Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rewarding Evil (Proverbs 17:13)

I am reminded by recent events of the Nobel Peace award given. However when I think about this how can this be correct. The Peace hasn't been kept. In fact, the award has been given for someone that is doing evil. A person who doesn't see a problem in committing murder especially to young infants (yes they are children) is quite disturbing. When we allow evil to be rewarded evil stays.

In fact others also see the evil and see it as being acceptable.I am reminded of this Proverb so many times. Many who practice evil also reward others who practice evil. Thus evilness stays in one's own house.

How can we get away from it then? Well, let us recognize what evil is! Let us see the problem and not reward others who practice it. You can do a lot with condemning rather than rewarding it. People are confused when one gets rewarded for evilness. It stays around and then those in the house see it as okay.

Stand up and turn from evil. Turn to God (James 4:7-10)!!!! DNS