of also
b. Time will come in life when one doesn’t care what they scriptures say because it isn’t itching there ears
i. It isn’t drawing their attention to God
ii. But you Timothy continue and don’t falter
c. It’s a true lesson today
E. As I look throughout the media one thing has occurred
a. They are drawing a lot of people to what they are teaching
b. This “Feel Good Religion”
i. The I’m okay your okay thought
ii. It doesn’t matter what you do the Lord will still love you
iii. Do what you want because God cares and doesn’t want you to go to the other place
iv. Say this prayer with me and we all can be saved tonight
c. All actions that are made to make one feel good on the inside when really we should be worrying about what the scriptures say
F. Society is now tending to build up one another through the feel good words that we all will have salvation
a. Jesus says in Matthew 10:34-36 that through him there will arise conflicts within the family
i. Within our own families will arise conflicts
ii. Not make us all feel good.
G. We need to be aware of this and build each one up to be stronger in faith
a. Motivational Speaking is a subject that needs to be focused on because it is a problem in the world
i. The scriptures are being eliminated and need to be brought back in
H. Let’s open our Bible’s and study on this matter
I. Ears are Itching
A. The scriptures say that people will have itching ears
a. But they will make their own teacher and turn aside to fables (II Tim 4:3-4)
i. Fables as we understand is NOT truth
ii. Man’s own opinions
iii. False knowledge
iv. False doctrine
v. Warnings made by Paul
1. And Christ (Matthew 24:11)
2. Many will falsely testify Christ but deceive many (Matthew 24:24)
B. People today have itching ears
a. It’s evident
b. When we watch the majority of these religious shows there are extreme numbers of people at each one these assemblies
c. But what is being taught?
i. Is it truth?
ii. Is it fables
1. Does it make one feel good rather than obeying to God’s will?
d. These are questions that need to asked and answered at the same time
C. Motivational speaking rides on the fact of people having itching ears
a. The thought coming from what better way to have these people start following false doctrine than to make them feel good and give false prophecies that go away from the commands of the scriptures and into one’s own opinion
b. That’s all it is an opinion.
c. Turn away from the scriptures (II Peter 2:1-3)
i. Play with people’s emotions with the I am okay attitude
1. There own desires (II Tim. 4:3)
2. I am okay just the way I am
3. It’s false Paul points it out in Ephesians 4:17-24
a. I am not okay just the way I am
b. The old man is one that leads me to death
c. The new man is one that turns and changes from the old ways
i. Turning from sin (repentance Luke 13:5)
II. Stand for Truth
A. Ears are itching
a. It’s evident people are looking fro acceptance in the religion world
b. Acknowledgement of God but not obedient
i. Turning away from the scriptures and God
B. Paul gives the warning to Timothy that this will occur
a. But also gives him positive reinforcement to stand for the truth
i. Song Stand Up for Jesus Number 397
1. As a soldier of Christ
b. Don’t let this discourage you
i. Be strong and don’t let your own desires cloud judgment on truth
C. We need to keep up the fight and finish the race and keep the faith (II Tim. 4:7)
a. Keeping the faith through the scriptures (Romans 10:17)
i. Our foundation of faith
1. Having and furthering our knowledge
2. Being the new man renewed in the Knowledge of Christ (Col 3:10)
a. Awaking to Righteousness (I Cor. 15:34)
b. Teaching rebuking encouraging doing the work of an evangelist (II Tim 4:2;5)
c. Using Scripture the Inspired work and word of God (II Tim. 3:16-17)
i. It gives TRUE:
ii. Doctrine-teaching
iii. Reproof- judging in what is right and wrong
iv. Correction-showing the error of sin in one’s life
v. Instruction-action that is needed to be made in order to follow the true doctrine
1. To have the Promise of eternal life laid up for us (Phil. 3:14)
D. All of this to stand for truth comes from the scriptures
a. Not my opinion or yours
b. Not from a creed book
c. Not given down by declaration
E. But from the scriptures
a. It’s one that can build and motivate and give us zeal as long as we use the book properly in standing for truth
b. Motivational speaking will build me up for a short amount of time
c. But truly in the end it will still leave me empty
i. Without a true promise
ii. Returning to sin and the end is worse (II Peter 2:18-22)
1. Empty words that lead to lust of the flesh which leads to sin which leads to death (James 1:14-15)
A. We have looked on the topic of motivational speaking vs. Bible teaching and Preaching
a. Motivational speaking is a good tool and a very dangerous tool
b. Using it without the scriptures leads one to deception
i. It may build us up and make us feel good but that is where it ends
c. However using it with scripture properly gives us encouragement instruction doctrine correction and leads us to the promise
B. Do you want to start applying your life to building each one of us up through the scriptures today?
a. We can help you!
C. Submitting yourself entirely to the scriptures and following the commandments of God
a. A path that leads to life (Matthew 7:14)
D. HBRCBF For the promise of the Hope of Eternal Salvation
E. Invitation
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