Friday, February 27, 2009

It's Not Easy

As we get older our memories become more abundant. Our memory becomes more in tune to everything that has happen. We remember many childhood memories and things that have happened in our life. We tend to magnify everything that we have accomplished or endured.
The world offers many choices in life. It is never an easy thing when we have to choose God over the world. Temptations arise and try to get us to fail to serve God. Some say it is human nature to give in and some say that it is impossible to do.
Then when we look at ourselves who are Christians and see how we have made a transition from sin to salvation, we over simplify it. Sometimes in our thinking we believe that we should just throw off the old man that lead to sin and now just begin living a new life. It is true that this is what needs to happen. However truth of the matter: it is not easy to make this transition. There are many factors that provoke resistance against conformity to truth and conversion. These are things that may be hard to understand unless we are feeling them ourselves. I can imagine that all of us may have felt this at some point but we still may have takenthe opportunity to change. These are things however that we can definitely overcome if we think that it is not easy.
First of all it is not easy to deny the world. The main reason is that the world as an influence is extremely strong for us to overcome. The reason for this is simple and it is called “human pleasure.” Human passions and pleasures become addictions more towards the world instead of spiritual things. From the beginning of time when Satan tempted Eve he used the idea “do what you want when you want” mentality as been the problem for mankind. This desire for freedom from God has been our ultimate demise and biggest obstacle to overcome.
It’s not an easy thing to do but we are instructed by God to do it (Ephesians 4:17-32). We are given instructions to give up the old sinful world. It leads to corruption and eternal doom. We should no longer lie but instead speak truth. Never put ourselves in sinful situations. If we put off the old sinful world we will put off the things that cause us to sin and avoid them at every cost we can. Follow and understand the purpose that Jesus had in this world.
Are the rules of God a burden? The answer of course is no (I John 5:3). If we love and want God we will follow God’s way. They are not designed to be considering what James says in James 1:25 “perfect law of liberty.” They are a better and best way for us. It is a better life here and now (Gal. 5:22-23), a better way (John 14:6), and a better future (Rev. 21:20-27). Secondly, it is not easy to walk away from a past belief. While growing up we learn many things. Math has always been a strong point for me and I was raised that 2+2=4. I am very skeptical to be told differently. Why won’t we believe anything different? While testing the equation “two” is correct in every way. Therefore we will not except any other type of answer.
Let’s change the scenario: we were raised that all we had to do is accept Jesus as our personal Savior and we will be saved. Then someone teaches you it takes belief and action to be saved. It is not easy to conform to this new knowledge. What must we do to put it to the test?
The Bible is our only source of information concerning salvation
We must go to the Word and test the equation
We must see which concept passes the test
Let’s put it to the test and looking at those on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 222:42). There were many different types of people that witnessed the lesson that Peter presented to them. They heard the message that was delivered that day and it did affect them. Peter used scripture throughout his entire sermon that day. The crowd responded in a way that it cut them to the heart replying “what must we do to be saved.”
They realized at that point that belief was not enough. Peter told them to: “believe, repent, and be baptized to be saved from the perverse generation.” That day there were three thousand souls added to the church. They understood through the message that Peter presented using scripture that they needed more and they obeyed.
Lastly, it is not easy to admit a need for salvation. There are many factors that lead to a role in this situation. Some are embarrassed to know that I have sinned. Well, we all have sinned (Romans 3:23). Some may think: I have waited too long and lived a long life without it and now it is embarrassing to admit this need. It is never too late while we live in this earth (Hebrews 9:27). Some come to the conclusion that if I am baptized I will lose my family. Jesus was aware of this situation (Matthew 10:36-39).
Reality needs to set in that we need to obey God to be found acceptable (Matthew 7:21). God and God alone can save us eternally (Romans 1:16). God has spoken so that we might listen (James 1:17-25).
Not one of these things are easy. We must consider the most important factor: What will cost me more staying the same or changing according to God’s will. Are you ready to start something that is not easy but doable and receiving eternal rewards?
Daniel Sanders

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It never ceases to amaze me as to how much compromise has become a problem that we face in this world. I am reminded of how I was at a gospel meeting last year and the guest speaker was talking about this issue. He was mentioning how his son went to college for his degree and had to take some science courses. During one of these courses he was in class and the teacher was talking about how the world was made.

When he concluded the boy realized that God was never an option. It was all evolution and no creation. The boy stood up and asked "what about God?" The teacher goes to say that there is no possibility of that. the teacher goes on to say "if you do not stop talking about God I will flunk you." He needed this course in order to get the degree that he had already put in two and a half years for. The teacher thought he had the edge on this student. Final exam comes and throughout the entire semester this student constantly tried to keep God in. The teacher constantly answered "we just need to compromise and just meet in the middle." Teacher gives him the final exam and no answer when it came to questions about how the world came about had answers for God.

The student got handed the teacher the exam and left. On his way out the teacher looked at him and said once again "if you do not take or pass this exam with the questions and answers on here you cannot graduate and get your degree in this field." The student turned and glanced at teh teacher and replied "I ought to obey God rather than man." He went on to start over again and begin to get a degree in new field of work. Two and a half years that he never got back.

People like this come few and far bewteen. As much as it really stunk that he had to start over again in college it was well worth it all. He never compromised his faith in God for money or a degree. When things like this happen we should praise and encourage people who make the stand for God throughout the world.

The battle of Compromise is a serious situation. We as people when we give in to compromise allow God to slowly be eliminated. Eventually when we meet in the middle on God will eliminate God.

It is imperative for us to make a stand for God always. We should in fact never give in to others when one tries to elminate God. This student quoted Peter from Acts 5:29. Peter and the rest of the apostles realized they couldn't compromise when it came to spreading the gospel. Why should we be any different?

We need to make a stand for Christ and be willing to be a living sacrifice everyday according to god and His will (Romans 12:1-2). It requires a dedictaed heart and an unwillingness to compromise God and meet in the middle. Are we doing everything according to God and His will today and not compromising?


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Abraham: The Faithful Traveler

Abraham: The Faithful Traveler
Hebrews 11:8-10
A. Hebrews 11 speaks of faith
a. Examples that we can see and associate ourselves with
B. Can you imagine for a moment traveling to a place we have never been before
a. A place we may have heard of before
b. A place where our children or descendants would enjoy
i. Our future children and generations would have
c. We don’t know where it is or the direction or anything
C. Would we go on this journey?
a. No true directions or knowledge of how to get there
b. Would we go?
D. Abraham was in this position (Our text)
a. He did so with a great faith
i. IN GOD!!!!!
E. How many of us would do such a thing?
a. Probably not many at all
b. But faith is critical and important in our service to God
i. It is impossible to please Him without faith (Hebrews 11:6)
ii. After all he is the author of our eternal salvation (Hebrews 5:9)
c. We do these things without the physical evidence
i. No physical contact with our senses
F. Just like Abraham here
G. Let’s open our Bibles and study on this matter
I. By faith He went to a place not knowing where he was going
A. Abraham was a nab that had an incredible amount of faith
a. Especially with his faith in God
B. He was a blessed man already (Genesis 11:31)
a. He was taken with his family out to Ur
C. Notice what God said to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3)
a. He told him that he would be blessed
b. He also told him he would receive an inheritance
c. A Place for his descendants to dwell
d. He would have a great nation from him
i. God will bless Him
1. How comforting is that for Abraham
2. Having God with Him
D. What did he do? (Genesis 12:4-6)
a. He obeyed God
i. He understood and went like God told him (Hebrews 11:8)
b. He went and took all of his possessions and those with him and they left from Ur
c. Where was he going?
i. He did not know!
d. He got to Canaan to a certain point
i. He Then received more comfort from God (Genesis 12:7-9)
E. By faith Abraham left for a country with no direction of where he was going
a. Through faith and trust in God it was all made possible
b. God knew where Abraham was going and that was all that mattered
c. He followed and listened to the Lord as his Guide
F. Abraham had a faith that showed itself because God chose him and his seed for the promised land
a. He had faith and this is just one of the examples of faith he had in God
II. The land was for him and His descendants
A. In verse 9 of Hebrews 11 we read about this land that he did not know where he was going was going to be for his children and all of the future generations that were here on the earth
a. Thus it was for Isaac and Jacob
B. This blessing was passed from Abraham to Isaac (Hebrews 11:18)
C. The blessing was passed onto to Jacob through Isaac (Genesis 27:22-29)
a. Jacob posed as being Esau and brought food to his father
b. The blessing that was passed from God through Abraham now comes to Jacob also
c. He blesses him through the blessings of God
i. He was preparing Jacob for the inheritance that God promised Abraham for his descendants
D. The children of Israel represented through the children of Jacob went for through the conquest for the promised land.
a. They encountered many things (Deut. 1:1-8)
i. They had more to do and go through and God still had the land ready for those of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
E. It was passed on to Joshua to lead them into the land (Josh. 1:1-9)
a. It was then fulfilled (Josh 13:1-7; -chapter 22)
b. The land was divided to each nation
III. The inheritance has been passed down to us today
A. Abraham knew there would be a land given to his seed
a. Though he did not see it with his own eyes
B. The inheritance was given to those of Israel and the land was divided
a. However because of their disobedience to God and not following and abiding in God they did what was right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6)
b. Thus leading to separation from God because of their neglect
C. The promise that was given to the seed of Abraham was now given to common man or the “Gentile” (Acts 10:45)
D. Have we ever been to heaven?
a. We should want this and grope for this
b. A place we haven’t seen felt smelled before (Hebrews 11:1)
E. That inheritance is a heavenly city (Hebrews 11:13-16)
a. It is one that God built for those of the promise given to them
i. For those that will obey to His commandments
b. Jesus spoke of this way also (John 14:1-6)
i. Through Christ the heavenly hope and promise is ours
F. Abraham may not have known the way to the promised land but he followed through and by faith
a. We are to do the same also (II Cor. 5:7)
b. We are given what we need to know the way to the eternal inheritance
i. The scriptures
ii. We follow them and apply them through our faith
G. We have trust and are willing to obey by faith we will be blessed (Psalms 2:10-12)
a. We can be like faithful Abraham following by faith to place he didn’t know where he was going to
A. Are willing to trust the God as our Guide starting today?
a. What better time than now!
B. Abraham followed by faith and let God be his guide
a. He trusted and obeyed!
C. He did for the inheritance God promised
a. God has promised us a land also (Rev. 21:22-27)
D. Do we want this land?
a. The Bible gives us the instruction to follow faithfully!
b. For those that are willing to obey God
c. Invitation

Abraham: The Faithful Sacrifice

Abraham: The Faithful Sacrifice
Hebrews 11:17-19
A. Life gives us many choices
a. Choices that may make or break us.
b. God has given us the ability to chose and make decisions for ourselves
i. How are we choosing
B. Then also again there are many sacrifices that we must make
a. They involve many things
i. It may affect:
ii. Christian life
iii. Family
iv. Work
v. Friends
vi. Who we choose as a spouse
1. These are things that we will sacrifice in our ability to choose
2. Not always are the choices easy!
C. We need to understand that God has expectation and sacrifices need to be made
a. Joshua spoke of the choice that he made and that the children of Israel should make also (Joshua 24:15)
D. Let’s ask ourselves a question:
a. Are we willing to sacrifice our own children if God told us to
b. Not many of us may be willing or it may be hard to do
E. Although this may be hard
a. Abraham did so
F. We talked last week about the faithful traveler
a. How Abraham left for a land he didn’t know about
b. A land that God promised to his seed
c. By faith he went and followed as the Lord commanded
d. A lesson of faith
G. Let’s open our Bibles and study on Abraham the Faithful Sacrifice
I. the Commandment given by God
A. Abraham had deep concern about being childless
a. He was promised a land for his seed yet there was no children (Gen. 15:4-6)
b. He believed and had faith that God would provide
B. It came to the point that Sarai was concerned about this problem also
a. To the point of giving her maid to Abraham (Gen. 16:1-4)
C. God said to Sarai you will give birth to a son (Gen 17: 15-22)
a. It was questioned by Sarah because of her age yet she still followed
D. Thus Isaac was born (Gen 21:1-3)
E. He grew and we come to the point of a commandment God made and commanded Abraham to follow (Gen 22:1-2)
a. How many of us would be willing to do something like this?
b. WE finally have our first true son and now we must make him our sacrifice
i. A very tough and hard situation
F. Notice his faith in God (Gen. 22:3-6)
a. He immediately went and left to make this sacrifice
b. But once again notice his faith (Gen. 22:7-8)
i. God will provide the lamb for sacrifice
G. He came to the point of having the knife in his hand about to kill his son when the angel appeared and said (Gen 22:9-12)
a. His faith was proven and the angel confirmed that faith he had in God
b. There was ram that God provided for the sacrifice (Gen. 22:13-14)
H. Abraham by faith was so faithful to God that he was willing to give his son as an offering to God
II. God provided His Son for us
A. As faithful as Abraham was with his offering
a. God was and is also faithful in His offering for us
B. He has offered Son with love (John 3:16)
a. The willingness Jesus had to take on a fleshly body for us to make the sacrifice for us for the hope and promise of eternal salvation for everyone who believes
C. How awesome and wonderful is this sacrifice for us
a. A sacrifice that was made for everyone
b. God bestowing His faithfulness to us by giving His son
D. God said this once again of showing His son and the need to hear Him (Matthew 17:5)
E. Jesus continued even though he knew the death he would die by (Matthew 26:37-39)
a. That is a love for everyone that nobody can compare to
i. By giving His life on the cross
F. He died on the cross for each and every one of us (Matthew 27:27-50)
a. This love came through the shedding of blood and a terrible death that he died by for each and every one of us
A. Abraham was faithful to God by giving his son as an offering
B. The same faith God has shown to us by love through giving His Son
a. To die on the cross for everyone
b. For an eternal home
C. God has given expectations of being faithful to Him
a. Our bodies being the living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2)
D. Are we willing to do this commandment?
a. Being faithful like Abraham
b. Sacrificing our body in service to God
E. We can have the hope and promise of eternal salvation
a. Starting today
F. Are you ready to start?
G. We can help you in this effort starting today!

Sermon on Songs: Guidance

Sermon on Songs
Topic: Guidance
A. In life we all at one point needed guidance
a. Whether it be as children
b. Going to school
c. Starting a new job
d. Starting a life as husband and wife
e. Or even raising children
B. We all need a push or guide in the right way so that we can do things hopefully the right way
C. Our Christian life is no exception
a. Guidance is needed
b. A life in service to God should make us seek the Guidance From God (Acts 17:27)
i. God is not far from us if we do make ourselves open to God and His Guidance
ii. We should make our self known to God that we do need his guidance and help and care for us (Psalms 71:12)
D. We need to seek His ways (Romans 11:33)
a. So deep and wide is His ways and judgments and thoughts and wisdom
b. Nothing can compare to it
c. We should all want to make this point of seeking Him and letting Him Guide us.
E. His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalms 119:97-105)
a. Our thoughts should be the His law
b. Nothing is in comparison to it
i. The knowledge of God is so much more wisdom than the pen and brain of man
c. The words of God and the sound and being able to say them what sweet words they are
i. Just to know His ways even more
d. In a nutshell the end is guidance
i. We need God and we need His word
ii. It is our light of life and the only possible knowledge of the hope an promise of eternal salvation.
F. Let’s sing the songs of needing guidance from God

I. I need Thee Every Hour (Number 52) Psalms 86:1
A. Aren’t we all needy?
B. We all need God!!!!
a. At all times of the day
b. To make a constant stand against our opposition of sin
c. Temptations can be turned aside with having God near
C. The need for God will be understood through knowing his ways
II. Standing On The Promises(Number 176) II Peter 1:4
A. Trusting God and His Promises goes far
a. If we Trust in God and His Promises we can prevail
i. Eternally
B. His Promises give us reasons to shout and sing
C. Everyday battles we can and will overcome with the sword (Hebrews 4:12)
a. The sword of the spirit which gives the separation of body and spirit
III. Give Me The Bible (Number 501) Psalms 119:97-105
A. We should all seek the Bible
a. We should ask to have the Bible
B. After all it is our Guide
C. Nothing can hide it and its Laws and Precepts that God has given so freely to us
D. It gives light to all and shows the glory of God
a. All we need to do is say “Give Me The Bible”.
b. If we do this we can see the glory of God (Rev 21:23)
IV. Take My Hand, Precious Lord (Number 62) Psalms 139:10
A. In times of lowliness and problems we may reach out our hand for help
a. When no one will help we can turn to God
b. Ask God to take our hand and be our Guide
B. We may be wanting have our life end and thus if we turn to God
a. He can and will lead us home to Him
V. Guide Me Oh Thou Great Jehovah (Number 40) Psalms 31:3
A. Thru Life we have had trials and tribulations
a. Ask God for our Guidance
B. David asked God to guide Him
a. To have better knowledge of His ways
C. We should give the glory back to God and thank Him for the guidance He has given us
a. And it should be done constantly
i. Forever
VI. Anywhere With Jesus (Number 192) Matthew 28:20
A. How comforting is it to know that Jesus will be with us always
a. He was with the disciples of time past
i. Those that were professing and teaching according to the Father’s will
b. He is also with us today
i. Some truly comforting words
B. Nothing will give me fear with Jesus on my side (Psalms 23)
a. I can safely go anywhere with Jesus
C. We are never alone as long as we understand the fact that Jesus is with us
D. We need to be ready to go anywhere with Jesus
a. The way that he points is the way I need to go
b. He gives the guidance and we should follow
Invitation: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (631) John 8:12
A. We all need to hear the voice of Jesus
a. If we listen to His voice we will find the resting place
b. If we love Him Keep the Commandments (John 14:15)
i. What he says
B. Jesus is the Light
a. In Him we will find no darkness
b. We need to follow his example
C. Jesus has made offers of coming to him and finding rest
D. Are we willing to find the rest in Him
E. Are we hearing the Voice of Jesus Say
F. Invitation

2009 Walk the Line

2009 Walk the Line!


A. Leading into 2009 a new year means a fresh start.

B. We all have been blessed with life and almost the start of a new year.

C. A day in which is a fresh start and forgetting about the mistakes of the year before.

D. There are things that are great about the untold future, and nothing can stop us on this course from the year before.

E. We are told to build throughout our lives especially our own lives (Acts 20:32) and to build one another in life (I Thess 5:11).

F. So let us look at things that we can build on for the new year of 2009.

I. Faith

A. Faith is the absolute foundation of our action and intention.

B. Faith as to be in every thought of our hearts in pleasing God (Hebrews 11:6).

a. Our lives cannot start with God without faith (II Peter 1:5-10). Faith is at the start of this in adding to everything.
b. Christ is our structure, which everything else must rest on.
c. Without faith virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love keeps one away from being bound to a person from being a disciple of Christ.
d. Without these we will follow the difficult way (Matthew 7:13-14)

C. Our faith needs to be strong.

a. We have to go to the source to find that strong faith.
b. Romans 10:17 tells us the source is from the Word of God.
c. This must be understood to also mean that the application of the word is a necessary action.
d. Paul demonstrated this in his letter to Timothy to “give himself entirely” (I Tim. 4:13, 15-16)

D. Faith is developed through the knowledge and understanding of Savior (Hebrews 11:6b).

a. Who He is. Genesis chapter 1 and 2 Psalm 19:1-11 Acts 17:24-27
b. What he is has done for us. John 3:16
c. What he continues to do for us. Romans 1:16
d. What he expects from us. James 1:17-22
e. Knowledge of his rewards. Hebrews 11:6
f. His daily help. I Cor. 10:13
g. His constant care. I Peter 5:7
h. His promise of everlasting life. John 14:1-6

E. Strong faith can accomplish great things. We can be better servants of God and can bring more souls to him.

II. Kindness

A. The Greek form of brotherly kindness is philos-storgio.
a. It is a “selfless care” to watch and care for others.
b. Romans 12:9-11 describes its admonitions.
c. The care in this passage talks about material things.
i. However it can also be for spiritual things also.

B. Sometimes it’s very easy to slip into “oblivion” where we think about ourselves only.
a. When we live in oblivion we fail as a follower of Christ to be what we need to be for everyone around us.

C. We are going to do a quick run through things we need to be for others.
a. Romans 12:10-16
b. Romans 13:8
c. Romans 15:5
d. Romans 15:7
e. Romans 15:14
f. Eph. 4:2
g. Eph 4:32
h. Col 3:13
i. I Thess 3:12
j. I Thess 4:9
k. I Thess 4:18
l. Hebrews 3:13
m. Hebrews 10:24
n. James 5:16
o. I Peter 1:22
p. I Peter 3:8
q. I Peter 4:8-9

D. These are 18 references to pay attention to our brethren.
a. Succeeding in these requires kindness—Selfless concern for another’s well-being.
E. With a strong measure of kindness we can accomplish great things.
a. We can be better servants of God and bring more souls to God.

III. Zeal

A. Zeal is simply excitement
a. It is a strong desire.
b. It’s interesting to see how people can accomplish great things when they are excited.
c. There are many stories of great accomplishments; all were achieved because they were excited about completing this goal.

B. 1849 is a great example of Zeal.
a. People of all different types of o ccupations became gold miners.
b. This was known as the Gold Rush.
c. So many people gave up everything to move out west because of the excitement of getting gold.
d. Zeal helped all these people get through the tough times to keep going.

C. We need Zeal in laying to the hope Jesus Promises.
a. Jesus plainly told us the way, which leads to life, it is difficult but we can make as long as we keep zeal in us at all times.
b. The descriptions of Hell should motivate us to avoid that place at all costs (Matthew 25:30,41,46).
c. The beautiful descriptions of Heaven should motivate us to make that place our home (Matthew 25: 21, 23, 34)

D. We keep our zeal strong by recognizing our role in the success of this work.
a. There is no more zealous worker than one who knows the work will never be the same without help (Eph 4:16).
b. Every member is needed.
c. We are not the complete without your abilities.
d. Once again with strong zeal we can be better servants of God and bring more souls to God.


A. There are great things about the untold future in that we have a course to follow and no one can stop us from that.
a. We have a great goal, which is Heaven.
b. We have to do things which requires us all to have faith, kindness, and zeal.
c. Let’s determine to make this the best year to help bring lost souls to Christ and to better ourselves in our service as well.
d. Are you ready for that.

Carrying our Own Weight

Bearing our own Weight
Judges 7:21
A. A courageous and valiant man Gideon
a. Standing there with his 300 hundred men preparing for battle
b. A great lesson of faith in God and the Power and awesome work of the Lord
i. With God on our side who can prevail against us?
B. The lesson we want to focus on here pertains from verse 21 of this chapter
a. The lesson of how the men that were with Gideon stood their ground
b. They carried their own weight
i. These men few in number against thousands of other people still did one thing
ii. They held their own ground by doing their own job
C. These men that were with Gideon carried their own weight still doing their own jobs even though they were low in number
D. As Christians that are in Christ there are many different things that we need to do and it requires carrying our own weight
a. Working in the vineyard
b. A working spouse
c. Raising our children in Christ (Eph 6:4)
i. Not relying on the government
ii. Or the TV
1. Or the child care system
iii. It’s a responsibility of us and requires our own physical input on raising our children in the Lord
d. It also is requires in our physical work
i. OUR hands shall be blessed (II Chr. 15:7)
1. This requires us doing our physical work with our own hands
E. We can also apply this to our spiritual lives as well
a. Obeying to God’s will (Matthew 7:21)
i. His will ONLY
b. It requires work
c. How we look on the judgment day?
i. We all will be held accountable for our own actions (Romans 14:12)
ii. The day will come and we will be asked if we carried our own weight?
iii. Do we do everything we could in service to Christ?
F. Will we hear these words of entrance? (Matthew 25:21)
a. Or will we hear words of eternal doom (Matthew 7:22-23)
G. We all have great responsibility of doing our share and load of work
a. We can’t rely on others and think that everyone will do it all for us
b. We need to the “I can” attitude
H. Let’s open our Bibles and study more on this matter
I. Does this describe you? (Read the sheet entitled “Wanted”)
A. Is this something that we can associate ourselves as?
a. This is one who understands exactly what it means to bear their own weight
b. This is one who carries their own weight in a holy and acceptable will of God (Romans 12:1-2)
i. Don’t let the world mold you and make you not be a worker for the Lord
1. Instead be one who is transformed through the knowledge of the scriptures
B. One that carries their own weight is one who is willing to make the proper sacrifices
a. Look at what Christ speaks of (Matthew 10:37-38)
i. Carrying the weight of the cross of Christ
ii. Being an example
1. The same example that Paul speaks of imitating (I Cor. 11:1)
iii. Carrying our own weight will make us be counted worthy
b. Jesus speaks to everyone to follow Him (Mark 8:34)
c. This is one that will not allow outside interferences bother their service to God
C. This all comes through looking ahead and wanting to constantly grow in spirit and truth (II Peter 3:18)
a. Constantly do good in the name of God (Col. 3:17) and we will reap great rewards (Gal. 6:9)
D. One that carries their own weight has a strong zeal for God and good works (Titus 2:14)
a. Ex. California Gold Rush
E. One that carries their own weight in service to God realizes that in order to be effective in this work we have to be of the same mindset as we try and lead others

II. Be a hearer and doer
A. There is a strong necessity to be one that carries their own weight
a. It is much more than just acknowledgement when it comes to service to Christ
i. Not just saying yes I believe in Christ
1. A true Christian or one that wants to be in Christ understands the need for more than just acknowledgement of Christ
ii. It requires action!
b. We can’t rely on others to do all the work
i. We all need to do our share
ii. The church will only be effective as its weakest member
1. We are a complete body (Eph 4:16)
B. There is a need to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only
a. Look at James 1:17-25)
b. Hearing is an important need for us all to have
i. Hearing in the Word more specified
1. The Word that was in the beginning (John 1:1)
a. And it was God’s word
ii. Following the Word through faith (Romans 10:17)
c. But this is not it
d. James wrote here about a need for being doers also
C. This requires efforts to maintain and keep the word and apply it to ourselves also.
D. This requires us all to be a worker for the Lord
a. In Service
i. Throughout the communities
b. To go and spread the gospel (Mark 16:15)
i. We are only as strong as the weakest member
ii. How will we be judged in the last days
1. Are we hearers and doers?
2. Or just Hearers?
3. Will be judged as a righteous worker in the Lord?
a. Or one that was just there to fill the pew?
4. These are questions we need to ask ourselves
A. How will be judged in the last days
a. All will be judged (II Cor. 5:10)
B. Do you want to be worker for the Lord
a. Jesus is looking for reapers (John 4:35)
C. Do you want to be a worker for the Lord?
D. A Christian is one who is willing to make the proper sacrifices for God
a. We all need to carry our weight to be the most fervent and effective working member for Christ
E. We can help you start today in being this g worker for God
a. In the end the reward of eternal salvation (Romans 6:23)/Invitation

Today is the Day of Salvation

Today is the Day of Salvation
Luke 19:9
A. As we looked previously we looked at yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
B. Many times in life people dwell in the past and want to change their past to improve themselves.
a. Leading into a dangerous fact that what we did yesterday we can’t change.
i. These last few minutes we can’t change them what was done was done
b. But we can resolve it and improve ourselves from the day before.
c. Many may say “well I was so bad yesterday or in the years before that I am a terrible sinner and God will not accept me.
C. Then there is the concept that we also looked into of tomorrow
a. Tomorrow is yesterday’s today
b. We have seen, heard or done this ourselves
i. Saying well can it wait till tomorrow
ii. Or Let’s just wait till tomorrow
c. This is also a dangerous way of thinking
i. Look at the days of Noah
1. Living life to the fullest
2. Always thinking there would be another day
3. There was until Noah entered the ark
4. All mankind was then wiped off the face of the earth except those that were in the ark
d. (Prov. 27:1) Tells us to not boast about tomorrow
i. Today is the day we need to make things right
1. (Matthew 24:36) We don’t know if this is it or not.
D. Today is the day
a. Look at the text (Luke 19:9)
i. Today is the day of salvation for this house
ii. Words that are spoken to us as well today.
1. Today is the day of salvation tomorrow may be too late.
E. Everyone needs to understand and we need to stress it to others that we can’t change the past we can’t think about the future when our soul is on the line tomorrow may never come today is the day we need to make ourselves right.
a. Our lives are just like grass (I Peter 1:24)
b. It eventually will wither away speaking of our flesh
i. We may never wake up again, breathe on this earth, or open our eyes on the earth.
ii. As it is written with my hands folded in rest.
F. This could be it our last chance for eternal salvation
G. Let’s open our Bible’s and study on this matter.
I. Today is the Day to Obey
A. You know how many times have you heard the fact that one will say let’s talk again tomorrow.
a. Frustrating isn’t it?
b. Look at the Hellenists (Acts 17:32)
i. Don’t you think there was some arrogance there?
ii. When you think about if one shows interest they may say let’s talk again tomorrow.
iii. A positive step in the right direction.
1. But we need to insure in them that tomorrow may never come.
2. Today is the day.
B. Look at the example of Paul.
a. As we look through the conversion account of Saul we learn a lot from him in Acts 9, 22, and 26
b. Acts 22:6-16 we learn the account when he was to be examined by scourging
c. Paul speaks and tells those there what Ananias told him
d. Once he heard the message Ananias told him “Why are you waiting? (verse 26)”
e. Ananias knew there was importance to act now.
i. And thus he let Paul know as well.
f. Paul realized there he needed to obey now today and not to wait any longer.
C. On the down side look at King Agrippa (Acts 26:27-28)
a. Paul is revisiting his conversion in the beginning of the chapter.
b. He tells Agrippa of everything that happened to him and reasons of cause for the conversion
c. Paul then challenges him to believe
i. Can you imagine the people that were there at the time of all this if he did convert.
ii. It always interesting to think of what would have happened.
iii. A man of his position believing that would have caused a big conversion possibly?
1. Wouldn’t it?
d. But Agrippa says you almost persuade me
e. Leading to the sad thought that he didn’t convert that day.
f. It’s sad and we need to reflect on the positive and negative examples to come to the conclusion that today really is the time to make ourselves right
II. Don’t wait any longer
A. As much as we love to think we have time we don’t
a. As we learn from the scriptures it is unexpected.
B. How many times have we heard “when I have a convenient time I will talk to you”
a. These were words that Felix quoted
b. We have all heard it before.
i. We are told now is the acceptable time (2 Cor. 6:2)
C. Time is closer now to salvation than when we woke up this morning. (Romans 13:11)
a. Look at the conclusion “first believed”
i. Obedience is critical and now is the time.
ii. Belief comes through knowing that one is sin and needs to obey and make themselves right holy godly before God
D. A little poetry from a song in Songs of the Church
Today is the day of Salvation
Tomorrow may be too late
There’s danger and death in delaying
Accept God’s Saving grace
Tomorrow may be too Late
E. Today we need to make ourselves right with God not living in flesh but in the will of God (I Peter 4:2)
F. Do you want to start today?
A. Don’t waste another moment.
a. Today if you will hear his voice (Psalms 95:7-8)
B. We are given ample warnings to hear God keep his commandments and do the will of God throughout the Scriptures
C. Obedience is key today (Romans 1:16)
a. And we shouldn’t hesitate (2 Cor. 6:2)
D. Invitation

Yesterday and Tomorrow

Yesterday is gone and Tomorrow may never come
Psalms 95:7-8
A. I am reminded many times in life of hearing about the past.
a. Whether it be myself talking about my past, or if some one else is telling me about there past history,
b. Or even in school hearing and learning about US and European history
B. There have been times where people have talked about how they wish to change their past.
a. From their own decisions, or other things
C. People look at their past and dwell in the past.
a. Knowing that the past can’t be changed
b. As much as we would like a time machine to tell ourselves what is a good decision and what is a bad decision we can’t change that
c. What was done was done and we can’t change it
d. But we can improve
D. Then there are those who look ahead to the future.
a. Wanting better educate themselves for the future
i. Having a good and steady job, family, etc.
E. Or there is the famous comment
a. “well we will see about this tomorrow”
F. There is a song that I have heard many times growing up written by a somewhat well-known artist. “If tomorrow ever comes”
a. How true is this song?
b. Many dwell of looking ahead putting some things off in life.
c. Waiting for tomorrow
d. When knowledge comes up in knowing that tomorrow may never come (James 4:13-14)
i. Not boasting and looking ahead
ii. Life is short
G. Today is the day
a. Not well I heard it before
b. Or maybe I will listen tomorrow
i. (Acts 17:32)
1. Today is the day
H. Look at our text
a. Today if you will hear his voice.
i. Not if you heard before or if you will hear tomorrow
ii. But today.
I. So let’s open our Bibles and Study on this Matter

I. Yesterday is Gone
A. Yesterday is a day that has come and gone.
B. How many times in life we may have wanted to change what we may have done to ourselves and others?
a. Whether we may have harmed ourselves or put others in danger or at risk
C. However bad our past may have been we can still change from what we may have been before
a. (I Peter 4:3) How we may have walked in our past lifetime doing bad things or as Peter put the will of the Gentiles
i. Fortune cookie And radio program on sex
ii. Also Girl at Mount Union
D. How many times we may think that because of our past God may not accept us.
a. But he provides a way of escape from sin for everyone. (Matt 9:13)
i. He came to save sinners
ii. That is why he gave us a way of escape.
E. To change our past
a. Thus leading to repentance. (Luke 13:3)
i. Meaning to make a change and turn to God (Acts 26:20)
ii. Seeing the error in ones life
iii. To see, to change, and to keep from falling back into error
iv. If you repent you want to make change.
F. Yesterday is gone and there is change needed in one’s life (Romans 3:23)
a. To flee from sin

II. Tomorrow may never come
A. Tomorrow is something that is ahead
a. For what is tomorrow “yesterday’s today”
B. How many times do we hear “I will do it tomorrow” or “can’t it wait till tomorrow”
a. We need to have a change in these thoughts
C. Jesus says not to worry (Matthew 6:34)
D. Go back to (James 4:13-14)
a. Don’t boast about tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1)
i. We don’t know what will come forth
b. Our lives are unexpected
E. If we always look up in the sky and dream and wish it were tomorrow.
a. It may never come
F. Jesus talks about it in the gospels so much that the earth is coming to an end and only the Father knows when it will come.
a. As in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:36-39)
b. Many were doing what they wanted to do in those days
c. Thinking about tomorrow
d. Didn’t listen to Noah
e. What Happened?
i. When Noah entered the ark the floods came and took the lives of many
ii. Thinking about tomorrow and not obeying God.
G. We are told to watch (Matthew 24:42-44) and pray (Matthew 26:41)
H. Tomorrow may never come and we should think about the change today
A. If we have these thoughts of dwelling in the past and thinking about tomorrow it is dangerous.
B. If dwell in the past how can we change?
a. Always wishing we could change ourselves back then or Thinking along the lines of “well I was so bad back then that I don’t think God will accept me”
b. God provided us a way of escape to change ourselves
i. To seek him
ii. To repent of the past sins
iii. To confess who we are seeking
iv. And to be baptized
v. Living faithfully everyday
vi. Start it today
C. To not look ahead to tomorrow
a. Don’t waste anymore time
b. Start a new life today
c. Tomorrow may never come
d. Today is the day of salvation.
e. Tomorrow may be too late.
D. Invitation