Saturday, August 28, 2010

Abraham: The Friend of God

Abraham a man that we can relate to is know in James 2:23 as being a friend of God. Abraham was a man after God’s own heart. It was his desire to follow God. He left us an example that we should follow to also be known as a friend of God. It was counted to Abraham because of his righteousness.

We may ask ourselves “how we can be known as a friend of God?” All we have to do is look at the example of Abraham. Abraham was a man who lived under the law but it was not the law that justified Abraham as being a friend of God it was his righteousness (Galatians 3:1-9). He was a man who desired to follow what God commanded.

Notice in James 2:14-25 leading up to Abraham being called a friend of God. James is pointing out the need for faith and works both needed together to be pleasing in the eyes of God. Without faith we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6). Without works how can faith be justified James 2?

Abraham was a man after God’s own heart. It was his desire to trust God in helping him through all things.

He left his home land not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8-12). How many of us would do this? Leaving our home and packing up what we could and leaving not knowing the direction. This is what Abraham did. Why? Because God told him to do so (Genesis 12:1-4)! Abraham placed his faith (trust) in God and proved it through his works, by doing what God commanded of him.

This is not all that Abraham did, he also offered his son Isaac, the son of promise as a sacrifice (Hebrews 11:17-19). Abraham was told that through Isaac the inheritance would come (Genesis 18:1-15). Then God commanded Abraham to offer his son as a burnt sacrifice (Genesis 22:1-2). How can any of this make sense? Offer the son of promise yet he was the chosen one of Abrahams seed.

How would we respond? Would we be willing? This is a great question and a very hard question. It is difficult to answer! Is there anything that we would put ahead of Christ?

How did Abraham respond? Isaac asked where the sacrifice was and Abraham responded “The Lord will provide” (Genesis 22:8). Abraham knew in his heart that God would take care of him as long as he heeded God’s word. This says a lot about the character of Abraham. There was nothing that he would put in front of him and his devotion to obeying God’s will in all things.

Abraham justified his faith and works together by obeying God. In all this he was known as a friend of God. He devoted his life to obeying God and it was actions like this that we see God took care of Abraham and his family.

Abraham was a man that put God first in his life (Genesis 22:12). He is a man after God’s own heart. It was his desire to put God first in all things. Why we may ask? The reason is that God will provide take care and Abraham trusted God, for this he in return was remembered by all as a faithful man. He as we should fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). This is our whole duty. This was Abraham’s duty in life. This is how he was recognized as being a friend of God.

We have the same opportunity to be counted as a friend of God and receive blessings just as Abraham. We have to obey God and his will and we now can do this through baptism (Galatians 3:26-29). We then can be counted as a friend of God and receive an inheritance just as Abraham received his inheritance. Are we desiring to obey God’s will?

Daniel Sanders

Friday, August 20, 2010

Obeying God Reaps Rewards

It is a hard task to be a child of God. But think about all the great rewards child of God can have (Revelation 21:22-27). It is place in the end where we are not ashamed to call God our God and we are His people (Hebrews 11:16).

However there are many battles that we do face today in the world. Things that can hinder our obedience to god if we allow such things to happen. For instance government is making it harder in this world to be a Christian. The rules and laws that are being passed makes it harder to be a Christian. There are many countries that do not have these same freedoms that we can enjoy. In fact they make it illegal to practice Christianity in certain countries.

Still there are people who are continuing to preach the gospel in these areas. We should feel encouraged by their actions like this. We even have examples of people in the Bible who made a stand like this.

Notice in Daniel 3 where we can find this example. We are introduced to three individuals that took a stand to turn to God instead of man. King Nebuchadnezzar made a decree and an image for all to fall down and worship (Daniel 3:4-7). This however is a direct violation of the law as God stated in Deut. 5:6-9. God explained clearly that idolatry was not to be followed. God is jealous and does not want anyone to worship any other gods.

However, in this decree the king decided this was what he wanted. Because of this it was brought to his attention that people in authority under his rule were not following this decree (Daniel 3:8-18). He offered them another chance to fall down and worship this image but they still declined.

They had an understanding like Peter that it was better to serve the living God than the rule of man (Acts 5:29). However we want to be clear on certain things that we do have to follow the laws of man. However if it is different than what the law of God is then we must follow God first man second. This is what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego did. They followed until the king made a decree that went against God and His will.

The King be furious went ahead with the consequences that would come upon those who didn’t fall down and worship the king and this image. They were to be thrown in the fiery furnace. Even with death on the line these three individuals wouldn’t not bow down to these rules. It is with this that we can commend them for their obedience to God. It is this example that we see that we should have the same desire to obey God and not falter in this life of turning away from God.

In the end of this they were thrown in the fiery furnace. But, they were not forgotten! God took care of these three men because of their obedience to God. They came out of this fire with no hair burnt on their heads nor even the smell of fire when they came out. Three men went in and four were seen in there (Daniel 3:19-25). God sent help to these individuals in their time of need.

It is a lesson to us that we should recognize that God takes care of His people (I Peter 2:9). We can be His people if we will obey His will (Matthew 7:21). In the end God rewards and takes care of His people (Revelation 22:14). In seeing the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego we can see that God prevails takes care and rewards those who will obey His will. Are you obeying God’s will?

Daniel Sanders


While I was in junior high and high school, I served as tutor to a fellow student who had special needs. I had opportunity to work with him in math and science. Over this time I had helped him continue to study and learn more about these certain subjects. As a tutor, it was my job to make sure the lessons were understood. It was my duty to share with him an understanding of each lesson and what was the point of each one.

It is opportunities like this that we should take in tutoring others and ourselves more about the Bible. As a tutor, we need to take opportunities to not only help others but help ourselves also. We should listen to what we may be tutoring others about! We should not play the hypocrite and not believe in what we are sharing with others (II Timothy 3:16-17).

As we have studied the Old Testament, it served as a tutor for us in this life. The Old Testament served as a tutor to guide to an understanding of obedience that Gods will must be followed (Galatians 3:19-25)! It has been a tutor for us also in the fact that it has led us to Christ. The Old Testament has served as a guide to see the spiritual state of humankind. It served a purpose to see how sinful man was in turning away from God to their own reasoning (Judges 21:25). It is with this mentality that man has pushed further away from God in all this. It has led to the point that God’s only Son had to come into the world to be a Savior for us all (John 3:16). This was God demonstrating His love still for us.

The Old law served its purpose in tutoring us still that obedience to God is still necessary under the new way of life. If you love God and Jesus then keep His commandments (John 14:15). Jesus has taught us what it takes to be ready for things to come (Mark 1:16-17). We must repent, that is we must recognize sin and then turn away from it. It is through God that we can know the way (John 14:1-6). This is how we have been tutored today to be prepared for the things to come. It demonstrates what God expects through the Old and New law that obedience is necessary (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

Also in being a tutor it is our duty in this life to help others after we have helped ourselves know what it takes to be a child of God. We have to practice what we teach. In order to be a tutor or help to others we have to know what we are saying. Many have served as a tutor to others but has done it through teaching a false doctrine. We have to be on guard in being a tutor rightly dividing the word of truth (II Timothy 2:15).

Phillip served as a tutor to the Ethiopian Eunuch in helping him know more of the way (Acts 8:26-40). The Ethiopian Eunuch did not know what he was reading. He knew he had scripture but he did need a tutor to help him understand more. Phillip was guided to the Ethiopian Eunuch to serve that purpose to him. It was Phillip would give an understanding of what he was reading, whom it was about, and what he needed to do. Phillip gave him this guidance by being a tutor for him.

It is with this that we can see the results of the Ethiopian Eunuch that he understood more and understood what he must do to be saved. He went on his way rejoicing through being baptized for the remission of his sins. We have to in this life take the role of Phillip and share with others the good news. It comes through being a tutor and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone (Mark 16:15). Jesus has shared with us what we must do now we must share it with others. Are we being a tutor in the world for Christ? DANIEL SANDERS