Today is the Day of Salvation
Luke 19:9
A. As we looked previously we looked at yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
B. Many times in life people dwell in the past and want to change their past to improve themselves.
a. Leading into a dangerous fact that what we did yesterday we can’t change.
i. These last few minutes we can’t change them what was done was done
b. But we can resolve it and improve ourselves from the day before.
c. Many may say “well I was so bad yesterday or in the years before that I am a terrible sinner and God will not accept me.
C. Then there is the concept that we also looked into of tomorrow
a. Tomorrow is yesterday’s today
b. We have seen, heard or done this ourselves
i. Saying well can it wait till tomorrow
ii. Or Let’s just wait till tomorrow
c. This is also a dangerous way of thinking
i. Look at the days of Noah
1. Living life to the fullest
2. Always thinking there would be another day
3. There was until Noah entered the ark
4. All mankind was then wiped off the face of the earth except those that were in the ark
d. (Prov. 27:1) Tells us to not boast about tomorrow
i. Today is the day we need to make things right
1. (Matthew 24:36) We don’t know if this is it or not.
D. Today is the day
a. Look at the text (Luke 19:9)
i. Today is the day of salvation for this house
ii. Words that are spoken to us as well today.
1. Today is the day of salvation tomorrow may be too late.
E. Everyone needs to understand and we need to stress it to others that we can’t change the past we can’t think about the future when our soul is on the line tomorrow may never come today is the day we need to make ourselves right.
a. Our lives are just like grass (I Peter 1:24)
b. It eventually will wither away speaking of our flesh
i. We may never wake up again, breathe on this earth, or open our eyes on the earth.
ii. As it is written with my hands folded in rest.
F. This could be it our last chance for eternal salvation
G. Let’s open our Bible’s and study on this matter.
I. Today is the Day to Obey
A. You know how many times have you heard the fact that one will say let’s talk again tomorrow.
a. Frustrating isn’t it?
b. Look at the Hellenists (Acts 17:32)
i. Don’t you think there was some arrogance there?
ii. When you think about if one shows interest they may say let’s talk again tomorrow.
iii. A positive step in the right direction.
1. But we need to insure in them that tomorrow may never come.
2. Today is the day.
B. Look at the example of Paul.
a. As we look through the conversion account of Saul we learn a lot from him in Acts 9, 22, and 26
b. Acts 22:6-16 we learn the account when he was to be examined by scourging
c. Paul speaks and tells those there what Ananias told him
d. Once he heard the message Ananias told him “Why are you waiting? (verse 26)”
e. Ananias knew there was importance to act now.
i. And thus he let Paul know as well.
f. Paul realized there he needed to obey now today and not to wait any longer.
C. On the down side look at King Agrippa (Acts 26:27-28)
a. Paul is revisiting his conversion in the beginning of the chapter.
b. He tells Agrippa of everything that happened to him and reasons of cause for the conversion
c. Paul then challenges him to believe
i. Can you imagine the people that were there at the time of all this if he did convert.
ii. It always interesting to think of what would have happened.
iii. A man of his position believing that would have caused a big conversion possibly?
1. Wouldn’t it?
d. But Agrippa says you almost persuade me
e. Leading to the sad thought that he didn’t convert that day.
f. It’s sad and we need to reflect on the positive and negative examples to come to the conclusion that today really is the time to make ourselves right
II. Don’t wait any longer
A. As much as we love to think we have time we don’t
a. As we learn from the scriptures it is unexpected.
B. How many times have we heard “when I have a convenient time I will talk to you”
a. These were words that Felix quoted
b. We have all heard it before.
i. We are told now is the acceptable time (2 Cor. 6:2)
C. Time is closer now to salvation than when we woke up this morning. (Romans 13:11)
a. Look at the conclusion “first believed”
i. Obedience is critical and now is the time.
ii. Belief comes through knowing that one is sin and needs to obey and make themselves right holy godly before God
D. A little poetry from a song in Songs of the Church
Today is the day of Salvation
Tomorrow may be too late
There’s danger and death in delaying
Accept God’s Saving grace
Tomorrow may be too Late
E. Today we need to make ourselves right with God not living in flesh but in the will of God (I Peter 4:2)
F. Do you want to start today?
A. Don’t waste another moment.
a. Today if you will hear his voice (Psalms 95:7-8)
B. We are given ample warnings to hear God keep his commandments and do the will of God throughout the Scriptures
C. Obedience is key today (Romans 1:16)
a. And we shouldn’t hesitate (2 Cor. 6:2)
D. Invitation
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