Thursday, June 3, 2010


We are all students of the Bible. We can never learn enough about God’s word. As we recently pointed out it is imperative to keep our Bibles open. However, through our constant studying we need to be asking questions also. Questions are good things! They help give us understanding to learn more about God. We do not know everything about the Bible however there may be others that surround us that may know a little more and we can always ask questions to further our understanding.

There is no such thing as a dumb question. If we have questions they need answers. This proves that we are trying to give the necessary attention to God and His inspired word. We are wanting to know more that we can better our lives to please God. Is this our goal in life? We should never feel embarrassed to ask questions regarding the Bible. This shows the true growth and willingness to learn to apply the Bible to our life.

Again we want to stress that we are students! As students we learn. The minute that we say we know enough and do not need to give more attention to God’s word is the moment that Satan can catch us with temptation and we fail. Satan is like a roaring lion (I Peter 5:8) trying to catch us in a moment of weakness to tempt us and cause to sin and separate ourselves from God. That old saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is completely false! We can always learn. I reminded of a well-known gospel preacher who was holding a meeting and hearing the story of how he was teaching the class and he had preaching for several years a during the class as they were studying someone pointed out something form a verse they were studying. The man after hearing this said “after so many years of studying this I never recognized that” proving that no matter how old we are we can learn.

Notice the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26-39. The Ethiopian eunuch was as we can understand a religious man because he was on his way to Jerusalem to worship. However as he was reading from the prophet Isaiah, Philip was sent to him and heard him reading. It was at this point that Philip asked him a question of his understanding and he needed help. He needed help and asked Philip to help him because he didn’t know what he was reading. Philip at this point began speaking Jesus to him. Through the eunuch’s willingness to learn he was baptized and continued on his way rejoicing. He knew the truth and the power of the gospel through asking questions and Philip helped guide him to know more.

When we ask questions we show concern for our soul and life as a Christian. The Bible cannot be forced into our heads, we must be willing to learn and if we don’t know we need to ask questions so we can improve our lives. The more we want to learn the better off we will be.

God’s wisdom has unimaginable heights, depths, and widths (Romans 11:33-36). His knowledge is a plethora of knowledge. Our cup can and will run over if we give attention and when we do not know something ask and we can receive the answer(Matthew 7:7-8). Are we asking questions to constantly add to our faith and improve our life (II Peter 1:5-11)?


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