Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All In

All In!
II Timothy 3:16-17
A. Have we ever heard this term?
a. The though and term of being all in
b. We put all of our chips in
i. The risk of being eliminated
ii. We don’t hold anything back
B. We have a problem and involves a liberal vs. conservative battle
a. This has been an ongoing battle with the church and also
b. People will tweak the scriptures and away from truth and this is where the problem as really generated
i. They have the name of church of Christ and believe that it is still okay
ii. For example we follow the scriptures entirely but we have a kitchen
iii. I follow the scriptures almost entirely but I still like fornicate
iv. I follow the scriptures except I still like to _____________
c. One believes they are okay at percentage of following the scriptures
C. We are now coming up in our election and we have a few candidates that have different views
a. The Republican and Democratic parties
i. More or less the Conservative vs. Liberal
ii. This is a battle that has been going on with the church
iii. It also a battle in society with government
b. Conservative vs. Liberal
i. What the Bible says vs. Everything else
c. The problem with this election is that there isn’t really a true conservative left
i. This is the problem with Christians today
ii. They aren’t all in with the Bible
iii. As is the candidates left that call themselves conservatives
D. The scriptures as we read in II Timothy 3:16-17 are complete
a. They give all sustenance for what we need to follow God faithfully and entirely
b. The scriptures are complete
i. We need to be all in with the scriptures
ii. It comes with a well devotion to God and want for God
iii. Because God provides everything for us that we do need
E. Let’s open out Bibles and study more on this matter
I. All in with Faith
A. Our faith is our foundation as a Christian
a. We start with our faith and then build from there
b. Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6)
i. We can’t do any less than 100 percent
B. If we are all in with faith then we are all in with the scriptures
a. After all faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17)
b. Our faith is built in the Bible
i. The things that were written were so that we would believe
ii. Through our trust in God (Psalms 37:5)
C. It is our duty to live by faith (Romans 1:17)
a. Those that are of God and have full obedience to God are commanded to live by faith
b. This is an action that requires an all in attitude
i. Not just a half dedication
D. We walk by faith (II Cor. 5:7)
a. We walk by the scriptures and let them be our guide
b. We don’t go by the physical things but the things that are ahead
i. Things that we haven’t seen, felt, or seen before
E. Having an all in attitude of faith will give us understanding of Christ (Eph 3:17-19)
a. Unimaginable heights and depth and breadth with love
II. All in For Service
A. We are all servants of God
a. Nobody is any more special than anybody
b. The preacher is a servant just as the member
B. We all have the same goal and though in mind of heaven (Acts 2:38)
a. Having the gift of the Holy Spirit
C. In order to achieve this goal we all need to be servants of God
a. Jesus was to serve (Mark 10:45)
i. He said he was to serve
ii. After all we are to follow the example of Christ
iii. He devoted His life for service for us
iv. He asks us to do the same
D. Jesus said it clearly of who we are to serve (Luke 4:8)
E. We can’t be half way in our service
a. When we have a choice to serve God or serve man
i. We have to choose
ii. Joshua spoke of it (Joshua 24:15)
iii. Christ spoke of it (Luke 16:13)
1. Our loyalty will be affected if we are not all in for service to God
2. How are we choosing?
III. All in with God
A. How dedicated are we to God?
a. Are we allowing outside distractions hinder us?
b. The world vs. God
i. What is close and important to us
ii. Is it God?
iii. Is it our soul?
iv. It is eternal and the world is temporal
B. Have we counted the cost (Luke 14:25-33)
a. Have we looked at our life and counted the cost
b. Are we all in with God?
c. God commands obedience but entirety with it
i. Follow with all our heart (Luke 10:27)
ii. Love obedience and mind must be complete
C. Phillip said to the Eunuch to believe
a. The eunuch needed to be all in with God through obedience and belief
b. He said yes and was baptized
D. To bear the name Christian it means to be all in with God
a. God will not accept anything less
E. He even spoke to Israel about their Sacrifice wasn’t worthy a lesson that shows we need to all in with God (Malachi 1:7-8)
a. God spoke to Israel to give the best and it is required of us also
A. Are we all in with our faith?
a. Our Service
b. All in with God
B. The plan of salvation has been laid out for us
a. It requires us to be all in
b. Are we willing?
C. What better time than now to start!
D. Invitation

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