Thursday, September 13, 2007


Yes as many of you know yesterday was 9/11 Patriots Day. A memorial of those who los their lives in a tragic event with the World Trade Center. Those who lost their lives in the crash on the Pentagon. Those who showed one last chance of heroism for their country giving their own life in saving the lives of many more. I remember this day. I remember I was a senior at High school. Just entering third period in American Government. As soon as the bell rang the teacher next door said one of the towers at the Trade Center was hit. 2 Minutes later found out the other tower was struck. A few minutes later he came in again saying that the Pentagon was also attacked. Then their was one plane in the air that turned around and seemed like it was heading back for Washington.

Justina was telling me she was on a field trip somewhere in Ohio. When a huge plane about the same size as those who gave their life to save others flew hundreds of feet above them. Possibly and most likely it was this plane. They didn't realize or hear of the eveents until they got back to school and was sent home. Amazing.

I am reminded of these events. Tragic, yes. A memorial for us yes. A show of heroism, yes. A nation coming together for a moment, yes.

But I want to let everyone know that this is a reminder to us. Not about Armageddon. But about life. It's unexpected. James 4:13-14. We don't know when our life is going to end. It's just a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. These people that day had no idea what was about to come of their life.

Jesus gave his life to save everyone. It seemed tragic to those who followed but it was needed to fulfill prophecy. The ultimate sacrifice for sins. John 3:16. God loved us so much he gave his Son for us. Because He Cares 1 Peter 5:7.

So for a few moments reflect on those who lost their lives on 9/11/01. But remember this also Jesus gave his life for us that we may have the hope of eternal salvation. Through obedience and it's for everyone and that our life is unexpected and could end this very hour.
