Monday, June 28, 2010

Why Read the Bible?

Growing up as children into adults we all needed to learn. How do we though? We gain understanding through our reading. I was trained in HVAC in high school; did I know everything before I started? How did I know how to work on different heating and air conditioning units? Are they all the same? I learned just like everyone else and that was through reading the manuals!

The Bible is the same way! How do we know exactly where we have come from? On the other hand, even what our purpose is? How can we answer these great questions of life? We must turn to the Bible. We know that in the beginning God created all things Genesis 1-3. We know that our duty is to fear god and keep his commandments is our duty in this life (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Consider with me the example of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26-40. This man was not a Christian. However, he was doing something that is needed. He was reading from the prophet Isaiah and it was here that Phillip found this man reading. However reading it, he still needed guidance and this is where Phillip began preaching Jesus to him. This all started with the Ethiopian Eunuch reading. After this point Phillip had opportunity to preach more concerning the new way of life.

The Ethiopian Eunuch after reading and Phillip giving time teaching him gave him a clear direction on what he needed to do. Can we see there is a need and important for us to read. How could the Ethiopian Eunuch know about Jesus and how could Phillip teach and preach Jesus without reading and knowing about Jesus. Think about for ourselves. How can we know more about Jesus and what God’s will is if we do not read? Is it going to come to us miraculously? Of Course not!

Think about what Paul was giving to Timothy as instruction not only as a preacher but also as a Christian in I Timothy 4:12-16. Paul was pointing out that reading was important. How could Timothy know more about the doctrine if he did not read? He needed to give attention to reading the scriptures that he had! He needed to focus and give all attention and meditation to these things for him to continue being a Christian. If he did give the necessary attention notice verse 16, again, he would be able to save those who would hear and believe but Timothy must first give attention to reading.

Reading is also important to give proof to knowing truth. Think about those of Berea in Acts 17:10-11. How would they know whether they received the truth? How do we know if we have received the truth? We have to search the scriptures and check whether these things are so. It is not going to magically enter our brains and we will know truth. We must apply to our lives and that comes through reading the scriptures.

There is a need for us to read the Bible. How do we know how to live our life? What does God’s Word do for us? In Psalms 119:97-105 God’s word is a lamp and light for us. God’s word gives more understanding than the wisdom of man. God’s word should be our focus and it is the only knowledge and way that we can follow to have eternal life. The question is are you giving attention to reading? Are taking opportunity to know more about God’s will? Do you understand what you are reading? Do you need a helping hand? Brethren are eager to help if you do not know. Are taking opportunity to follow and read God’s Word? Are you giving necessary application? Will you take time for your soul and eternity to open and read God’s Word?

Daniel N. Sanders

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