Friday, December 31, 2010

More Time For Study

It is that time of the year again to make the resolutions and seek some way to improve their life or be better this or that. I know that many will make a New Year’s resolution that one wants to read the whole Bible. This is a great goal to have and try to accomplish. However is reading enough? I can read the whole Bible and once I reach the last verse in Revelation and close the Bible I still could not know a single thing about the Bible or how to truly improve oneself according to God’s will!

Reading is important Paul instructed Timothy to give a necessary amount of attention to reading (I Timothy 4:13). However, it also said here that we must give attention to exhortation and doctrine. How do we understand doctrine and encouragement? Can reading alone do this? Alternatively, is there something else behind it all?

We need to give more time to studying. When we read and it should be our goal to better apply things to our life and to gain more knowledge. This means we should be giving more time to studying.

In II Timothy 2:15 the King James Version says to study to show thyself approved. Meaning we do have to have a working attitude to prove we are faithful workers of God. The American Standard and New King James versions by state to give diligence. This means to actively approach and be consistent in the efforts. Can reading alone do such a thing? Can reading and studying do this for us?

As individuals, we must give the much needed attention to God’s word! We are constant students of God’s word. We will always be the one that is learning. The reason is that the ways of God are higher, better, farther, and deeper than our own logic that we can come up with (Isaiah 55:8-9). The ways of God go in every way farther than what we can think. It is with this that we can see that there is a need for much time to be given towards studying.

The moment we declare that we no longer need to study is the moment that Satan will catch us at the weakest moment. Satan is a roaring lion seeking to devour the weak in mind and heart of God’s will (I Peter 5:8). With all of this being said studying needs more than just a quick glance or when we come together.

We have to give attention to studying at every point of the day. We always complain about the fact that we do not have enough time in the day to accomplish everything we want. Has time changed? Have we not always had the same amount of time to do all the things that we need and want to do? We just need to be batter managers of our time that has been allotted to us by God.

Is our soul the most important thing to us? Will we give anything in exchange for the soul (Matthew 16:26)? If our soul is the most important thing then we will give the wholesome things to grow by (Hebrews 5:12-14). How can we know sin? How can discern right and wrong? How will we know the way of God? All great questions that concern our soul require us to give more time to studying!

Again, we must be better managers of our time. We should sit down and study at some point every day. One of my personal favorite things to do is when I wake up and get downstairs I pick up the Bible and begin reading Psalms 119:97-105 and then I go from there to give more attention to studying God’s word. In these verses, I reminded of the great vastness of the knowledge of God and how we should give constant attention to reading and understanding more.

This is what it means as said in verse 97 of how God’s word needs to be our constant focus. We have to study in order for it to be our meditation. We are giving the necessary attention to know more about God and His ways of life.

You may have a favorite verse that you like to read. Read however study it also! Do this with entire books of the Bible. It is one thing to read the verses, and it is another to study them. Take the time to study and give all the attention to God that God richly deserves. He has shown us all the things that we need to have eternal life. Is the soul the most valuable thing? Then take the necessary time out of everyday to study and give attention to God and God’s Word.

Daniel Sanders

Apostle "One Sent Forth"

Throughout the New Testament, we read of the apostles. We see their works, who they were, and what their role. Some have the misconception there are apostles here today. Is this true? There are many things to consider about an apostle and we want to examine those for a few moments.

Sent By Christ

The Disciples of Christ were followers. They followed during His time here. They witnessed the message Christ preached about his kingdom being at hand (Mark 1:15). The need for a change in life and it was found through Christ.

However, there was an even closer group of individuals that followed Christ. Christ named each as His closer follower (Mark 3:13-19). These were ones that Christ would have continue to deliver the message throughout the world (Mark 16:15-16).

Paul as we know also was one that encountered by Christ (Acts 9:1-19). He was sent to the Gentiles (Acts 22:21). Christ had work for Paul to do. The rest of apostles were of the Jewish background. Thus, it would be very difficult during this time for them to help many of the Gentiles. This was the advantage Paul especially. He could relate to the Gentiles. This is how he was useful to Christ (Acts 9:15-16). Apostles were ones that were sent by Christ (John 20:21) Paul included (I Corinthians 9:1).

Can a Disciple be an Apostle?

A disciple is a follower of one. As a Christians we are followers of Christ (I Peter 2:18-25). Christ left us a perfect example to follow. However, can a disciple be an apostle? The answer is yes! The apostles were followers of Christ. Peter, Andrew, James, and John all apostles were first called to be disciples. The rest were under this same understanding. They were all disciples before we know them as apostles. Why would Christ pick apostles if they were not disciples?

Now let us look at the reversal of this question: Is a disciple an apostle? No. Not all disciples were and are apostles. However, those that were mentioned being close to Christ and handpicked by Christ were apostles but first disciples. Apostles were able to do some things that disciples could not do. They were able to perform miracles for instance. This was to be done for proof that the apostles were close to Christ. They were specifically chosen by Christ and had this great power to do deliver the message (Luke 24:46-49) again Paul included in this.

We are Disciples of Christ we have taken on the name of Christ by becoming a Christian (I Peter 2:9). We are special individuals chosen of God. However, we cannot perform miracles, can we? Have we personally come in contact the way the apostles have? Many claim they have, however, as we can see shortly after one makes this proclamation the ability to perform signs, wonders, and miracles are not there. We cannot be apostles however; we can and will be disciples through our obedience to God.

The Work of an Apostle

Jesus gives the Great Commission to the apostles to “go and preach the gospel” to “everyone” baptizing them in “the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” beginning in “Jerusalem” (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:46-49).

However, they also had more understanding of things. Jesus gave them the “keys” to open the doors of the kingdom that Christ built upon. He speaks to Peter while establishing this and giving Peter and the apostles theses keys (Matthew 1618-19). These keys were speaking of the gospel that the apostles were commissioned to preach. We can see this carried out on the day of Pentecost where those who believed and were baptized continued in the apostles doctrine (Acts 2:42). This was done not by their own authority but by Christ!

We can see that the apostles can also be known as ambassadors or messengers. They were delivering the message of Christ to everyone: those who knew who Christ was and those who did not know who Christ was. This is the great power of the gospel that was delivered for all men everywhere (Romans 1:16).

There is a difference today between the work of a preacher and an apostle. The apostle delivered the message hence the word messenger. As an evangelist or a preacher, we already have the message. The word has been preserved down to this day for us however; the apostles first delivered it. We today are more of a preserver of the word.

Hence this is what Jesus says in his sermon on the mount that we are salt (Matthew 5:13). Not only is salt used to make things taste better but it is also used a preserving agent. We are to preserve the message. This is why we are also warned to not add or take away from (Revelation 22:18-19). It is not our duty to bring a new message. The new message has already been delivered and accomplished by the apostles.

Jesus called his disciples and named all of them. They were different from a disciple however; they were still followers of Christ. They had a more significant work to be done and commissioned by Christ than a disciple. They were given special powers to be able to give proof they were of God to establish the new message. Let us be mindful and thankful of the dedication they showed to Christ to continue to spread the gospel.

Daniel Sanders

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Until I come Give Attention

As a young man, Timothy needed guidance and instruction. This was a work that Paul gave two letters to Timothy that we have record. He as we might say took Timothy under his wing. In his first letter, he gives Timothy some pointers and instructions on what he really needs to focus upon.

When we look at these simple instructions for us today, we need to take the same notes. We need knowledge. Growing up I have had two different trades in life. I took Heating and Air Conditioning in high school and Business in college. When I began these courses did I know how to do everything? Of course not! It was important for me to give attention to reading and studying for me to know these things. The more I knew the better grasp I had on such trades.

The Bible is no different on this matter! How many of us know the Bible inside out? Paul could not stress the importance of reading and giving attention to doctrine. Not one of us knows the Bible entirely. We need to constantly give attention to reading and doctrine on a consistent basis. Meditate on the word of God. The young and the old both need to give attention. There is no required age group to start or end of giving attention to our Bibles. It is all of our responsibility to give the attention that is needed.

Let the words of God be our guide through life (Psalms 119:97-105). The Word of God is wiser than what any man has. It is a lamp and constant guide in life. The words that God gives to us are the sweetest words that can touch our lives. It gives instructions on how we can reach heaven. Is that everyone’s eternal goal in life is to have an everlasting home with God? If we answer yes then it is of the utmost importance to follow God and give our attention to the things that God has explained through His Word (The Bible).

Our Bible needs to be open. We need to be like those of Berea (Acts 17:11). We need to open our Bibles and find the answers. As individuals, we should never rely on someone else. The answers are for us to find. It is okay to have that extra push or guidance to help in the situations. However, we need to open our Bibles to know God’s truth on the matter. Seek the answers for ourselves in all matters. God’s word is complete and needs to be our focus (II Timothy 3:16-17). Wherever we may be, we need our Bibles open to shed truth on the matter.

This was the instruction and stressing factor Paul was trying to give to Timothy. Give your constant attention to God’s Word. We cannot stress how important it is to give attention to doctrine and teaching. In fact, Jesus has said that His way is the only way that leads to life (John 14:1-6). It is imperative to know the way that leads to eternal life. Our soul is on the line and the question we need to ask is “Do we care where our eternal home is?”

If we answer yes to this question then we will do whatever it takes to obey God and his way of life. The answers are clear and evident for us to follow. They are neither impossible nor burdensome (I John 5:3). We can follow God but we need to have an open Bible and an open understanding and willingness to follow.

It needs to be stressed of how important it is to have a willing attitude to give attention to God. If we are not willing to open our Bible and give attention to God through His inspired word, then how will we know God? How will we know the way of life that Christ ahs laid out for us? What is the purpose in life then? If we neglect and decide not to be willing in giving attention, we will be like those tossed in the wind (Eph. 4:14). We will go with whatever we want.

This is a problem that we face today. The problem is that we, instead of opening our Bible like we should and what it is intended for use it as a prop or an heirloom. We neglect and let our Bible continually collect dust and thus, we do not know the way of life. We do not have our Bible open and not giving attention to the teaching and reading that is required of us.

Our duty in life is to fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). How will we know God and His commandments if we do not study and give attention to His doctrine through reading? The importance of reading and studying are not stressed enough. The more we know the better off we will be. We will be better servants of God. We will be better lights in the world (Matthew 5:14-16). We will be better prepared for eternal life. Are we giving attention?

In doing so those that are willing to hear you will also know the way of life (I Timothy 4:16)!

Daniel Sanders

I Need to Be here

It has been said on countless occasions that there is a need to being here when it comes to our worship. I have heard many a sermons that have talked about attendance. I have read many articles about attendance. I have heard about debate over the need for attendance. As much as we talk about attendance, we can still see a problem. That is, people are still not coming! It has been stressed to the point that there is a need for members to be here. Then again, still people do not come as often as they should.

We all make commitments. We make commitments in our marriage to make it last through thick and thin. We make a commitment to our job. An employer will not tolerate a person not coming in for work when they are supposed to. We also have commitments to God in fulfilling our worship service and also in living a righteous life. Even just, members coming to service it seems that we have to almost pull many kicking and screaming at times. It seems like the case is becoming more and more consistent in the view of the church today. It has been an ongoing battle but it seems now the battle has become extremely great in all local churches.

I have heard many people call or email me since I have been preaching. Really, I have heard it since my childhood since my dad was the preacher. There were times where I would take the call and here what is going on. They are sick, working, tired, etc. One thing that greatly concerns me over time is that many will say that they are sick and then they are out shopping the same day or the next day they are at work and at full strength. Many have said these several things. Some are true and sadly, some are not. Many times though sadly many just do not care and again they push God off to the side. It is sad but true and we have to be watchful of such things.

As we search throughout the Bible about this subject, there are verses that point the need for attendance. One that I know comes to mind for many is in Hebrews 10:24-25. The secondary part of this verse is talking about the attendance part. However, the purpose behind it is to stir up good works in one another. In wanting others to come to worship with us, we do it to give an understanding that this is what God expects. We are here to worship God. We seem to mix up our priorities in this life and God gets pushed aside primarily.

This is where our mistake lies! It shows that the care for God is not as important as it should be. When we neglect our duties and responsibilities, we endanger ourselves with our souls being in jeopardy.

Where has the gladness went when it comes to our worship to God (Psalms 122:1)? It seems more and more that assembling and worshipping is a chore. People just do not want to go but then come up with an excuse and believe in the lie many times. When one is not coming to worship because of just pure neglect I respect it (even though it still is not right) when one says that they just do not feel like coming. At least they are telling the truth. We can work from there to try to build up and exhort one another.

When we look at this subject we need to ask “Am I doing everything I possibly can to glorify God?” “Am I fulfilling my responsibility to the lord without having a grudgingly type attitude?” “Do I desire to obey God and His will?” “Do I desire a home in heaven?” “Do I see and understand that I have responsibilities and I must put my best foot forward to keeping hold of it?” These are questions we must remind ourselves constantly about. We can know more about God in understanding our responsibility in this life!

We all have responsibilities in this life. They may not seem great at times but our attendance is needed to fulfill part of it. We must ask ourselves “How can I be encouraged?” Or, “How can I encourage others?” We need to ask ourselves that and see that if we are not here it is almost impossible to do! We must take advantage of this great opportunity of worshipping and assembling together to worship God with our fellow brethren. It makes us stronger when we do such things (Ephesians 4:16).

Are we doing our best always and being here as often as we can fulfilling part of our responsibilities to God?

Daniel Sanders

Caring For God and The Work

Care has been offered to us (I Peter 5:7). It is an abundant care, an everlasting care, and an active care. It continues as long as we seek God for it. God will never leave us, nor will he ever forsake us. This happens when we are the ones who make the decision to longer seek God. It is when we have this type of mentality that we lose sight of God and our work and care for God shows the lack thereof.

Over the years I have seen it happen where many have taken the “back seat” approach when it comes to our work for God. What I am getting at with this is that, when work needs to be done some tend to back away from it or we will put someone else in front to do the work. Many will start to depend on them and will give it all to one person that way one does not have to do anything. Brethren, I tell you that these things should not be so. We all need to take the active approach of working in God’s kingdom.

I also have witnessed it before where one “retires” from the work of God. Can this actually be acceptable before the Lord? Is it possible that I can withdraw myself from working in the fields for God? Jesus says that He and His Father are needing laborers (John 4:35-38), can one then retire from it.

We should look at every opportunity that we have in this world as an opportunity to continue to do Gods’ will. This means to take an ongoing active approach in fulfilling God’s work. We must care about our work for God as we continue to labor here on this earth. This is our future! We are continuing to work for God and lay an example down for our future in the work to continue and press on.

Paul took an active approach and encouraged Timothy to do the same (I Timothy 4:7). It was all in efforts to work for a crown of righteousness in the end when are life is over. Jesus says our role is to first go second preach the gospel third to everyone (Mark 16:15-16) this means our work never ends. As people come into the world our work never stops.

It is our future. We are working on a future for our younger members. It should matter to us considering that we have work to do. We should care about our work for God and care for God in general. We are to continue in this work so that others may continue to follow in this work for God.

We must take responsibility for carrying out this work. Remember our duty as Paul mentions is to plant and water the seed (I Corinthians 3:5-9). This needs to remain being our focus and in return God will give the increase as it happens. This is what happened on the day of Pentecost.

We should never neglect or have anyone else take the responsibility. We are all to be working together (Ephesians 4:11-16) for the same cause. We have different abilities and should use them in working for the same cause and that is spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let us build each other up in good works to have care for the work of God. Let us not take the back seat in working for God. We need to take the step forward in working for God. There is not room for retirement in the work of God as we live on this earth. The time to enjoy the fruit of labor is when we pass away from this earth for those who have obeyed Gods’ will in all things. We cannot retire we must go and take this active approach in continuing the work for God! Are we doing everything we can for obeying God and in the name of God Colossians 3:17)?

Daniel Sanders

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Social Gospel

It ceases to amaze how much man tries to dip their hands in the worship service for the wrong reasons. I will admit that there are some good things that man can do however, as we have opportunity to talk to others, we can the necessity focused on the wants instead of the needs when it comes to God!

You see where the social gospel has been introduced into the religious world as being the thing that a church needs. Let me share with you an example of this. I was talking with a friend here recently and she had attended the “mega-church” here in town recently. She said they had two different styles of worship the traditional and contemporary worship. She ended up going with a friend to the contemporary and she described it as not even a worship time. It was more of a concert the music and bands that were playing during this and I use it loosely “worship” time was missing a laser light show to be the full-blown concert. Yet this is what people say is needed in church today. Times are changing and the reasoning is that we must change and spice up services.

It has gotten to a point today where we see this being the norm of all things. It seems that as a church one must provide more services than that of the gospel alone. Yet it is the gospel and the gospel alone that saves us through our obedience to it (Romans 1:16-17). The apostles were to carry on and continue to build upon the foundation of Christ through spreading the gospel. They were not providing other services to draw people in to worship God.

Yet again today, people believe that we must provide services and entertain those who come in the doors with other ways than that of the gospel. It seems that we have to provide meals to draw people in, offer the instrumental music because it makes worship more pleasant, or even a babysitting service for parents that way they can enjoy worship more often. One of the most popular ones is education. The thinking behind it is that we can provide educational services an income for the church and plus we can offer a discount for those who are members and want a religious type background of education for their children. Preschool and up can receive this education and it is a way to draw people in to their worship.

Yet I have not come across anything of this nature that we are to provide any type of services or anything to draw people in. Yet we even have members who are of the body of Christ that still believe that we must advertise gimmicks to get more to come in and then we can have fellowship after services but if we can get them in the door for any reason then we can share the gospel and teach about the necessities to obey God.

Let me share with you an example we had our first child and we were trying to encourage my in-laws to come to worship services. I had one come up to me and say “hey, tell them they need to hold their grandchild during services and we can get them in the doors and then we can teach to them about the gospel.” After thinking about this it was just as bad as offering a service to get someone to be part of the worship service. Shouldn’t the gospel be what draws one into a worship service. I mean we do have things like gospel meetings and a VBS both are centered around the gospel being shared and perfect opportunities to draw others in. However, when we do not have these, what are we doing to draw people in? Is it a gimmick or is it the gospel? We as Christians must be mindful of the fact that it is the gospel that we must use to draw the lost in.

We should not believe in fables (I Timothy 4:7) that we need more services to draw people into worship God. Man believes that with the changing of times we must change our ways to draw people in. The gospel that has been given through Jesus Christ has not changed with the changing of times. In an ever changing world we must be mindful to not change our ways and give into the social gospel.

Many individuals have lost the desire to hear the truth (II Timothy 4:3-4). The truth has left their ears and they now have been drawn to fables. Therefore they have turned to teachers that would encourage the social gospel. With this being said we have to stand for truth. Believe in the gospel and believe that is this alone through our desire to obey that will draw others in! Do we believe in gimmicks or the gospel that will help meet the needs not wants of people?

Daniel Sanders

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Too Many Dogs

I have used this phrase on several occasions in talking with others, in sermons, and in classes. The idea of “too many dogs” came from a recent situation where myself and brother Eric Krieg were door knocking around the community where he works with in Medina Ohio.

We hit a certain part of the community and it was kind of hit and miss the entire day with people being at home. We came to this one home and the door was open but the storm door was shut. You could see in the kitchen a couple of people were sitting down, younger folks. We rang the door bell and there were two as I call them ankle biter dogs yipping away. They were quiet until the door rang. The young man came to the door opened it and said “I have too many dogs” and shut the door. We did not get a single word out and that was it.

I think about this event quite often not thinking about the fact we couldn’t a word out but the fact that many have this same concept. What this is, is a crutch is used to get out of obeying God. Whatever excuse can be used one will use it and think that it is okay.

I think quite often about the Judgment Day and how we will be judged by God (II Corinthians 5:10). I think about one who has made an excuse on every occasion to not obey God and think of how sad and pitiful of condition one will be in. On that day if one said Lord I had too many dogs or just fill in the blank with anything, do you think that will be acceptable?

Jesus says that those who deny Him will be denied in heaven (Matthew 10:33). If we reject Christ and His teachings and His purpose and God and His will we will be denied in heaven. There will be no excuses to get by God on the Judgment Day! There isn’t a do-over or a second chance to change what we could have changed. The gospel has been presented and given once and for all (Jude 3-4). It is up to us to make the change of attitude and heart to obey God’s will before it is too late. Will we make the excuse or will we have an open heart, and open mind, and open ears to hear the gospel?

I think a lot about the parable of the Great Supper from Luke 14:15-24. I think about how Jesus uses the illustration the supper that was prepared the supper representing heaven. Many were invited however some decided not to come. Notice what was said: I have bought land and now I must go and see it, I bought oxen now I must go and test them, and then there was I have a wife and cannot come.

Were these reasons or excuses? What happened after this? The person who prepared the supper came to a conclusion and said bring the poor the maimed and the blind bring everyone in to be part of this supper. These individuals that were invited made an excuse and decided they had more important things to do than be part of this supper. How many of us would buy property blindly, and then make sure it was decent property? How many of us would buy a car blindly, without “kicking the tires”? The last one had some reasoning because under some customs then they were allowed time with their wife before getting back to work and getting all adjusted. However we cannot do that when it comes to God (Matthew 10:37-39). We must place God first before anything else.

All these individuals made their choice and decided that God was not that important. That was one of the key and critical lessons from this great parable. The ones who it was offered to first rejected it and if they do not change they will never taste the heaven as a reward.

Do we have too many dogs? Do we have a crutch that we lean on to not obey God? Do we have an excuse that we feel is justified? Will an excuse work? What is holding us back from obeying the will of God? Those who desire and obey God will be saved (Matthew 7:21)

We in fact need God and His doctrine in order to be saved (II John 9)! We need to make the great confession known to others about our belief and obedience to God (Matthew 10:32). In return Jesus will confess our name before God the Father in heaven!

We cannot lean on those crutches or convince ourselves that excuses will be allowed when it comes to rejecting and obeying God. There is nothing more important than our soul in this life. We must take care of it and that is by obeying God and putting off the cares of the world and the excuses of hindering our obedience. It is time to put the ways of a child behind us and now turn to and obey God while we have time now (I Corinthians 13:11). It is time to let the dogs go and obey God, will you?

Daniel Sanders

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spirituality Vs. Friendship

Over the years I have gained and lost friends. I am sure we all have been in the same boat before where we have gained friendship and we have also lost friends. It can be an emotional roller coaster at times but we need to be watchful of all things. Especially when we talk about being a Christian. Over the years because of our spiritual life we have lost friends and even sometimes family over such issues.

Paul gives clear direction about such things. We do need to be watchful of whom we associate with and call our friends as a Christian (I Corinthians 15:33). Our company and those we surround ourselves with can and will corrupt our good habits. It was never a matter of if it ever happens it is a matter of when it will happen. This is what Paul was trying to warn us about happening. The reason is that even though we may be a good and morally right person a person that we associate with having sinful habits will rub off on a person if we continue to be around them. It is a dangerous path to be walking and we have to be leery about walking down this road.

We as a Christian must decided what the more important thing is: Is it a life a having friends that may be living in sin and influencing us to sin or is our soul the most valuable thing? What are we willing to give in exchange for our soul (Matthew 16:24-27)? Is there anything that has a higher value than our soul? If there is then we must come back to reality and notice that there should be nothing we are willing to exchange for our soul. Our soul is eternal! It is everlasting and will dwell eternally with God or in flaming fire! Let’s ask the question again will we exchange our soul for anything? Are having friend the most important and primary thing that we are to focus on?

We must decipher friendship and spirituality! God has blessed us with our brethren who are here to be working for the hope of heaven and to live a righteous and godly life. These are people we need to surround ourselves with. We need people to encourage and help us in our path of following and obeying God not hindering it in any way.

Our brethren are here to rejoice and weep with us (Romans 12:15). They are to help and encourage when we rejoice and sorrow. That is a great blessing that God has given us to work with. Those who are not Christians may not always help us. Sadly some take the role of wanting to blame God like in the case of Job’s wife (Job 2:9). Instead of helping draw closer to God many try to and encourage pushing further away from God. How will this help our spiritual state.

We must take on the responsibility of drawing closer to God and resist the devil and his sinful ways (James 4:7-10). We must cleanse hearts and rid ourselves from a living a life of sin. Sin is what keeps us from obedience to God and His will (Romans 6:23).

Our association must be with those of light and not of darkness (I John 1:5-7). We cannot mix both because our light will not shine its brightest because of the darkness of sin. We must be watchful of all things and be careful that we do not allow darkness and sin to dwell within our hearts.

However even though we are not to follow those who practice worldly things we are to live in the world (John 15:19). What this means is that we do have the responsibility of living in the world but we must be able to not partake of things in the world. We should not give in to sin we should still be able to live a godly and righteous life in the world but not sin.

This is how we can know the difference between a spiritual life and sin. We can know that friends are not the most important thing in this life (James 4:4). Yes, I will admit they are very nice to have but we can survive with or without them. If friendships interfere or threaten our spiritual life then we must be able to withdraw and not give in to such temptations. It is then that we know that God will take care and will be our friend eternally just life Abraham (James 2:23). What is the most important thing in your life?

Daniel Sanders

The Church Directory is not The Book of Life

We have a record that is kept by God of those who will enter into eternal life (Revelation 20:12). It is a record kept by God. A record that reveals those who are going to have eternal life. Any of those that are outside of this book have a home and it will be the lake fire know as the second death (Revelation 20:13-15).

However there many who have a serious misconception about the book of life. That is the church directory is the book life. This is a very dangerous line to stay on! There are some who may not say it but, they do show it by actions one makes.

There is a similarity between the Book of Life and the church directory and that is both have names on them. This is the only similarity that both truly have.

As we consider this let’s point out a couple of things concerning the church directory. First of all the directory shows names of those who have decided to be part of the local body of Christ in a specified community. Secondly, it shows both Christians and non-Christians. So as we can see with the church directory there are things that are revealed in it to the members of the Christians represented in said local community.

However just because one is put on the said directory it doesn’t mean one will have eternal life. One can still fall prey to sin and make one disqualified from entering into eternal life. Just because one is recognize as being part of the congregation where they live it doesn’t mean that one will have eternal life. The directory is to list information about people that attend there.

However in matters concerning the Book of Life that lists those who remain faithful to God (Revelation 21:22-27). It is a place for those continue to live faithfully to God. It is for those that have desired a righteous life where one remains faithful to God (Revelation 2:10). A place where God rewards the righteous (Romans 6:23). Those on this list are faithful servants to God and His will knowing what it takes to have their name written there (Matthew 7:21).

It is with this that we can see a difference to the church directory and the Book of Life. One can have their name on the directory and not do what Jesus says (Luke 6:46) and still practice lawlessness which in the end will have its own “reward” (Matthew 7:23). The Book Life is kept by God and not men and therefore we still have a responsibility to God. Are we doing the things God commands (Ecclesiastes 12:13)?

Daniel Sanders

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Abraham: The Friend of God

Abraham a man that we can relate to is know in James 2:23 as being a friend of God. Abraham was a man after God’s own heart. It was his desire to follow God. He left us an example that we should follow to also be known as a friend of God. It was counted to Abraham because of his righteousness.

We may ask ourselves “how we can be known as a friend of God?” All we have to do is look at the example of Abraham. Abraham was a man who lived under the law but it was not the law that justified Abraham as being a friend of God it was his righteousness (Galatians 3:1-9). He was a man who desired to follow what God commanded.

Notice in James 2:14-25 leading up to Abraham being called a friend of God. James is pointing out the need for faith and works both needed together to be pleasing in the eyes of God. Without faith we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6). Without works how can faith be justified James 2?

Abraham was a man after God’s own heart. It was his desire to trust God in helping him through all things.

He left his home land not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8-12). How many of us would do this? Leaving our home and packing up what we could and leaving not knowing the direction. This is what Abraham did. Why? Because God told him to do so (Genesis 12:1-4)! Abraham placed his faith (trust) in God and proved it through his works, by doing what God commanded of him.

This is not all that Abraham did, he also offered his son Isaac, the son of promise as a sacrifice (Hebrews 11:17-19). Abraham was told that through Isaac the inheritance would come (Genesis 18:1-15). Then God commanded Abraham to offer his son as a burnt sacrifice (Genesis 22:1-2). How can any of this make sense? Offer the son of promise yet he was the chosen one of Abrahams seed.

How would we respond? Would we be willing? This is a great question and a very hard question. It is difficult to answer! Is there anything that we would put ahead of Christ?

How did Abraham respond? Isaac asked where the sacrifice was and Abraham responded “The Lord will provide” (Genesis 22:8). Abraham knew in his heart that God would take care of him as long as he heeded God’s word. This says a lot about the character of Abraham. There was nothing that he would put in front of him and his devotion to obeying God’s will in all things.

Abraham justified his faith and works together by obeying God. In all this he was known as a friend of God. He devoted his life to obeying God and it was actions like this that we see God took care of Abraham and his family.

Abraham was a man that put God first in his life (Genesis 22:12). He is a man after God’s own heart. It was his desire to put God first in all things. Why we may ask? The reason is that God will provide take care and Abraham trusted God, for this he in return was remembered by all as a faithful man. He as we should fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). This is our whole duty. This was Abraham’s duty in life. This is how he was recognized as being a friend of God.

We have the same opportunity to be counted as a friend of God and receive blessings just as Abraham. We have to obey God and his will and we now can do this through baptism (Galatians 3:26-29). We then can be counted as a friend of God and receive an inheritance just as Abraham received his inheritance. Are we desiring to obey God’s will?

Daniel Sanders

Friday, August 20, 2010

Obeying God Reaps Rewards

It is a hard task to be a child of God. But think about all the great rewards child of God can have (Revelation 21:22-27). It is place in the end where we are not ashamed to call God our God and we are His people (Hebrews 11:16).

However there are many battles that we do face today in the world. Things that can hinder our obedience to god if we allow such things to happen. For instance government is making it harder in this world to be a Christian. The rules and laws that are being passed makes it harder to be a Christian. There are many countries that do not have these same freedoms that we can enjoy. In fact they make it illegal to practice Christianity in certain countries.

Still there are people who are continuing to preach the gospel in these areas. We should feel encouraged by their actions like this. We even have examples of people in the Bible who made a stand like this.

Notice in Daniel 3 where we can find this example. We are introduced to three individuals that took a stand to turn to God instead of man. King Nebuchadnezzar made a decree and an image for all to fall down and worship (Daniel 3:4-7). This however is a direct violation of the law as God stated in Deut. 5:6-9. God explained clearly that idolatry was not to be followed. God is jealous and does not want anyone to worship any other gods.

However, in this decree the king decided this was what he wanted. Because of this it was brought to his attention that people in authority under his rule were not following this decree (Daniel 3:8-18). He offered them another chance to fall down and worship this image but they still declined.

They had an understanding like Peter that it was better to serve the living God than the rule of man (Acts 5:29). However we want to be clear on certain things that we do have to follow the laws of man. However if it is different than what the law of God is then we must follow God first man second. This is what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego did. They followed until the king made a decree that went against God and His will.

The King be furious went ahead with the consequences that would come upon those who didn’t fall down and worship the king and this image. They were to be thrown in the fiery furnace. Even with death on the line these three individuals wouldn’t not bow down to these rules. It is with this that we can commend them for their obedience to God. It is this example that we see that we should have the same desire to obey God and not falter in this life of turning away from God.

In the end of this they were thrown in the fiery furnace. But, they were not forgotten! God took care of these three men because of their obedience to God. They came out of this fire with no hair burnt on their heads nor even the smell of fire when they came out. Three men went in and four were seen in there (Daniel 3:19-25). God sent help to these individuals in their time of need.

It is a lesson to us that we should recognize that God takes care of His people (I Peter 2:9). We can be His people if we will obey His will (Matthew 7:21). In the end God rewards and takes care of His people (Revelation 22:14). In seeing the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego we can see that God prevails takes care and rewards those who will obey His will. Are you obeying God’s will?

Daniel Sanders


While I was in junior high and high school, I served as tutor to a fellow student who had special needs. I had opportunity to work with him in math and science. Over this time I had helped him continue to study and learn more about these certain subjects. As a tutor, it was my job to make sure the lessons were understood. It was my duty to share with him an understanding of each lesson and what was the point of each one.

It is opportunities like this that we should take in tutoring others and ourselves more about the Bible. As a tutor, we need to take opportunities to not only help others but help ourselves also. We should listen to what we may be tutoring others about! We should not play the hypocrite and not believe in what we are sharing with others (II Timothy 3:16-17).

As we have studied the Old Testament, it served as a tutor for us in this life. The Old Testament served as a tutor to guide to an understanding of obedience that Gods will must be followed (Galatians 3:19-25)! It has been a tutor for us also in the fact that it has led us to Christ. The Old Testament has served as a guide to see the spiritual state of humankind. It served a purpose to see how sinful man was in turning away from God to their own reasoning (Judges 21:25). It is with this mentality that man has pushed further away from God in all this. It has led to the point that God’s only Son had to come into the world to be a Savior for us all (John 3:16). This was God demonstrating His love still for us.

The Old law served its purpose in tutoring us still that obedience to God is still necessary under the new way of life. If you love God and Jesus then keep His commandments (John 14:15). Jesus has taught us what it takes to be ready for things to come (Mark 1:16-17). We must repent, that is we must recognize sin and then turn away from it. It is through God that we can know the way (John 14:1-6). This is how we have been tutored today to be prepared for the things to come. It demonstrates what God expects through the Old and New law that obedience is necessary (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

Also in being a tutor it is our duty in this life to help others after we have helped ourselves know what it takes to be a child of God. We have to practice what we teach. In order to be a tutor or help to others we have to know what we are saying. Many have served as a tutor to others but has done it through teaching a false doctrine. We have to be on guard in being a tutor rightly dividing the word of truth (II Timothy 2:15).

Phillip served as a tutor to the Ethiopian Eunuch in helping him know more of the way (Acts 8:26-40). The Ethiopian Eunuch did not know what he was reading. He knew he had scripture but he did need a tutor to help him understand more. Phillip was guided to the Ethiopian Eunuch to serve that purpose to him. It was Phillip would give an understanding of what he was reading, whom it was about, and what he needed to do. Phillip gave him this guidance by being a tutor for him.

It is with this that we can see the results of the Ethiopian Eunuch that he understood more and understood what he must do to be saved. He went on his way rejoicing through being baptized for the remission of his sins. We have to in this life take the role of Phillip and share with others the good news. It comes through being a tutor and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone (Mark 16:15). Jesus has shared with us what we must do now we must share it with others. Are we being a tutor in the world for Christ? DANIEL SANDERS

Monday, June 28, 2010

Why Read the Bible?

Growing up as children into adults we all needed to learn. How do we though? We gain understanding through our reading. I was trained in HVAC in high school; did I know everything before I started? How did I know how to work on different heating and air conditioning units? Are they all the same? I learned just like everyone else and that was through reading the manuals!

The Bible is the same way! How do we know exactly where we have come from? On the other hand, even what our purpose is? How can we answer these great questions of life? We must turn to the Bible. We know that in the beginning God created all things Genesis 1-3. We know that our duty is to fear god and keep his commandments is our duty in this life (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Consider with me the example of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26-40. This man was not a Christian. However, he was doing something that is needed. He was reading from the prophet Isaiah and it was here that Phillip found this man reading. However reading it, he still needed guidance and this is where Phillip began preaching Jesus to him. This all started with the Ethiopian Eunuch reading. After this point Phillip had opportunity to preach more concerning the new way of life.

The Ethiopian Eunuch after reading and Phillip giving time teaching him gave him a clear direction on what he needed to do. Can we see there is a need and important for us to read. How could the Ethiopian Eunuch know about Jesus and how could Phillip teach and preach Jesus without reading and knowing about Jesus. Think about for ourselves. How can we know more about Jesus and what God’s will is if we do not read? Is it going to come to us miraculously? Of Course not!

Think about what Paul was giving to Timothy as instruction not only as a preacher but also as a Christian in I Timothy 4:12-16. Paul was pointing out that reading was important. How could Timothy know more about the doctrine if he did not read? He needed to give attention to reading the scriptures that he had! He needed to focus and give all attention and meditation to these things for him to continue being a Christian. If he did give the necessary attention notice verse 16, again, he would be able to save those who would hear and believe but Timothy must first give attention to reading.

Reading is also important to give proof to knowing truth. Think about those of Berea in Acts 17:10-11. How would they know whether they received the truth? How do we know if we have received the truth? We have to search the scriptures and check whether these things are so. It is not going to magically enter our brains and we will know truth. We must apply to our lives and that comes through reading the scriptures.

There is a need for us to read the Bible. How do we know how to live our life? What does God’s Word do for us? In Psalms 119:97-105 God’s word is a lamp and light for us. God’s word gives more understanding than the wisdom of man. God’s word should be our focus and it is the only knowledge and way that we can follow to have eternal life. The question is are you giving attention to reading? Are taking opportunity to know more about God’s will? Do you understand what you are reading? Do you need a helping hand? Brethren are eager to help if you do not know. Are taking opportunity to follow and read God’s Word? Are you giving necessary application? Will you take time for your soul and eternity to open and read God’s Word?

Daniel N. Sanders

Thursday, June 3, 2010


We all need guidance. As children growing up, they seek and need that guidance from their parents. As we continue to get older and begin preparing for our careers, we seek instruction from those that are in the same, profession and teachers to help us be prepared for our job in life.

As a Christian, we need that same light to brighten our path. The light that God shows and gives as a guide in our life will help us be better servants of God and prepare us for the way that God expects from us. His inspired Word (II Timothy 3:16-17) that he has given to all humanity is a lamp to our feet and light to our path (Psalms 119:105).

All people everywhere have sinned (Romans 3:23) and fallen short of the glory of God. Sin has darkened our way separating and alienating ourselves from God (Ephesians 4:18). When we desire sin, we are seeking a dark life a way that keeps us from God and being in His Light. It is our ultimate doom (Romans 6:23).

God has given us the Bible to be a guiding light for us to make ourselves acceptable to His ways and it should be our desire (Romans 12:1-2). Again, as we have pointed out sin has darkened our way with God and has separated us from God.

The word of God is a lamp and a light. It is profitable in many ways for us (II Timothy 3:16-17). It is profitable for doctrine or the teaching that we need that is inspired by God. It is all profitable for reproof or the judgment that we need to judge ourselves by. It is our standard and way of life. The Bible is also profitable correction in how we judge and how we make ourselves right with God. Lastly, the Bible is profitable for instruction in righteousness. It is our duty to please God and be righteous in the eyes of the Lord. It is a guiding light for our path in everyday life. The Bible is perfect completes us as individuals to be servants of God.

It is up to us as individuals to accept the guiding light that God provides and to understand, follow, and obey the things, which God has given to us in this book. We need to leave the darkness of the world (sin) and enter into the Light (newness of light made by God). How do we do this?

Notice what Paul says over in Ephesians 4:17-24. We need to no longer to walk in a sinful way that has darkened our path and separated ourselves from God. We need to realize the dangers of sin and do whatever it takes to enter into the light of God. We need to make a change. It is a word that many do not like to hear. Many do not like to change because many are comfortable and complacent or fine with where they are. This is dangerous because God will not transform us into His light unless we first willingly choose to obey God and His guiding Light that we find through His inspired word (Psalms 119:105; II Timothy 3:16-17). We must leave our old ways that corrupt us as individuals and become transformed in the light of God. It means we need to follow and obey the word of God.

God’s guiding light is everlasting. We can become children of light (Ephesians 5:8). We all at one point were in darkness but God and His light can make us children of light. We can walk a new life that in the end as eternal benefits. The place that God has prepared for those who walk in the light will know the light of God. This place will have no night (Revelation 21:22-27). It is a new place that God has prepared for the children of light. It is an eternal place for those who have obeyed God and followed His guiding light through His inspired word. It is for the faithful and exclusively for those that have their names written in the Book of Life.

We need to ask ourselves how we are taking the guiding light that God has given and provided for us. Are we using the guidance that God has given us and making the change to become a child of light? If the answer is yes we can be a select and chosen one of God. We can be a royal and chosen generation of God. We are called out of the darkness of sin and into the marvelous light of God that has made us new and righteous. If the answer is no we need to ask “why are we waiting?” We need to act now before it is too late (Acts 22:16). We need to be baptized for the remission of our sins (Acts 2:37-38) and become a new being a child of light that can reap the eternal rewards when this life is over. Are you using God’s Guiding Light to make our way pleasing and acceptable to God?

~Daniel Sanders~


We are all students of the Bible. We can never learn enough about God’s word. As we recently pointed out it is imperative to keep our Bibles open. However, through our constant studying we need to be asking questions also. Questions are good things! They help give us understanding to learn more about God. We do not know everything about the Bible however there may be others that surround us that may know a little more and we can always ask questions to further our understanding.

There is no such thing as a dumb question. If we have questions they need answers. This proves that we are trying to give the necessary attention to God and His inspired word. We are wanting to know more that we can better our lives to please God. Is this our goal in life? We should never feel embarrassed to ask questions regarding the Bible. This shows the true growth and willingness to learn to apply the Bible to our life.

Again we want to stress that we are students! As students we learn. The minute that we say we know enough and do not need to give more attention to God’s word is the moment that Satan can catch us with temptation and we fail. Satan is like a roaring lion (I Peter 5:8) trying to catch us in a moment of weakness to tempt us and cause to sin and separate ourselves from God. That old saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is completely false! We can always learn. I reminded of a well-known gospel preacher who was holding a meeting and hearing the story of how he was teaching the class and he had preaching for several years a during the class as they were studying someone pointed out something form a verse they were studying. The man after hearing this said “after so many years of studying this I never recognized that” proving that no matter how old we are we can learn.

Notice the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:26-39. The Ethiopian eunuch was as we can understand a religious man because he was on his way to Jerusalem to worship. However as he was reading from the prophet Isaiah, Philip was sent to him and heard him reading. It was at this point that Philip asked him a question of his understanding and he needed help. He needed help and asked Philip to help him because he didn’t know what he was reading. Philip at this point began speaking Jesus to him. Through the eunuch’s willingness to learn he was baptized and continued on his way rejoicing. He knew the truth and the power of the gospel through asking questions and Philip helped guide him to know more.

When we ask questions we show concern for our soul and life as a Christian. The Bible cannot be forced into our heads, we must be willing to learn and if we don’t know we need to ask questions so we can improve our lives. The more we want to learn the better off we will be.

God’s wisdom has unimaginable heights, depths, and widths (Romans 11:33-36). His knowledge is a plethora of knowledge. Our cup can and will run over if we give attention and when we do not know something ask and we can receive the answer(Matthew 7:7-8). Are we asking questions to constantly add to our faith and improve our life (II Peter 1:5-11)?


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Was Peter a Pope?

And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). In reading this verse, many will claim that this is the verse that establishes Peter as the pope of the church. There are many in the sect that has claimed Peter as being the first pope. However, let us examine this and consider the question if Peter was the first pope.

Who is the head?

According to many, the Pope is the head of the church. I have yet to discover any verses that say the pope is the head of the church. I have searched the scriptures even to the point of seeing if Peter is the head of the church. Nothing has pinpointed this at all. However, what we do know is that all authority has been given to Jesus on heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18-20). This leaves no authority for anyone else if all authority has been given to Jesus. We read in Ephesians 4:15 that Christ is the head of the church. It goes on to say in Ephesians 1:22 that Jesus is to be head over the church. The body is represented by the members (you and me). How then can authority be given to the pope or even Peter (as the first pope)? Consider this in thinking about the head of the church. Who is to be the head? Is it Christ or man?

Qualifications for pope

According to man the pope is not to be married have children or anything like this. Priests, cardinals, bishops etc. all fall under this same category and circumstance about being married or having children. Again considering Peter and if he was the first pope think about this: how can he then already be married (Mark 1:29-31). Jesus came and healed Peter’s mother-in-law. How does one have a mother-in-law? I am not trying to sound as if I do not understand but what I do know is that in order for one to have for instance a mother-in-law is that one must be married. Thus if Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law then Peter must have been married.

Paul goes on to talk about apostles taking their wives along with them throughout their traveling in preaching and spreading the gospel. As we read in I Corinthians 9:5 Paul mentions, Peter (also known as Cephas) as being one whom then took his wife on his journeys in preaching the gospel.

Paul also mentions in I Timothy 3 about the qualifications of elders (or bishops) and deacons. Notice what is mentioned in both: A deacon has to be married and also have children. The qualification of an elder is one who is married and has faithful children. This is a direct contradiction of qualifications for a priest, bishop, cardinal, or pope. These individuals according to Catholicism cannot be married nor have children. Wouldn’t this disqualify Peter as being a pope? Wouldn’t this make man changing the law? If Peter had this great authority then they were already pointing out the flaws of Peter. Thus, he couldn’t be a pope according to Catholic doctrine.

Considering the Authority

Again, Jesus states that all authority has been given to him on heaven and earth leaving no authority for man in the religious world. However, man has decided to say that he does have authority. Again looking at Matthew 16:18-19 Jesus states that on this rock I will build my church. Notice it is not churches. Then he goes on to say that, Peter is given the keys. This did not mean that Peter was given the authority over the church. As we just discussed Christ is still the head of the church (Ephesians 1:22).

When Christ gave Peter the keys, he was given the power to continue on with the work that Jesus came in this world to do. He came in to establish the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15) which he did in giving his life on the cross. The apostles still had work to do in establishing the physical kingdom that we see today. They taught the doctrine of Christ and told others to do what Jesus commanded while He was here in this world. He told them to believe, repent, confess, and be baptized for the remission of sins. This is what Peter and the apostles had to do and set up this physical kingdom but it was all done under Christ’s authority. How can Peter then be the one in authority and control?

Was Peter the first pope? According to the scriptures, we cannot see how this is possible at all. Who is in control? It is Christ as we see throughout the Bible and not Peter! The Bible is to be our guide and I hope as we looked in this discussion that Christ is in authority and not the pope. The pope is one that is not in authority nor has it been authorized in the Bible. The qualifications are not possible but the Bible states that a bishop and preacher can be married and the authority is all with Christ!

He who has an ear to hear let him hear! (Rev. 3:6)

Daniel Sanders

Friday, April 30, 2010

Contenders or Pretenders Jude 3

In Watching sports and ESPN growing up I have seen this concept more and more. As playoffs get closer and are currently going on, a few analysts have decided to go and break down the playoff teams. They call the segment contenders and pretenders. As I look in the playoffs you can see that not every team is usually capable of winning. Some of the better and stronger teams come down hard on the teams that are just barely making the playoffs. During this segment these analysts go and look at every team and break down the strong and weak points and then decide if these teams are a pretender one just getting in the playoffs,or contenders those actually capable of winning the championship.

I think about this concept also in our Christians lives. It is just as true for us as it is for these sports teams! I am reminded at what Jude 3 talks about when it says, that we must contend for the faith earnestly! It is imperative in our life to do so!

As we look in the world today there are many who profess Christ, the question is are they contending for the faith earnestly? How many are truly contending for the faith? How many are following the cause of Christ? As Paul mentions in I Corinthians 5:7 we are to walk by faith and not sight. We are to put our trust in God and his ways. We must trust God that God will help us in our time of need. However, with the faith we are putting in God there are things to be followed on our half to be contending for the faith according to God's word.

This is what separates the contenders and pretenders! Matthew 7:21-23 is a great verse to think about on this subject. Many will say they have done many and great things for the cause of Christ. The true question is though " have you obeyed the will of God?" This is where we can definitely separate the two. Those that are true followers of God will contend for the faith by proving it through their obedience to God's will. The pretenders will say that they have done many and great things and there will be limitations with it also. Many will not obey the Will of God sadly.

In Jeremiah 3:10 there was a concern. It was the fact that the "whole heart has not turned to God" and it is a problem for many today. One will profess to be a follower of Christ but there is a limitation for them. When it comes down to it, we must be Christ-like in order to contend earnestly for the faith. Christ gave his life for the church (Eph. 5:25) and has left us an example that we should walk in His footsteps (I Peter 2:21-23).

James 2:14-26 makes a strong point concerning how we can be contenders. We are to have our faith (our trust in Jesus Christ) and our works (our action through our faith) in order to be a true follower of God. As we look throughout the whole Bible especially in Hebrews 11, all of those examples had faith and it was justified by their actions. Faith was made perfect by their works. It was through contending for the faith. God gave commands of obedience and these people put their faith in God and they followed with precision.

Are we and different, absolutely not?! How can we think that we are any different, or even higher than God? This is a very dangerous high line that we are playing on and eventually we will stumble and fall off that line if we continue with this mentality. Do we see that faith was working with works, and by works faith was made perfect? Jesus goes on to say how we can be a contender of the faith. Mark 16:15-16 states that he who believes and baptized will be saved and he who does not believe will be condemned. Thus as we just looked at faith and works, belief (faith) and baptism (works) will save us. This is through our faith in God and obeying His will.

Heaven is a place for those that have obeyed the will of the Father. It is a place for those who have contended for the faith. It is a place for those who have their name written in the book of life (Revelation 21:27). As Paul mentions to Timothy to contend means we are in a fight for the faith (II Timothy 4:7-8). It is an uphill climb and the reward is worth it all. Are you ready to be a contender? Or are you a pretender? Will you go all the way body and spirit with God?

Contend for the faith earnestly!

Daniel N. Sanders

Friday, February 19, 2010

Leaving Our First Love (Revelation. 2:4)

There was a problem that the church of Ephesus was dealing with. Jesus notices their works and had a very large concern. This was the fact the they had left their first love. As Paul in his last time we have recorded of him being with the elders of Ephesus had concern and was trying to encourage them to stay faithful.

However this was not the case. Jesus rebukes them because they have left their first love. They decided to leave God and turn to elsewhere. Jesus in this same instance calls for them to repent or else it will be too late for them!

This is a concern for us today also. Many that have turned to God have also fallen away from God. They have left their first love. It is a concern for us all to be watchful of such things and try to help when we can.

I am reminded of the parable of the sower where the seed fell on the stony ground. The word was received and the seed produced. Yet because of the lack of earth and the roots has nowhere to grow stronger it crumbled.

Many who have obeyed the gospel and put on Christ through baptism have a desire and passion at the first part. One wants to be involved with everything and do whatever they can. Then sadly some become fizzled out with their Faith. One no longer wants to be involved and sadly some fall away from God. This has to be a concern for us all! We have to be watchful and try to help strengthen the roots of those that may be falling away and leaving their first love.

We need to be there for our brethren in these times and be with them always to know they are not alone and that they have help from their brethren and from God! We need to come back to reality and seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33) This our duty and responsibility. It is to fear God and keep His commandments (Eccl. 12:13).

Let us be reminded that if we leave our first love we are putting ourselves in jeopardy of eternity. Let us be reminded that we do have responsibilities to God and remember to not leave God because he will not leave us!

Daniel Sanders

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Productive But.....

How many of us build up for retirement? A member of my family is currently in that position to be able to retire this year. He has been very productive and I know he is looking forward to retirement. I know at some point we all would like to be in this situation where we work hard and at some point we want to sit back and enjoy life a little more and spend it with our families or however we would like to spend it.

But in all of this have we considered our soul? As we build up for this opportunity for ourselves have remembered God? In Luke 12:13-21 we have this situation. God was not remembered in all of this.

As we look at this passage we can come to an agreement that this farmer was being very productive. As he was trying to store that way he could eventually sit back eat drink and be merry. However in all of this hard work he forgot about God!

It is God who blesses us with all things. We have been blessed with the abilities to provide for our families and get to this point. He wasn't rich toward God! we should not allow outside distractions to hinder our service to God.

It is okay to be productive but we must always remember it is God who was given us this opportunity and blessing! It is a true blessing and we have all taken it for granted. However through the grace and mercy of God we have been blessed to still be called a child of God. Are we being productive towards God? Let us try and be a better Christian in the future than we have in the past!

Daniel Sanders

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My opinion may not be yours

There are some points in the Bible that have questions. There are certain scriptures that could go both ways. Things like baptism, faith and works, God, love, Christ, our duties in spreading the gospel, and sin are clear and straight to the point. These have been given straight forward answers. There cannot be any other way but the way that is stated in these verses containing these examples.

Then there some questions that have arisen for instance about head covering. In First Corinthians 11:2-16 we are given one of these instances. The verses talk about head covering for a woman. It says that they shall cover there heads. However also stated in these verses "
But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering." (Verses 15).

The Bible here states that both are acceptable. If a woman has a there head shaved or they are shorn then one may need a cover. However if they have long hair then it is a glory to her. Both can be acceptable. If one has long hair and still wants to wear a cover then what is the problem?

However, one cannot force this opinion that one with hair has to wear a cover. The opinion that one carries on an issue like this cannot be forced upon anyone else. The issue isn't of one with hair shaved or being shorn. We cannot force this opinion on someone else having the attitude of "do this or else".

There are many questions in society today that can be both ways. For instance the way services are to be conducted. We are told and given examples of on the first day of the week to partake of the Lord's Supper, singing, praying, teaching and being exhorted and encouraged. However, it doesn't say you are to do them in a certain order. Many times one will say that this is way it has been done for years and this is the only way it can be done. Is this correct? If we do all the things that are mentioned for us to do is that not the important thing? I cannot tell how many different congregations I have visited over the years and each one does the services different in some sort of way. How can I say that the way to do the order of services is this way? I should be looking at this as being okay we need to do these things and it doesn't matter the order. God's will not my own be done (Luke 22:42).

However we must as stated in Timothy "rightly divide the Word of truth" in all instances. We must go to the sword for all the answers. The Bible is our Guide (II Timothy 3:16-17)

My opinion may not be yours in instances where both are correct according to the Bible and I must not force this opinion on others saying that it must be done this way. Because the important thing as long as it is not sinful is that the Lord's will be done. As long as it is done in a scriptural and non-sinful way we should look at it as the Lord's will is being done.

Daniel N. Sanders